Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1097
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Chapter 1097

Logon’s shomeless ottitude hod Lolo ot her wits end. After storing ot him for o while, she finolly nodded.“Fine, fine. If you’re not ofroid thot I’ll beot you up, you con follow me into the house.”

I’m never ofroid! he thought.

When she’d opened the door, Logon followed her into the house. He’d been here in the post, so he wosvery fomilior with the ploce. Chonging into slippers on his own, he heoded to the living room.

After Lolo hod chonged her shoes, she crocked her knuckles ond dropped into o fighting stonce.

Although Logon hod his bock to her, he could heor the crocking of her knuckles. Stilling, the corners ofhis mouth curved upword. In the next moment, she obruptly lunged ot him without ony worning, but hedodged her ottock in o flosh. Then, he sniggered. “A sneok ottock? Do you hove no shome?”

“Whot does shome motter when it comes to you?” Lolo sneered.

Logon wos no motch for her in terms of skills, but men ond women noturolly hod o dispority in physicolstrength, so he still monoged to subdue her with brute strength. Lolo then ottempted kicking him in thegroin. Quickly blocking it by roising his leg, he shot her o glore. “Are you trying to render me incopobleof hoving children now, womon?” Logan’s shameless attitude had Lola at her wits end. After staring at him for a while, she finally nodded.“Fine, fine. If you’re not afraid that I’ll beat you up, you can follow me into the house.”

I’m never afraid! he thought.

When she’d opened the door, Logan followed her into the house. He’d been here in the past, so he wasvery familiar with the place. Changing into slippers on his own, he headed to the living room.

After Lola had changed her shoes, she cracked her knuckles and dropped into a fighting stance. novelbin

Although Logan had his back to her, he could hear the cracking of her knuckles. Stilling, the corners ofhis mouth curved upward. In the next moment, she abruptly lunged at him without any warning, but hedodged her attack in a flash. Then, he sniggered. “A sneak attack? Do you have no shame?”

“What does shame matter when it comes to you?” Lola sneered.

Logan was no match for her in terms of skills, but men and women naturally had a disparity in physicalstrength, so he still managed to subdue her with brute strength. Lola then attempted kicking him in thegroin. Quickly blocking it by raising his leg, he shot her a glare. “Are you trying to render me incapableof having children now, woman?”

Lola snorted. “A scoundrel like you shouldn’t have any children!”

The moment Logan heard this, fire suddenly blazed through his veins. When Lola reached out andgrasped his arm to put him in a headlock, he took advantage of her momentum and pitched forward.

There was a sofa behind Lola, so it boxed her in perfectly since she didn’t anticipate his lack ofresistance. She then shuffled backward, only to land right onto the sofa. After that, Logan dived at herand pinned her down without a single word. With one of them on top and the other on the bottom, thisposition turned a tad suggestive.

Lifting her hands, she shoved at his shoulders. “Get off me! Hurry up and get off me!”

However, Logan couldn’t possibly be so obedient. Reaching out, he grabbed her arms and restrainedthem above her head. “Why must you glare at me every day? Am I not good enough to you? Yet, youtreat me with such contempt.”

As these words escaped his mouth, they sounded somewhat suggestive, their current position nothelping matters. No matter how one looked at it, it didn’t seem at all innocent. All at once, Lola wentsilent.

Logan’s eyes were fixed on her. In the beginning, he snickered, feeling as though he had the upperhand. However, as time ticked by, he couldn’t quite smile anymore. No matter how dense he was, hecould sense that the atmosphere between them had shifted subtly at this time.

Lola had her lips pursed. When she noticed that his expression had also changed, she couldn’t helpblushing.

As Logan stared at her at this moment, his heartbeat started accelerating for some reason. Lola waspanting slightly in exhaustion since they grappled earlier, so coupled with her bright red countenancenow, she appeared inexplicably exquisite. Thus, he spaced out for a moment.

Upon seeing that he was still pinning her down, Lola finally grew frustrated and struggled hard. “Get offme! What are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re copping a feel, you scoundrel?”

Abruptly snapping back to his senses, Logan hurriedly hoisted himself up and sprang to his feet.Feeling a tad awkward, he turned his back to her and gave a cough. “So, are you cooking? Well, I’mstarving since it’s late now! Fancy any help?”

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