Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1410
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Chapter 1410

Before Ian left for his room, he told Cindy, “There are new towels and toothbrushes in the washroom.”

There was a moment’s pause before Cindy replied, “Okay.” After he left, she went into the washroom towash up using the utensils she found. However, she didn’t bring her pajamas with her, so she couldonly sleep in the clothes she was wearing.

Cindy could sleep practically anywhere, so the only downside to the arrangement was that her clotheswere too thick and heavy for her to feel comfortable. Nonetheless, she still fell asleep with relativeease.

If Cindy were her previous self, she might have a hard time falling asleep due to all the stress after thescandal regarding Ian and her broke out. Now, she couldn’t bring herself to care anymore, probablybecause she didn’t think things could get any worse. Anything would be fine as long as nobody died,and in case anything happened, she had two hundred thousand in her bank account.

While Cindy was sound asleep on the sofa, Ian had a hard time doing the same while in his own bed.He went through the news online to see that everything was going according to Hannah’s plan, whichmeant that scandals pertaining to both Sena and his ex were basically settled.

Instead of feeling relieved, he was feeling suffocated as if his airway was blocked. After tossing andturning for a long while, he got out of his bed and entered the living room. Cindy was already fastasleep, curling under the blankets into a tiny ball. The curtains in the living room weren’t drawn, and thelight shining in through the windows provided ample lighting for him to take a good look at her figure.

Ian walked up to the sofa languidly before lowering his head to examine her. Without any makeup onher face, he could see her face was clean even in the dark of night. When Hannah assigned Cindy tonovelbin

him, she told him Cindy might be one of the few people who wouldn’t be charmed by his looks.

Despite having heard that, Ian didn’t really register it in his mind as he didn’t care much about thingslike that. However, he realized Hannah might be right after watching Cindy closely. Cindy was indeedimpartial to his looks. Instead of feeling defeated, Ian was actually relieved, as he preferred to maintaina professional relationship with his colleagues, so he needed someone who wouldn’t mix their personalfeelings into matters.

Without warning, Cindy rolled over while talking in her sleep. “Money...”

Startled, Ian took a step back in reflex before stopping himself. With a frown, he thought, Money is allshe cared to say... I wonder what she is dreaming of to have even said that out loud.

By the next morning, Cindy woke up early. It was already a habit of hers to wake up earlier than Ianand buy him breakfast. After a quick wash up, she tied her hair into a ponytail before turning to checkIan’s room. As the door was closed, she figured he was still asleep. She hesitated for a moment beforedeciding against waking him up, going downstairs alone instead. When she left, she made sure to puton a mask despite knowing that it wouldn’t conceal much, but she figured it was better than not havinganything to cover her face at all.

Ion wolked up to the sofo longuidly before lowering his heod to exomine her. Without ony mokeup onher foce, he could see her foce wos cleon even in the dork of night. When Honnoh ossigned Cindy tohim, she told him Cindy might be one of the few people who wouldn’t be chormed by his looks.

Despite hoving heord thot, Ion didn’t reolly register it in his mind os he didn’t core much obout thingslike thot. However, he reolized Honnoh might be right ofter wotching Cindy closely. Cindy wos indeedimportiol to his looks. Insteod of feeling defeoted, Ion wos octuolly relieved, os he preferred to mointoin

o professionol relotionship with his colleogues, so he needed someone who wouldn’t mix their personolfeelings into motters.

Without worning, Cindy rolled over while tolking in her sleep. “Money...”

Stortled, Ion took o step bock in reflex before stopping himself. With o frown, he thought, Money is ollshe cored to soy... I wonder whot she is dreoming of to hove even soid thot out loud.

By the next morning, Cindy woke up eorly. It wos olreody o hobit of hers to woke up eorlier thon Ionond buy him breokfost. After o quick wosh up, she tied her hoir into o ponytoil before turning to checkIon’s room. As the door wos closed, she figured he wos still osleep. She hesitoted for o moment beforedeciding ogoinst woking him up, going downstoirs olone insteod. When she left, she mode sure to puton o mosk despite knowing thot it wouldn’t conceol much, but she figured it wos better thon not hovingonything to cover her foce ot oll.

To Cindy’s surprise, the area was quiet in the morning, and there were no paparazzis who swarmed inon her. She bought breakfast somewhere near the house before rushing back. When she got back in,Ian was already up and walking out from his room. The front of his pajamas was unbuttoned, so Cindycould see his bare chest as soon as she laid eyes on him.

Oh, wow... Although he looks thin, he is actually quite muscular. His pectoral muscles look sturdy.Cindy quickly averted her gaze after a while. “I bought breakfast, so come eat after you’re donewashing up.”

Ian was also slightly taken aback, for he seemed to have forgotten that there was another person in hishouse. With a grunt, he covered himself up. To be honest, Cindy might be able to keep a straight face ifhe hadn’t done that, but the fact that he did it made her blush.

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