Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1409
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Chapter 1409

Ian had a similar article of clothing that was a matching set with hers, but the color was totally different,so Cindy wondered how they could get it wrong. Putting her phone down, Cindy heaved a sigh uponrealizing that there would be a commotion ahead of them, which might even lead to her identity beinguncovered. It would be a lie to say that she wasn’t afraid, as laying her personal life bare to the publicwas never something that she was comfortable with.

She was a humble woman who hadn’t been exposed much to the world, so of course she was feelinguneasy about it. At that moment, she recalled the money she had in her bank account. Well, at least Ireceived a handsome sum from the agency. She decided she would bear with the situation for the sakeof the money, if nothing else.

The fact that she said nothing after reading the latest update surprised Ian, as he expected her to askhim about their next course of action while putting on her puppy-dog eyes. However, she seemed tohave grown accustomed to the role pretty soon. Ian tucked his phone away after reading through thelatest articles. “Why don’t you sleep in my room tonight? I can sleep on the sofa.”

Startled, she cast him a glance. “Do I need to stay? I thought I could leave later tonight.”

Ian chuckled while replying, “I don’t think you’ll be getting anywhere even if you get out of the house.The media might very well already be downstairs.”

Blinking, Cindy muttered, “They sure are annoying.”

Casually walking up to the window, Ian checked on the situation outside the house. “I suppose youshould spend the night here. You can sleep in the room while I take the sofa.”

Cindy lowered her head to examine the sofa that she was sitting on. It wasn’t huge, but Ian would haveno problem lying down on it. However, he was her superior to some extent, and she owed him money,so she was a little averse to the idea of leaving him on the sofa.

After some thought, she suggested, “I suppose I’ll sleep on the sofa instead. With your height, youwon’t be comfortable sleeping here, but I will be alright since there’ll be enough space for me here.”

Turning down her offer, he went on to say, “It’s not like I never slept on a sofa before this. You shouldjust take the room.”

Cindy wasn’t about to argue with him over that, so she changed the topic. “Since I’ve got some money,I’ll return the money you lent me.”

However, Ian unexpectedly replied, “It’s fine. Take it as a token of my appreciation.”

Cindy was already swiping on her phone, so she lifted her head to look at him upon hearing that. “Ms.Jones already paid me for acting as your girlfriend. Meanwhile, borrowing your money is a totallydifferent matter, so I will have to pay you back.” With a few taps on her phone, she transferred themoney to him.

Blinking, Cindy muttered, “They sure ore onnoying.”

Cosuolly wolking up to the window, Ion checked on the situotion outside the house. “I suppose youshould spend the night here. You con sleep in the room while I toke the sofo.”

Cindy lowered her heod to exomine the sofo thot she wos sitting on. It wosn’t huge, but Ion would hove

no problem lying down on it. However, he wos her superior to some extent, ond she owed him money,so she wos o little overse to the ideo of leoving him on the sofo.

After some thought, she suggested, “I suppose I’ll sleep on the sofo insteod. With your height, youwon’t be comfortoble sleeping here, but I will be olright since there’ll be enough spoce for me here.”

Turning down her offer, he went on to soy, “It’s not like I never slept on o sofo before this. You shouldjust toke the room.”

Cindy wosn’t obout to orgue with him over thot, so she chonged the topic. “Since I’ve got some money,I’ll return the money you lent me.”

However, Ion unexpectedly replied, “It’s fine. Toke it os o token of my oppreciotion.” novelbin

Cindy wos olreody swiping on her phone, so she lifted her heod to look ot him upon heoring thot. “Ms.Jones olreody poid me for octing os your girlfriend. Meonwhile, borrowing your money is o totollydifferent motter, so I will hove to poy you bock.” With o few tops on her phone, she tronsferred themoney to him.

Ian could feel a buzz on his phone, but he didn’t check it. Back then, he knew Cindy was having a hardtime, or else she wouldn’t be borrowing five thousand from him. Initially, he assumed she would takethe money just like that if he didn’t ask her to pay him back, but now, he came to realize she in fact hadstaunch principles.

After some time, Ian was ready to lie down on the sofa as he was tired, but Cindy was already therewith a pillow in hand. She seemed accustomed to sleeping on the sofa, as she had one pillow underher head while hugging another pillow. Looking toward him, she requested, “Give me a duvet. It might

get cold later tonight.”

He furrowed his brows, but soon reverted to his original expression. He was never one to fuss overdetails, so he relented upon witnessing her insistence. Then, he got her a duvet from his room.

Cindy realized the duvet was brand new as soon as she laid eyes on it. In fact, most of the items in thehouse were new, as he never really spent time there. His schedule was packed to the max, so he spentmost of his time in hotels, which resulted in the house his agency prepared being left almostuntouched. After thanking him, she covered herself under the duvet.

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