Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1269
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Chapter 1269

Lola smirked at her words. Even she herself didn’t know how she ended up dating Logan, feeling asthough everything had happened in complete blur.

Back then, she used to dislike Logan and would always show him a bad attitude whenever she wasdealing with his case. She was even secretly wary of him just in case he would be a jerk and makethings difficult for her deliberately.

Who would have thought that she actually wanted to marry him now?

The food was especially sumptuous during lunch at the Hunts’ place, covering the entire dining table.Logan picked out a bottle from the ones he brought and opened it.

Since Old Mr. Jefferson wasn’t healthy enough to drink, Logan served the wine to Langdon andexplained, “I’m not drinking because I have to drive later. Please don’t think that I’m impolite, Mr. Hunt.”

Waving his hands hastily, Langdon chuckled and told him, “We’re a family now. There is no need for somany rules around here.”

When Logan heard that, he finally felt relieved.

The food was prepared by Fiona and Lola, and it was obvious that they were home-cooked disheswhich couldn’t be compared to those of a restaurant. However, judging from the Jeffersons’ attitude,they didn’t seem to despise it.

Lorraine even pointed out a dish and asked Fiona about the cooking instructions, saying that shehadn’t tasted something like that and she really liked it. Also, she would like to know how it was

prepared so she could recreate it at home.

Although she was euphemistic, everyone knew that she would let the servants handle it when shereturned home. Nevertheless, Fiona seemed rather delighted as she detailed the preparation methodto her.

As Lorraine listened intently, Lola, who was next to her, could tell that the lady wasn’t just humoring hermother but was listening carefully.

Langdon clinked his glass with Old Mr. Jefferson’s, which contained juice, and he showered Logan withcompliments, saying that he was a mature, well-mannered and upright man.

Also, he expressed his esteemed satisfaction for Logan, and even briefly mentioned how he helped theHunts with some trouble back then.

Even though he didn’t specifically mention what the trouble was, both Logan and Lola knew that it wasthe incident with Shawn.

Turning to look at Logan with emotion-filled eyes, Old Mr. Jefferson said, “This rogue child of mine wasdisobedient in the past, but his character changed when he started dating Lola, and I can sense thathe’s now more mature and sensible.”

Fiona chimed in, “Maybe it’s because he has a girlfriend, so he became more responsible.”

“That’s true.” Old Mr. Jefferson agreed. Then, something crossed his mind and he added, “I have to tellyour mom about this when I get back later. I was always complaining to her in the past about your

disobedience, so I have to let her know that you’re a sensible person now. It’s all thanks to my futuredaughter-in-law.”

Upon hearing that term, Lola blushed intensely, and Logan grabbed her hand, saying, “Exactly. It’s allthanks to my future wife.”

Lola’s face burned an even brighter red as she jerked her hand away and hit his arm lightly. “You betterbehave yourself.”

Shaking her head helplessly, Lorraine said, “You’re almost drifting away in happiness since you havegotten yourself a girlfriend.”

Everyone else burst out laughing when they heard her.

While they were eating inside the house, the neighbors were still gathered outside. Some of them werecircling Logan’s car and even pressed their noses on the windows to look inside, making one wonderwhat they could actually see.

These people who came to watch the excitement had already caught Lorraine’s attention from thebeginning, and she peered out the window a few times while eating.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Lola explained, “All of them are our neighbors. They’re probably a littlecurious because I brought Logan home today.” novelbin

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