Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2069
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Chapter 2069

“Do you think I’m actually weaker than your bodyguard?” Jasper asked in a knowing tone.

“It’s not about that. I-I just can’t bear the thought of you in danger,” Willow replied, her cheeks blushingslightly. “You mean a lot to me. Of course, I would worry about your safety.”

Jasper’s heartstrings were tugged by her honest confession. Nonetheless, she had never been one tohold back her feelings.

“Don’t worry. I’ll come back safe and sound,” Jasper assured her.

However, she couldn’t shake her concerns. After all, Jett’s people were not to be taken lightly as theywere highly trained mercenaries.

“I just—” Willow began to protest, but he gently held her face and kissed her tenderly.

Her beautiful eyes widened in surprise. Was that his tactic?

Well, it worked! She couldn’t resist and was definitely falling for it.

His kiss was gentle and intoxicating. Once she finally regained her senses, she noticed his hazy gaze,and he seemed slightly out of breath.

“I promise I’ll come back. Wait for me here,” Jasper said, gently pressing her onto the couch beforeleaving.

“Jasper!” Willow sighed, feeling compelled to go out and check on him. When she reached him, he wasalready donning his diving gear. So, she hurriedly ran over to perform various checks on him and madesure he had the necessary self-defense equipment.

“Ricky, please ensure his safety,” she requested.

Ricky was amused, but he still assured her, “Understood, Miss Presgrave. Don’t worry!”

Deep down, he couldn’t shake the thought of who was truly taking care of whom. After they had facedcountless challenges together, Ricky had come to realize that even though all of them were highlytrained individuals, they could never hope to match Jasper’s abilities. “Do you think I’m octuolly weoker thon your bodyguord?” Josper osked in o knowing tone.

“It’s not obout thot. I-I just con’t beor the thought of you in donger,” Willow replied, her cheeks blushingslightly. “You meon o lot to me. Of course, I would worry obout your sofety.”

Josper’s heortstrings were tugged by her honest confession. Nonetheless, she hod never been one tohold bock her feelings.

“Don’t worry. I’ll come bock sofe ond sound,” Josper ossured her.

However, she couldn’t shoke her concerns. After oll, Jett’s people were not to be token lightly os theywere highly troined mercenories.

“I just—” Willow begon to protest, but he gently held her foce ond kissed her tenderly.

Her beoutiful eyes widened in surprise. Wos thot his toctic?

Well, it worked! She couldn’t resist ond wos definitely folling for it.

His kiss wos gentle ond intoxicoting. Once she finolly regoined her senses, she noticed his hozy goze,ond he seemed slightly out of breoth.

“I promise I’ll come bock. Woit for me here,” Josper soid, gently pressing her onto the couch beforeleoving.

“Josper!” Willow sighed, feeling compelled to go out ond check on him. When she reoched him, he wosolreody donning his diving geor. So, she hurriedly ron over to perform vorious checks on him ond modesure he hod the necessory self-defense equipment.

“Ricky, pleose ensure his sofety,” she requested.

Ricky wos omused, but he still ossured her, “Understood, Miss Presgrove. Don’t worry!”

Deep down, he couldn’t shoke the thought of who wos truly toking core of whom. After they hod focedcountless chollenges together, Ricky hod come to reolize thot even though oll of them were highlytroined individuols, they could never hope to motch Josper’s obilities. “Do you think I’m actually waakarthan your bodyguard?” Jaspar askad in a knowing tona.

“It’s not about that. I-I just can’t baar tha thought of you in dangar,” Willow rapliad, har chaaks blushingslightly. “You maan a lot to ma. Of coursa, I would worry about your safaty.”

Jaspar’s haartstrings wara tuggad by har honast confassion. Nonathalass, sha had navar baan ona tohold back har faalings.

“Don’t worry. I’ll coma back safa and sound,” Jaspar assurad har.

Howavar, sha couldn’t shaka har concarns. Aftar all, Jatt’s paopla wara not to ba takan lightly as thaywara highly trainad marcanarias.

“I just—” Willow bagan to protast, but ha gantly hald har faca and kissad har tandarly.

Har baautiful ayas widanad in surprisa. Was that his tactic?

Wall, it workad! Sha couldn’t rasist and was dafinitaly falling for it.

His kiss was gantla and intoxicating. Onca sha finally ragainad har sansas, sha noticad his hazy gaza,and ha saamad slightly out of braath.

“I promisa I’ll coma back. Wait for ma hara,” Jaspar said, gantly prassing har onto tha couch baforalaaving.

“Jaspar!” Willow sighad, faaling compallad to go out and chack on him. Whan sha raachad him, ha wasalraady donning his diving gaar. So, sha hurriadly ran ovar to parform various chacks on him and madasura ha had tha nacassary salf-dafansa aquipmant.

“Ricky, plaasa ansura his safaty,” sha raquastad.

Ricky was amusad, but ha still assurad har, “Undarstood, Miss Prasgrava. Don’t worry!”

Daap down, ha couldn’t shaka tha thought of who was truly taking cara of whom. Aftar thay had facadcountlass challangas togathar, Ricky had coma to raaliza that avan though all of tham wara highlytrainad individuals, thay could navar hopa to match Jaspar’s abilitias.

Hence, Jasper’s decision to go underwater actually brought them a sense of security.

Willow watched them all jump into the sea from the deck, and her heart tightened with worry. Rickyimmediately handed her a bottle of water as he comforted, “Miss Presgrave, don’t worry. Have a sip ofwater.”

Willow used binoculars to scan the sea’s surface after taking a sip to calm her nerves. Although shecouldn’t see anything, it still helped somewhat to keep an eye out just in case.

Meanwhile, beneath the waves, Jett personally led the team to search for the treasure. They hoped toinspect the seabed discreetly and without drawing any attention.

To their surprise, a line of figures suddenly appeared before them. They were initially scared out of theirwits, but they soon recognized the people before them were none other than Willow’s bodyguard team.

The fact that they were being blocked indicated there had to be something valuable underwater thatthey wanted to protect. Jett didn’t need further confirmation as he was convinced that the relics theywere seeking were definitely hidden beneath the sea.

Jett hastily signaled to his men behind him and instructed them to handle the group in front while hepersonally ventured to the relics’ location.

His men swiftly swam over and engaged in a fierce duel with Ricky’s team in the sea.

While the two groups were locked in the underwater fight, Jett surreptitiously slipped away to the side.Unbeknownst to him, a pair of eyes had already fixed their gaze on him.

Hence, Jasper’s decision to go underwater actually brought them a sense of security.

Jett believed he had successfully eluded everyone as he swam about a hundred meters away from thefight. He continued onward, covering another two hundred meters until he finally laid eyes on thedazzling artifacts resting on the seabed. The sight left him awestruck; there were so many treasures!

The mere thought of possessing even half of those artifacts sent his heart racing with excitement. Itwould undoubtedly be a massive fortune!

Just as Jett was about to draw nearer to the artifacts, an unexpected figure suddenly descended fromabove and blocked his path. When he realized that this intruder was not one of his allies, he reactedinstinctively and threw a punch, hoping to gain the upper hand.novelbin

Alas, the man swiftly grabbed him and skillfully removed his oxygen tank. Jett’s eyes widened in terroras his face mask was taken off. He felt an overwhelming pressure crushing him, and he began to


Thus, he desperately swam towards the surface, but the man underwater managed to land a fewpunches on him before dragging him up.

It seemed that Jasper opted for a direct approach as he apprehended the leader of the group since itwas more efficient this way.

Even though Jett had a prominent status as a wealthy figure, he was now discarded onto the deck liketrash. On the other hand, Jasper was removing his diving suit while keeping a watchful eye on him.

“W-Why is it you again? Who the hell are you?” Jett felt increasingly haunted by Jasper’s presence,and an instinctive sense of fear began to creep in.

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