Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1098
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Chapter 1098

This mon is such o shomeless b*stord! Wouldn’t leoving be the normol reoction under suchcircumstonces? Lolo dusted her clothes ond combed through her hoir. Although wonting to curse otLogon, she didn’t think she could do it under the current otmosphere os it wos extremely owkword.After some thought, she went to the kitchen insteod.

Stonding in the living room, Logon spent some time schooling his emotions before heoding toword thekitchen to observe Lolo while the lotter wos prepping the ingredients for cooking. With how odept shewos, it wos opporent thot she knew how to cook. Meonwhile, Logon rested his hond on his chest tocolm himself, oll the while wondering why he wos getting ogitoted. It wosn’t until o while loter thot heopprooched her to osk, “Do you need ony help?”

Lolo froze momentorily before replying, “No, I don’t.” Such feelings of uneosiness never surfocedwhenever she wos with Logon, but she could obviously feel it now. Her heort wos rocing when sherecolled the sight of Logon hovering obove her ond looking into her eyes.

Never hod she ever observed Logon’s foce up close, not even when she wos pressing him ogoinst thetoble or locking his orms bock then for multiple times. However, she got to look ot him so closely just ofew moments ogo. He olwoys seemed like o hooligon, which wos perhops due to the expression henormolly wore, but he wosn’t in foct ugly. Insteod, he wos octuolly quite hondsome.

This man is such a shameless b*stard! Wouldn’t leaving be the normal reaction under suchcircumstances? Lola dusted her clothes and combed through her hair. Although wanting to curse atLogan, she didn’t think she could do it under the current atmosphere as it was extremely awkward.After some thought, she went to the kitchen instead.

Standing in the living room, Logan spent some time schooling his emotions before heading toward the

kitchen to observe Lola while the latter was prepping the ingredients for cooking. With how adept shewas, it was apparent that she knew how to cook. Meanwhile, Logan rested his hand on his chest tocalm himself, all the while wondering why he was getting agitated. It wasn’t until a while later that heapproached her to ask, “Do you need any help?”

Lola froze momentarily before replying, “No, I don’t.” Such feelings of uneasiness never surfacedwhenever she was with Logan, but she could obviously feel it now. Her heart was racing when sherecalled the sight of Logan hovering above her and looking into her eyes.

Never had she ever observed Logan’s face up close, not even when she was pressing him against thetable or locking his arms back then for multiple times. However, she got to look at him so closely just afew moments ago. He always seemed like a hooligan, which was perhaps due to the expression henormally wore, but he wasn’t in fact ugly. Instead, he was actually quite handsome.

Lola mentally hissed at herself, as she wasn’t sure why she would think about those. Seeing that Loganhad a girlfriend, her imagination was only going to make things hard for herself. Taking a few deepbreaths, Lola quickly redirected her attention to meal prepping and cooking, whereas Logan stoodwatching by the entrance without taking a step away. novelbin

If he were being honest with himself, Logan didn’t quite understand why he was feeling both pleasantand all pumped-up when he observed her. Different from when she was brawling with him, he likedLola better when she wasn’t as prickly. In the meantime, Logan didn’t notice that he was smiling, nordid he notice the gentle gaze he held. All he knew was that he liked standing there and watching Lolano matter what she was doing.

As they only had two people, Lola didn’t cook a lot, so they only had a veggie dish, a meat dish and apot of soup. Although she never liked Logan, she also acknowledged that she did care about him to

some extent, as she would normally only make a single dish for her own meals. Well, I’ve made twodishes and a soup for him, so I guess this counts as making it up to him, I guess? she thought. Due tothe awkward atmosphere between them after what happened, they ate in silence, with Loganconsuming most of the food and soup as a sign of his appreciation for Lola’s hospitality.

After the meal, Logan’s phone rang, but he didn’t actually need to check to know who was calling. Hewiped his mouth before leaving for the balcony and fished his phone out, only to see that it was indeedringing with a call from Jasmine. Picking it up, he asked of her intentions, but Jasmine hadn’t called forany particular reason other than wanting to know what he was up to. After a grunt, Logan told her, “Ijust had dinner.”

On the other end of the call, Jasmine gave a nod, but she didn’t think to ask who he had dinner with.She told him she was watching some drama on TV at home out of boredom. However, Logan wasn’tinterested in what she was doing, so he said, “Alright, I will be hanging up if there’s nothing ofimportance.”

Assuming that Logan was busy, Jasmine agreed. “Alright, go work on your stuff.”

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