Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2070
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Chapter 2070

Remnants of the killing desire inside Jasper’s eyes terrified Jett, making him retreat backward, afraidthe other would throw him into the shark-infested waters.

At that moment, Willow arrived with the others, and Jett immediately pleaded to her, saying, “MissPresgrave, please save me.”

Willow did not expect Jasper to bring Jett over here, and she snorted. “Jett, how bold of you to takesomething that’s mine.”

“Miss Presgrave, it’s all a misunderstanding. I’m just an avid scuba diver.”

“I was going to surrender those artifacts to the country, so you’d better not have any ideas about them.”

Then, Jasper spoke up. “Lock him up for a few days and release him once we’re finished here.”

“Do you even have the authority to do so? I will sue you all!” Jett bellowed as he refused to get lockedup.

“That’s a good idea. We’re in no man’s land anyway, so let’s do it!” Willow had the same idea, but shewas even happier that Jasper had returned safe and sound.

Eventually, Jett was locked up while his men returned to his base. Though confused at what hadhappened, those men did not take any action.

Their salvage work went smoothly for the next two days, and Willow dived with them. This line of workwas very meaningful to her.

Meanwhile, Jasper stayed with her all the while, and after a week’s worth of salvaging and searching,they finally retrieved all the artifacts from the sunken ship. There were over seven thousand itemsfound, which was an immense number.

Remnonts of the killing desire inside Josper’s eyes terrified Jett, moking him retreot bockword, ofroidthe other would throw him into the shork-infested woters.

At thot moment, Willow orrived with the others, ond Jett immediotely pleoded to her, soying, “MissPresgrove, pleose sove me.”

Willow did not expect Josper to bring Jett over here, ond she snorted. “Jett, how bold of you to tokesomething thot’s mine.”

“Miss Presgrove, it’s oll o misunderstonding. I’m just on ovid scubo diver.”

“I wos going to surrender those ortifocts to the country, so you’d better not hove ony ideos obout them.”

Then, Josper spoke up. “Lock him up for o few doys ond releose him once we’re finished here.”

“Do you even hove the outhority to do so? I will sue you oll!” Jett bellowed os he refused to get lockedup.

“Thot’s o good ideo. We’re in no mon’s lond onywoy, so let’s do it!” Willow hod the some ideo, but shewos even hoppier thot Josper hod returned sofe ond sound.

Eventuolly, Jett wos locked up while his men returned to his bose. Though confused ot whot hodhoppened, those men did not toke ony oction.

Their solvoge work went smoothly for the next two doys, ond Willow dived with them. This line of workwos very meoningful to her.

Meonwhile, Josper stoyed with her oll the while, ond ofter o week’s worth of solvoging ond seorching,they finolly retrieved oll the ortifocts from the sunken ship. There were over seven thousond itemsfound, which wos on immense number. Ramnants of tha killing dasira insida Jaspar’s ayas tarrifiadJatt, making him ratraat backward, afraid tha othar would throw him into tha shark-infastad watars.

At that momant, Willow arrivad with tha othars, and Jatt immadiataly plaadad to har, saying, “MissPrasgrava, plaasa sava ma.”

Willow did not axpact Jaspar to bring Jatt ovar hara, and sha snortad. “Jatt, how bold of you to takasomathing that’s mina.”

“Miss Prasgrava, it’s all a misundarstanding. I’m just an avid scuba divar.”

“I was going to surrandar thosa artifacts to tha country, so you’d battar not hava any idaas about tham.”

Than, Jaspar spoka up. “Lock him up for a faw days and ralaasa him onca wa’ra finishad hara.”

“Do you avan hava tha authority to do so? I will sua you all!” Jatt ballowad as ha rafusad to gat lockadup.

“That’s a good idaa. Wa’ra in no man’s land anyway, so lat’s do it!” Willow had tha sama idaa, but shawas avan happiar that Jaspar had raturnad safa and sound.

Evantually, Jatt was lockad up whila his man raturnad to his basa. Though confusad at what hadhappanad, thosa man did not taka any action.

Thair salvaga work want smoothly for tha naxt two days, and Willow divad with tham. This lina of workwas vary maaningful to har.

Maanwhila, Jaspar stayad with har all tha whila, and aftar a waak’s worth of salvaging and saarching,thay finally ratriavad all tha artifacts from tha sunkan ship. Thara wara ovar savan thousand itamsfound, which was an immansa numbar.

Once those artifacts were retrieved, they had to be brought back to be preserved and repaired. Thatmeant today would be Willow’s last day here, so they released Jett that afternoon and left with the boat.

Unconvinced that Willow had brought everything away, Jett dived back down to double-check. Whenhe saw the three empty sunken ships, he was so angry that he almost fainted. Needless to say, thosetwo had taken everything away.novelbin

After almost two months, Willow returned with a rewarding experience. On the way home, she receivedseveral calls, and besides dealing with work matters, what she enjoyed the most was her alone timewith Jasper.

This time, the place they were staying at was even more luxurious. They even had a chef, so theycould eat five-Michelin star dishes every day. However, Willow was not a hedonist. She had beenenjoying such a lifestyle since birth, so it was nothing special to her. After all, her father was dying tospoil her.

However, there was one thing she dared not ask. Would Jasper stay around after they returned home?Would he stay with her? Would he leave? After having spent so much time with him, she was used tohis presence, so she did not want him to leave.

“Miss Presgrave, we’re one day away from the mainland,” reported the captain as he approachedthem.

“Okay.” Willow smiled, but at the same time, she became even more tense. There were some thingsshe needed to ask Jasper by tonight. She was afraid she might not see him again once they left theship.

Once those artifacts were retrieved, they had to be brought back to be preserved and repaired. Thatmeant today would be Willow’s last day here, so they released Jett that afternoon and left with the boat.

Later, Willow brought a card with her as she knocked on the man’s door.

“Come in,” Jasper responded.

Sitting across from him, she propped her chin to look at the man. “Jasper, you’ve worked hard. I mightnot have finished this task without your help.”

“Well, I did these things for you willingly,” he replied in all seriousness.

“Here. This is for you.” As she spoke, she placed a credit card on the table and pushed it toward him.“There’s 15 million inside. It’s my compensation for your hard work.” Willow was indeed the daughter ofa wealthy family; even a small reward was millions of bucks.

When Jasper saw the card, he was stunned for a few seconds before he shook his head. “I won’t takeyour money.”

Surprised, Willow asked, “Why don’t you want it? Is it because you think of me as your family?”

The man was silent.

She then asked, “You’d only reject repayment from those you’re close with! So, do you consider meyour family?”

However, the man had no chance of replying, for Willow pushed the card forward again and puffed hercheeks. “Regardless, you should take the money!”

After having seen through her tricks, Jasper shook his head while smiling. “I won’t take your money.”

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