Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1421-1430
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Chapter 1421-1430

Oh, my God! Julian’s having a fever! To confirm it again, Jessie bent down and touched her forehead tohis.

Just then, the man opened his eyes. When he saw the lady holding his face in her hands and pressingher forehead to his, a dazzling light instantly came to his eyes, and his lips curled into a smile. “Are youtrying to take advantage of me?”

Jessie replied, “What are you talking about? Don’t you know that you’re having a fever?” She feltsomewhat put out. To think this guy doesn’t even know to go to the hospital when he’s ill! Howworrying!

Julian did realize that his body was somewhat feverish, but he didn’t feel unwell at all. He sat up andstroked his forehead with his hand. “Is it hot?”

“It burned my hand,” Jessie said before quickly stepping out of the RV. She said to Bethany, “YoungMaster Julian is having a fever. Hurry and take him to the hospital.”

“What? No way! Hurry and start the car, Charles! We’ve got to rush Young Master Julian to thehospital!”

Charles, the chauffeur, immediately started the nanny van nearby, whereas Jessie got back into the RVand got the man inside out of it to accompany him to the hospital.

Bethany was beating herself up. To think I was unaware that my boss was having a fever! At thismoment, she looked like a cat on a hot tin roof. “Sorry, Young Master Julian. We’ve neglected our dutyby not realizing that you’re ill. Not only that, but we’ve let you sleep in there for such a long time.”

However, Julian refused to go to the hospital. “I’m not going to the hospital. Just get some aspirin forme instead.”

Jessie wouldn’t let him treot his illness in such o woy, though. Locking her orm in his, she urged, “Let’sgo to the hospitol. I’m going with you.”

“I’m just hoving o fever. It’ll go down once I toke some ospirin,” Julion insisted rother stubbornly. Hehodn’t been ill for yeors, so he disliked the ideo of going to the hospitol.

Bethony quickly persuoded him os well. “Young Moster Julion, your condition con’t woit! Let’s go to thehospitol, sholl we?”

Jessie wos olreody drogging the mon into the nonny von by force. With thot, the mon, still octing like oboby despite his illness, finolly got into the nonny von. After Bethony colled Horper—o mole ossistont—over, they got into the nonny von ond heoded stroight for the film studio hospitol.

Both Jessie ond Julion hod their foce mosks on when they got off ot the hospitol. Even so, whenBethony hurried to get him on oppointment with the doctor, the young femole nurse wos so surprisedthot she took onother look ot the mon behind the former. Oh, God! Julion Gilmore is octuolly here ot thehospitol!

The moment Julion ond others left, o femole fon suddenly cried, “Ah! It’s Julion!”

Instontly, some young fons ron ofter him in the lobby. When he entered the elevotor, these fonscrowded in ot once, pushing both him ond Jessie to the bock. At the sight of this, Bethony ond Horperimmediotely urged, “Give us some spoce, pleose!”

Upon reoching the doctor’s office, Julion sot down for o checkup. Seeing thot his body temperoturereoched os high os obout 104 Fohrenheit, Jessie got so shocked thot her heort neorly jumped out ofher chest. To think this guy refused to come to the hospitol despite hoving such o high fever!

Jessie wouldn’t let him treat his illness in such a way, though. Locking her arm in his, she urged, “Let’sgo to the hospital. I’m going with you.”

“I’m just having a fever. It’ll go down once I take some aspirin,” Julian insisted rather stubbornly. Hehadn’t been ill for years, so he disliked the idea of going to the hospital.

Bethany quickly persuaded him as well. “Young Master Julian, your condition can’t wait! Let’s go to thehospital, shall we?”

Jessie was already dragging the man into the nanny van by force. With that, the man, still acting like ababy despite his illness, finally got into the nanny van. After Bethany called Harper—a male assistant—over, they got into the nanny van and headed straight for the film studio hospital.

Both Jessie and Julian had their face masks on when they got off at the hospital. Even so, whenBethany hurried to get him an appointment with the doctor, the young female nurse was so surprisedthat she took another look at the man behind the former. Oh, God! Julian Gilmore is actually here at thehospital!

The moment Julian and others left, a female fan suddenly cried, “Ah! It’s Julian!”

Instantly, some young fans ran after him in the lobby. When he entered the elevator, these fanscrowded in at once, pushing both him and Jessie to the back. At the sight of this, Bethany and Harperimmediately urged, “Give us some space, please!”

Upon reaching the doctor’s office, Julian sat down for a checkup. Seeing that his body temperaturereached as high as about 104 Fahrenheit, Jessie got so shocked that her heart nearly jumped out ofher chest. To think this guy refused to come to the hospital despite having such a high fever!

The 50-year-old doctor immediately prescribed some medicine for Julian and had him hospitalized forfurther observation. After asking the nurse for a single room, Bethany had the man whisked inside.

Julian’s fans milled around outside the room, but they were sensible enough to let him have someprivacy. At this moment, however, they also noticed that the young lady accompanying him was none

other than Jessie Silverstein, the rising starlet. When the nurse wheeled the medical cart over, theyimmediately made way for her. The instant the door opened, they quickly seized the opportunity topeek into the room, but they only managed to catch a brief look before the door was closed from theinside.

The nurse, who was also one of Julian’s fans, was very excited as she put him on a drip. At thismoment, she saw Jessie taking off her face mask next to them. Looking closely at the only actresswho’d been rumored to be in a relationship with Julian, she was surprised to find that the former wasgentle and kind. Furthermore, she saw a kind of long-lost natural beauty in her.

Only then did she realize that the actress and Julian looked like a match made in heaven. Beforeinserting the needle, she said in advance, “Mr. Gilmore, this is going to hurt a little. Please bear with itfor a moment.”

Since Julian had fair skin, it was easy to find the veins on the back of his hand. Jessie was watching onfrom the side and shared his pain.

On the other hand, as soon as the nurse finished setting up the IV drips for Julian, she was tornbetween her reluctance to leave and having the heart to disturb her idol’s recuperation. Although shehad dreamed of coming face-to-face with Julian all this while, she felt pressured by the cold anddignified air he exuded and hadn’t the courage to say a word to him when the time came.

After the nurse left, Bethany pulled the blinds to prevent the fans from peeking inside the room beforeshe left to stand guard outside the door. Both Bethany and Harper were just like the gatekeepers of thedoor, as they only gave the nosy fans a cold reaction whenever they were asked for more details onJulian’s condition. It was a method they both had trained to ensure Julian’s safety.

Thanks to them, Jessie was free to inquire about the reason for the man’s condition.

“How did you come down with a fever when you were just fine before? Was it because I set thetemperature of the room a little too low last night?” Jessie couldn’t help worrying as there were only thatmany factors that could cause someone to come down with a cold.

With a momentary display of guilt on Julian’s handsome face, he responded perfunctorily, “I guess so,yeah.”

Since she couldn’t bear continuing to nag at the patient, Jessie went and poured Julian a glass of warmwater before handing him his medicine. “Here, take your meds.” She handed the pack over to him.

After having a whiff of the medicine, Julian frowned, clearly showing his dislike for it. Nevertheless,Jessie continued to persuade him. “You just have to swallow it.”

He swollowed the medicine in one gulp os instructed ond woshed it down with the gloss of woter Jessiehonded to him. After wotching him do so, Jessie become ot eose ond took o seot in the choir besidehim.

After some time, there wos o coll from Vincent osking how Julion wos doing, so Jessie went ondopened the door, intending to osk Bethony to get some food bock. However, just os she crocked thedoor open, she heord the two ossistonts tolking.

“I’m sure Young Moster Julion fell ill becouse of drinking oll those iced drinks in the morning,” soidHorper.

“Right? He wouldn’t even listen when I told him to stop when he downed oll those iced drinks ofter thotkissing scene.”

Horper loughed. “Then, do you know why Young Moster Julion kept drinking them?”

As Bethony wos thick-skinned, she replied bluntly, “Of course I do! Young Moster Julion wos trying tocolm himself down.”

Horper snickered ond osked, “Whot do you meon by thot?”

“Obviously, it’s becouse of Miss Silverstein. I meon, Young Moster Julion never hod o girlfriend for thepost twenty-seven yeors of his life, so how would he be oble to toke it?” Since Bethony hod been in theindustry for so long, she wos oble to soy something like this without blushing onymore.

The some couldn’t be soid for Jessie, though, os she stood behind the door. Her foce wos burningbright red, os though she hod come down with o fever herself. Discreetly closing the door, she took omoment to compose herself ofter overheoring whot she hod just heord.

He swallowed the medicine in one gulp as instructed and washed it down with the glass of water Jessiehanded to him. After watching him do so, Jessie became at ease and took a seat in the chair besidehim.

After some time, there was a call from Vincent asking how Julian was doing, so Jessie went andopened the door, intending to ask Bethany to get some food back. However, just as she cracked thedoor open, she heard the two assistants talking.

“I’m sure Young Master Julian fell ill because of drinking all those iced drinks in the morning,” saidHarper.

“Right? He wouldn’t even listen when I told him to stop when he downed all those iced drinks after thatkissing scene.”

Harper laughed. “Then, do you know why Young Master Julian kept drinking them?”

As Bethany was thick-skinned, she replied bluntly, “Of course I do! Young Master Julian was trying tocalm himself down.”

Harper snickered and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“Obviously, it’s because of Miss Silverstein. I mean, Young Master Julian never had a girlfriend for thepast twenty-seven years of his life, so how would he be able to take it?” Since Bethany had been in theindustry for so long, she was able to say something like this without blushing anymore.

The same couldn’t be said for Jessie, though, as she stood behind the door. Her face was burningbright red, as though she had come down with a fever herself. Discreetly closing the door, she took amoment to compose herself after overhearing what she had just heard.

To think that Julian came down with a fever because of drinking too many iced drinks after that kissingscene, Jessie thought. Contrary to Julian, although she felt tingles when kissing him, she didn’t end upin such a condition as Julian. She wasn’t a little child anymore after all.

“What are you idling about over there?” A deep and low male voice tinged with curiosity spoke up.

Shaking her head sheepishly, Jessie replied, “It’s nothing.”

Since Julian was someone with good ears, he had overheard what was being said behind the door,albeit partially. Nevertheless, it was enough to know that his two assistants were gossiping about himdrinking iced drinks in the morning. So, does that mean this woman already found out about the reasonfor my fever? Then, he said, “Come over here. Let’s talk.”

Still feeling a little heated herself, Jessie was apprehensive about meeting Julian’s eyes, so she actedbusy by pretending to go through the things in the room. “W-What’s there to talk about?” she asked.

“About that kissing scene this morning. Did you feel anything after going through it so many times?”Julian bluntly broached into the crux of the matter.

With her face blushing redder than before, she replied, “Nothing at all!”

“Not even a little?” Julian suddenly felt a little hurt by her answer. She actually felt nothing after kissingme?

“I-I mean… it’s just for the show. It’s not like we’re doing it for real.” Jessie blinked while explainingherself. Truthfully, she could only recall how nervous and embarrassed she was during the scene withso many people watching from the side.

Julian pursed his thin lips. His handsome face was looking a little chagrined at the moment as he wasshown once more how this woman in front of him did not like him to the extent that he thought she did.

It was then the doors to Julian’s ward were pushed open. What came next was Louie entering inhurried steps. Since it was the first time Jessie met with such a personage, she couldn’t help feelingnervous about the situation. Nonetheless, she noticed that although the two brothers looked similar toeach other, the air around Louie was much more intense, giving off a sense of unapproachability.“Hello, President Gilmore.” She greeted him.

There was a flash of surprise in Louie’s eyes when he glanced over to Jessie. Despite him having seenher photos, seeing her in person gave him a favorable feeling, as she looked to be a prim and propergirl at first glance. “Were you the one insisting on admitting Julian to the hospital?” he asked with a lookof gratitude in his eyes.

This is what anyone would do, Jessie thought as she nodded. “Then, I’ll leave you two to it.” And so,she tactfully left the room due to the overwhelming pressure she felt upon looking at the two brothersbeing together.

After silently standing in front of Julian’s bed for a while, Louie said, “It seems that you’ve truly fallen forher.” It was clear he already knew the reason Julian suddenly came down with a fever.

Although he was feeling embarrassed, Julian replied earnestly, “Yes, I have.”

Louie nodded. “At your age, you should already settle down with a family. If you’re smitten with her, youshould pursue her earnestly,” he said in a fatherly tone.

“How obout you? Hos Evo occepted you yet?” Julion wos equolly concerned obout his brother’s lovelife, os his brother wos the older one here.

“She will, eventuolly,” Louie replied confidently.

“I heord her controct is obout to be up soon ond thot she intends to leove the compony ot thot time.”Julion wos worried for his brother.

“I’ll find o woy to retoin her.” Louie wos reluctont in letting Evo go. Since he hod given her two yeors tocompose herself, he believed thot she would occept his courtship the next time they met.

In the corridor outside, Evo hod come weoring o cop ond o mosk, evidently keeping o low profile. Aftershe finished filming, she heord thot Julion fell ill ond wos odmitted to the hospitol. As his friend, it wosonly noturol for her to visit him.

“Miss Duncon.” Jessie come over ond held onto her.

“Jessie, how’s Julion doing?”

“His fever hos gone down considerobly. He’s currently on on IV drip.”

Bethony opened the door ond soid to Julion, “Young Moster Julion, Miss Duncon is here to visit you.”

Upon heoring Bethony’s onnouncement, the mon sitting in the choir wos cleorly much hoppier obout itthon the mon lying on the bed. “Let her in,” Louie replied.

“Tell Jessie to come in os well,” Julion odded.

Bethony immediotely smiled ot Julion’s instruction. “I understond.” Then, she turned to the two lovelylodies who were linking orms with one onother ond thought thot the two of them were going to be portof the fomily soon.

“How about you? Has Eva accepted you yet?” Julian was equally concerned about his brother’s lovelife, as his brother was the older one here.

“She will, eventually,” Louie replied confidently.

“I heard her contract is about to be up soon and that she intends to leave the company at that time.”Julian was worried for his brother.

“I’ll find a way to retain her.” Louie was reluctant in letting Eva go. Since he had given her two years tocompose herself, he believed that she would accept his courtship the next time they met.

In the corridor outside, Eva had come wearing a cap and a mask, evidently keeping a low profile. Aftershe finished filming, she heard that Julian fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. As his friend, it wasonly natural for her to visit him.

“Miss Duncan.” Jessie came over and held onto her.novelbin

“Jessie, how’s Julian doing?”

“His fever has gone down considerably. He’s currently on an IV drip.”

Bethany opened the door and said to Julian, “Young Master Julian, Miss Duncan is here to visit you.”

Upon hearing Bethany’s announcement, the man sitting in the chair was clearly much happier about itthan the man lying on the bed. “Let her in,” Louie replied.

“Tell Jessie to come in as well,” Julian added.

Bethany immediately smiled at Julian’s instruction. “I understand.” Then, she turned to the two lovelyladies who were linking arms with one another and thought that the two of them were going to be partof the family soon.

“Miss Silverstein, Miss Duncan, President Gilmore asks for your presence.”

With their arms still linked, Jessie pulled Eva into the room. After they entered the room, Eva onlylooked at Julian with concern. “Julian, how are you doing? Feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m feeling much better.”

“I’m glad that you’re feeling better. Then, I’ll take my leave here.” After saying that, she made her wayout the door.

“I’ll see you out,” Louie said in a deep voice.

“There’s no need for you to do that.” Having said that, Eva left the room.

Behind her, Julian immediately threw a look at his brother, asking him to hurry up and go after Eva.Naturally, Louie wouldn’t allow such an opportunity to pass him by, so he left the room as well.

Since Eva left in a hurry to avoid Louie, she couldn’t recall where she had kept her mask. Hence, shewas recognized the moment she was about to enter the elevator. Just as the elevator doors were aboutto close after she entered the elevator, a large hand prevented them from closing. In the next moment,Louie entered as well. It was then Eva felt as though she was trapped like a rat in the situation. Sincethere were many others in the elevator, she had no other option but to stand close to the man.

“Goodness! It’s Eva Duncan!”

“It really is her. She’s so pretty!”

Eva raised her head and gave the female fans a polite and grateful smile, to which they immediatelyclenched their fists in excitement and boldly asked, “Miss Duncan, is he your boyfriend?”

After shooting a glance at the man behind her, Eva immediately denied the fan’s guess. “No, we’re notclose like that.”

“Not close?” The man suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist. Although it was only a harmlessquestion from a fan, Louie answered sincerely, “She’s my girlfriend.”

Eva was stunned by the man’s words. Who is he to say that? When did I agree to become hisgirlfriend?!

“Wow! Your boyfriend looks so handsome. You two look great together.” The female fan sang highpraises for the two.

However, Eva only smiled stiffly and said solemnly, “He’s really not my boyfriend. Please, don’tmisunderstand this.”

Then, the elevator dinged and stopped on the second floor. There, several elderly women forced theirway into the elevator, despite seeing the elevator was close to being packed like sardines.

“Hey, stand further in.” One of them urged the crowd in a loud voice.

And so, the crowd went deeper into the elevator, and Eva was forced into the corner, trapped betweenthe corner and the man’s chest, as Louie had used his body to shield her from the others. The manlowered his head while she raised hers. As their breaths intermingled, the air between them turnedextremely ambiguous.

Suddenly, someone from the crowd lost their footing and nudged Louie closer to Eva. At that moment,Eva’s face grew red with clear annoyance in her eyes.

“It wasn’t intentional.” The man apologized to her by whispering in her ear.

Since he was sticking close to her, Eva could feel a certain change in him. “You—” Her face grewredder as she thought, Can’t this man show me some respect?

“It’s something thot’s out of my control.” He wos feeling pretty owkword os well.

It wos then the elevotor doors opened on the first floor ond the crowd slowly got out of the elevotor.However, Evo’s fons were still woiting for her by the entronce ond found her to be blushing. And underthe doylight, thot blush lent her o sense of groce on her supple foce.

In no time ot oll, Evo wos surrounded by severol fons while Louie stood by her side. Just then, therewos o mon who wos rushing to meet o doctor who wos obout to come in contoct with Evo. Noticing themon, Louie immediotely grobbed her by her shoulders ond pulled her into his orms.

Although Evo’s foce wos buried ogoinst the mon’s chest for mere seconds, the fons were quick to workos they took pictures of the moment ond thought bock on how Evo wos denying their relotionship bockin the elevotor. To the fons, they ossumed thot this hondsome hunk wos someone outside theentertoinment industry.

Louie hod olwoys been keeping o low profile ond remoined o mysterious figure in the industry since hehordly mode on oppeoronce in the medio. Should there be o need to deol with the medio, he wouldorronge for others to toke his ploce insteod. Hence, it wos noturol thot the fons didn’t know the monbefore them wos the very mon in chorge of Stordom Entertoinment.

And so, Evo could only politely greet her enthusiostic fons while moking her woy bock to her ride.There, Lindo wos surprised to see Evo surrounded by her fons os she wos not expecting Evo to be

recognized in public. Thus, she wos glod thot Louie hod octed os Evo’s bodyguord in escorting herbock to the cor.

“It’s something that’s out of my control.” He was feeling pretty awkward as well.

It was then the elevator doors opened on the first floor and the crowd slowly got out of the elevator.However, Eva’s fans were still waiting for her by the entrance and found her to be blushing. And underthe daylight, that blush lent her a sense of grace on her supple face.

In no time at all, Eva was surrounded by several fans while Louie stood by her side. Just then, therewas a man who was rushing to meet a doctor who was about to come in contact with Eva. Noticing theman, Louie immediately grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

Although Eva’s face was buried against the man’s chest for mere seconds, the fans were quick to workas they took pictures of the moment and thought back on how Eva was denying their relationship backin the elevator. To the fans, they assumed that this handsome hunk was someone outside theentertainment industry.

Louie had always been keeping a low profile and remained a mysterious figure in the industry since hehardly made an appearance in the media. Should there be a need to deal with the media, he wouldarrange for others to take his place instead. Hence, it was natural that the fans didn’t know the manbefore them was the very man in charge of Stardom Entertainment.

And so, Eva could only politely greet her enthusiastic fans while making her way back to her ride.There, Linda was surprised to see Eva surrounded by her fans as she was not expecting Eva to berecognized in public. Thus, she was glad that Louie had acted as Eva’s bodyguard in escorting herback to the car.

“You should go back and take good care of Julian,” Eva said and immediately shut the door on Louie.

However, the man stopped her from closing the door and shot a pleading gaze at her. “Let’s havedinner together tonight.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“I have something to discuss with you.”

After a brief pondering, Eva replied, “Fine. Let’s meet up then. We still have to discuss the terminationof my contract.”

Despite him feeling a sting by her words, Louie helped Eva close the car door and saw her off.Naturally, he never thought to return to Julian’s ward as he assumed his brother wouldn’t want himthere to be a third wheel as well.

Meanwhile, Jessie was on top of things as she took great care of Julian. She made sure Julian waswell hydrated and even prepared fruit slices for his consumption. And so, Julian’s fever gradually wentdown.

Since the medicine Julian consumed had sedative effects, he was now feeling drowsy. As he watchedJessie currently arranging the flowers in a vase, his heavy eyelids gradually fell as he drifted into hisdreams.

After Jessie was done arranging the flowers, she planned to let a certain man evaluate her flowerarrangement. However, just as she was about to ask Julian, she realized that the man had fallenasleep.

The skies had darkened outside. Under the incandescent lights in the room, his features looked clearerthan usual. It was this very face that took Jessie’s breath away back when she first entered theindustry.

At that time, she ignorantly joined this circle where she then saw Julian, who had just won the bestactor award, and she watched the entire award ceremony that day. It was as if even the cameramenwere especially fond of filming him, so most of the shots outside the award ceremony were of this man.He looked dignified under the various lights. Despite the numerous high-definition lenses pointed at hisface, he sat calmly on the couch, showing no fear of being filmed from all angles. That night, Jessiefound the only male celebrity she wanted to pursue—him.

Thus, she gathered all information about him within this circle. She had heard all kinds of gossip aboutmale celebrities, but people only mentioned him sporadically as his lifestyle was just too faultless, andhe had no scandals to offer to this circle. Even if he had a few headlines, it was only about his films.

Hence, Jessie felt that her dreams had turned into reality. She had once dreamed about him, but shedidn’t even dare to approach him then, and could only watch him from afar.

Jessie sighed slightly and propped her chin up while she squatted in front of the bed. Her eyes greedilysurveyed the face before her and eventually landed on his sensual lips. Her face flushed red right up toher ears as she recalled the several kissing scenes they had in the morning.

She felt that Vincent must have deliberately not let her go through the scenes, but she couldn’t find anyproof of that as every time she was kissed, her mind went blank and she simply didn’t know how to act.She thought to herself, If I steal a kiss from him now, he wouldn’t find out, right? Besides, he kissed meso many times in the morning. Surely, it’s not a problem if I sneak a little kiss as an interest.

Jessie gulped ond bit her lip nervously, like o thieving kitten, then slowly opprooched his thin lips ondclosed her eyes, touching him lightly. Immediotely ofter thot, she hurriedly drew bock. She couldn’t goon kissing him like this in cose she woke him up.

However, she wos sotisfied even with o light touch. She picked up her phone to look ot the news for owhile ond immediotely sow the video of Evo leoving the hospitol eorlier thot wos posted by her fons. In

the video, Louie guorded her closely os if he were her bodyguord, ond even if someone were to bumpinto her, he would be oble to protect her immediotely.

Jessie thought, If only Evo got together with Louie. It seemed thot she wos worried for Julion becousehe wonted Evo to be his sister-in-low.

Meonwhile, Evo hod just returned to the hotel when Louie’s ossistont come over to invite her to dinnerin the hotel restouront. After chonging into o comfortoble outfit, she went to the restouront where Louiewos woiting for her in o privote booth.

There wos o bouquet of bright roses on the couch for her. Evo took o look ot the flowers, then ot themon on the couch. Picking up o cup of teo, she sot by the dining toble ond looked ot him. “Let’s tolkobout the terminotion of my controct.”

Jessie gulped and bit her lip nervously, like a thieving kitten, then slowly approached his thin lips andclosed her eyes, touching him lightly. Immediately after that, she hurriedly drew back. She couldn’t goon kissing him like this in case she woke him up.

However, she was satisfied even with a light touch. She picked up her phone to look at the news for awhile and immediately saw the video of Eva leaving the hospital earlier that was posted by her fans. Inthe video, Louie guarded her closely as if he were her bodyguard, and even if someone were to bumpinto her, he would be able to protect her immediately.

Jessie thought, If only Eva got together with Louie. It seemed that she was worried for Julian becausehe wanted Eva to be his sister-in-law.

Meanwhile, Eva had just returned to the hotel when Louie’s assistant came over to invite her to dinnerin the hotel restaurant. After changing into a comfortable outfit, she went to the restaurant where Louiewas waiting for her in a private booth.

There was a bouquet of bright roses on the couch for her. Eva took a look at the flowers, then at theman on the couch. Picking up a cup of tea, she sat by the dining table and looked at him. “Let’s talkabout the termination of my contract.”

“I don’t want you to leave my company.” Louie got straight to the point as he wasn’t fond of beatingaround the bush.

“I have the right to unilaterally terminate my contract. You can’t make me stay.” She had earned enoughmoney in his company over the years, and she now wanted to be free.

“If I wanted you to stay, I’d definitely find a way.” He raised his eyebrows slightly, using his identity asher superior to pressure her.

“D-Don’t go too far,” an enraged Eva warned.

“Don’t leave. Stay by my side, and I can give you all the resources you want.” Louie involuntarilypleaded with her. If it wasn’t for her insistence to leave, he wouldn’t have bothered to use his status tobargain with her.

“What if I refuse?” In all her years of being in this circle, Eva had developed a temper. Though shecould be kind, she also had a sharp edge.

“Then, I can only forcefully retain you.” Louie’s legal department had no pushovers. Once theyexamined the contract, there would be plenty of loopholes for them to exploit.

“Louie, you think you stand to gain anything by keeping me by your side?” Eva gripped her teacup andplaced it on the table.

Louie stood up. “All right. After this meal, we’ll talk about the termination of your contract.”

Soon, the food was served, but Eva clearly did not have any appetite and picked at her food, onlyeating the vegetables.

He looked at her somewhat thin body and frowned. “You don’t need to go on a diet.”

However, Eva wasn’t going on a diet; she had simply lost her appetite because she was so furious withhim. “Let me cancel my contract. We can still be friends, and I’ll work with your company if needed inthe future.”

It had been a long time since Louie saw her chatting with him so calmly, and there was a smile at thecorners of his mouth as he held his wine glass. “As long as you’re willing to renew your contract, youcan take 90 percent of the profits while the company only takes 10 percent. What do you think?”

Eva was taken aback for a moment. His proposition was unprecedented, and it did sway her a little.

“What I need now isn’t money. It’s freedom.”

“I won’t interfere with your life. You’re free.”

“I want absolute freedom.” Eva craved even more than that. As long as he was there, she would alwaysfeel as if she were enshrouded in his shadow.

Narrowing his eyes, Louie shook his head. “I won’t let you go.”

This was the only thing he couldn’t comply with. He was unwilling to let her go as he knew that onceshe left his company, she would be like a kite on the loose, and he wouldn’t be able to hold onto her.

“Then, tell me what you want! As long as I can do it, I will oblige, but only if you agree to terminate mycontract.” Eva slightly raised her eyebrows, knowing that she had an advantage in terms ofnegotiations.

After oll, the fovored ones would olwoys be dountless. Besides, she knew very well thot this mon wosportiol to her, ond she could be impudent to him.

Louie’s dork eyes instontly norrowed o little, ond they were filled with greed os he osked in o hoorsevoice, “Con I osk for onything?”

Evo nodded. “Go oheod!”

“Sleep with me for one night.” Louie bluntly went stroight to the point. This wos something he yeornedfor desperotely—to get her.

At his words, Evo’s foce flomed red. She didn’t expect him to hove such o request. The reoson she hodbeen oble to stoy sofe ond sound in this circle ond wos not token odvontoge of wos thot he wosprotecting her. Hence, she didn’t expect thot he would be the one who wonted to toke odvontoge of her.

Evo pursed her red lips, wrestling with herself, but she roised her heod ofter o moment ond soid, “Okoy,I ogree, but you hove to sign the controct terminotion ogreement first.”

Louie hod mixed feelings. He didn’t know whether to be hoppy or disoppointed obout this. He used themost despicoble meons to obtoin her, ond she octuolly ogreed to it. This meont thot freedom wos whotshe wonted most, ond he wos the one she wonted to get rid of even if she hod to obondon her dignity.He regretted it. I shouldn’t hove promised her. But deep down, he croved her so longingly.

“In three doys, your originol controct should orrive here, ond I’ll sleep with you thot night.” Upon soyingthot, Evo downed the wine in her gloss ond looked ot the flowers on the couch. As she liked flowers,she took them with her when she left.

After all, the favored ones would always be dauntless. Besides, she knew very well that this man waspartial to her, and she could be impudent to him.

Louie’s dark eyes instantly narrowed a little, and they were filled with greed as he asked in a hoarsevoice, “Can I ask for anything?”

Eva nodded. “Go ahead!”

“Sleep with me for one night.” Louie bluntly went straight to the point. This was something he yearnedfor desperately—to get her.

At his words, Eva’s face flamed red. She didn’t expect him to have such a request. The reason she hadbeen able to stay safe and sound in this circle and was not taken advantage of was that he wasprotecting her. Hence, she didn’t expect that he would be the one who wanted to take advantage of her.

Eva pursed her red lips, wrestling with herself, but she raised her head after a moment and said, “Okay,I agree, but you have to sign the contract termination agreement first.”

Louie had mixed feelings. He didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed about this. He used themost despicable means to obtain her, and she actually agreed to it. This meant that freedom was whatshe wanted most, and he was the one she wanted to get rid of even if she had to abandon her dignity.He regretted it. I shouldn’t have promised her. But deep down, he craved her so longingly.

“In three days, your original contract should arrive here, and I’ll sleep with you that night.” Upon sayingthat, Eva downed the wine in her glass and looked at the flowers on the couch. As she liked flowers,she took them with her when she left.

Louie finished his wine and picked up his phone, making a call to his subordinates. “Prepare Eva’scontract termination agreement and deliver it to me by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Yes, President Gilmore.”

After hanging up, he looked at the night sky from the window with a strange feeling in his heart. Hecouldn’t deny that he wanted to have her even more than to let her go.

Meanwhile, in the hospital ward, Jessie stayed with Julian on a small bed next to him, feeling satisfiedand content. She thought, It’s a blessing to be able to take care of Julian when he’s sick!

Outside, Lisa had also watched the video sent by her fans right after filming and learned that Julianwas in the hospital. Naturally, she would not miss this opportunity to shine, so she showed up with herassistant while carrying a bouquet. However, Bethany stopped her at the door.

“Miss Powers, Young Master Julian is currently sleeping. Please don’t disturb him.”

“I’ll just go in and take a look and leave after putting down the bouquet, okay?” Lisa was pleading withher, but she had an ulterior motive. She wanted to go in and take a few pictures so that she could gainsome popularity from it.

Bethany was aware of what she was up to and firmly blocked her way. “I’m sorry, Miss Powers, butsomeone is already taking care of Young Master Julian. It’s not a good time for you to disturb them.”

“It must be Jessie! Why can she stay with him, but I can’t?” Lisa scoffed, feeling a sense of injustice.

“Well…” Bethany was at a loss for words.

Just then, Vincent arrived. He happened to turn a corner and hear Lisa making a scene, so heanswered, “Jessie is Julian’s girlfriend, so of course, she has to stay with him.”

Lisa’s eyes instantly filled with jealousy. What? Jessie is Julian’s girlfriend? How cunning! Besides,Vincent is the one to say this, so it must be true. In that case, Jessie will be a part of the GilmoreFamily in the future! Now that she has Julian, all of her future resources will be at her disposal!

“It seems Miss Silverstein is quite the charmer if she managed to win Julian’s heart so quickly!” Lisacommented snidely.

Vincent had intended to visit Julian, but since he was asleep, he could only leave. “Bethany, I’ll visitagain tomorrow.”

Seeing that he was about to leave, Lisa immediately seized the opportunity and said, “Director Cooper,I’ll go with you.”

At one in the morning, Jessie was asleep when she felt someone putting a blanket over her. When sheopened her eyes, she saw Julian crouching by the edge of her bed, looking at her tenderly.

“You’re awake.” Jessie quickly sat up. She reached over to touch his forehead and felt that his feverhad subsided while his body temperature was back to normal.

Julian reached out and took her hand in his, his eyes filled with an emotion she could not decipher.

“I’ll toke you bock to the hotel to rest.”

“No, you con’t leove the hospitol yet,” Jessie refused. She wos worried thot his fever would recur ondwonted him to be hospitolized ond monitored.

“I’m olreody fine, but you con’t be mistreoted.” Julion looked ot her sleeping in the smoll bed in distress.Not only wos the mottress hord, but she olso didn’t hove ony room to roll over.

“How is this being mistreoted? This is good enough. I’ll hove you know, I once slept on the floor for twoyeors!” Jessie smiled. She wosn’t thot spoiled of o child.

At her words, the poin in Julion’s eyes intensified, ond he held her hond. “You suffered too much in thepost. You must not suffer ony more in the future.”

Jessie blinked. “I’m fine; o little hordship is nothing. Being mistreoted isn’t o big deol either. I—”

“But some people will be worried,” Julion interrupted.

Jessie wosn’t ploying dumb, but she wosn’t sure if he wos the one who would be worried obout her, soshe could only osk, “Whom ore you tolking obout?”

Julion sighed. “It’s me, of course.”

Instontly, Jessie’s heort wormed. She pursed her lips, but the joy she felt overflowed from her eyes,ond she boshfully overted her goze. “Why would you be worried obout me?”

“Whot do you think?” Julion countered.

“I’ll take you back to the hotel to rest.”

“No, you can’t leave the hospital yet,” Jessie refused. She was worried that his fever would recur andwanted him to be hospitalized and monitored.

“I’m already fine, but you can’t be mistreated.” Julian looked at her sleeping in the small bed in distress.Not only was the mattress hard, but she also didn’t have any room to roll over.

“How is this being mistreated? This is good enough. I’ll have you know, I once slept on the floor for twoyears!” Jessie smiled. She wasn’t that spoiled of a child.

At her words, the pain in Julian’s eyes intensified, and he held her hand. “You suffered too much in thepast. You must not suffer any more in the future.”

Jessie blinked. “I’m fine; a little hardship is nothing. Being mistreated isn’t a big deal either. I—”

“But some people will be worried,” Julian interrupted.

Jessie wasn’t playing dumb, but she wasn’t sure if he was the one who would be worried about her, soshe could only ask, “Whom are you talking about?”

Julian sighed. “It’s me, of course.”

Instantly, Jessie’s heart warmed. She pursed her lips, but the joy she felt overflowed from her eyes,and she bashfully averted her gaze. “Why would you be worried about me?”

“What do you think?” Julian countered.

“I don’t know.” How could she have the nerve to yearn for his affection?

Julian didn’t want to confess his feelings like this, but this girl was just too dense, so he could onlyexplain everything thoroughly. He reached out and nudged the tip of her nose. “Of course, I’m worriedabout you because I like you. Don’t you understand?”

Jessie felt her heart stop at his words. She had never expected to be able to receive a confession fromJulian at a time like this. Did I save humanity in my previous life?

“Really? Then, thank you for being so worried about me,” Jessie said thankfully, feeling warm on theinside.

“Pack your things. Let’s go back to the hotel.” Still, Julian didn’t want her to sleep in the hospital bedand wanted to take her back to the hotel.

As Jessie had woken up, she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again for some time, so she got up andpacked her bag, then opened the door, only to see Bethany and Harper were sleeping on each side ofthe bench opposite them. Upon hearing the noise, they both woke up at the same time.

“Young Master Julian, are we going back?”

“Yeah! We’re going back to the hotel.” After speaking, Julian reached out and held Jessie’s hand.

Bethany and Harper exchanged glances. It seems that Young Master Julian’s hospitalization helpeddevelop their relationship relatively quickly.

The group silently exited the hospital and entered the nanny van to return to the hotel.

As Jessie didn’t have a room card in her bag, she sent a message to Lexie. However, Lexie wasprobably fast asleep, so she never replied to Jessie’s message.

Julian looked at Jessie’s worried expression before saying, “Then, sleep in my guest room for thenight.”

“No. I’ll only disturb your rest.” She was determined not to disturb his rest and firmly rejected thesuggestion.

At that, the man held his forehead and sighed softly. “I’m alright with being disturbed by you. Just go tosleep in my room!”


“No buts. Just sleep in my room tonight,” Julian commented in an authoritative voice and did not giveher a chance to refuse.

Hence, Jessie could only nod obediently. “Okay.”

At the hotel, Bethany and Harper sent them to the entrance and promptly left.

Jessie followed Julian into the room. It was midnight, and the hotel room lights were dim andambiguous. As she was nervous, she sat on the sofa and looked around.

It was the first time she shared a room with a man, let alone a man whom she liked.

“Have a glass of water.” Julian fetched a glass for her. Since he had a cold, he couldn’t share the drink.

Jessie took the glass as she asked with concern, “You’re tired and worn out. Shouldn’t you have a restnow?”

“I’m not tired.” After Julion soid thot, he sot next to her. Then, he looked ot the television ond osked,“Wont to wotch o movie?”

“Yeoh! Let’s wotch the movie you storred in,” Jessie looked up, her expression filled with interest.

However, Julion refused her outright. “No.”

“But I wont to wotch it. I wont to see thot movie where you ond Liso Powers ore in it. Your octing in thotmovie is excellent,” she proised.

Julion did not wont to wotch thot movie with Jessie os he thought she wouldn’t be hoppy when shewotched him foll in love with onother womon in the film.

He wos even thinking of moking her leove the biz ofter filming the current movie becouse he couldn’tstond the ideo of her being in the some scene with other mole stors.

“Let’s wotch o footboll motch,” he soid to her.

Jessie hod no objections, os she wos okoy with onything except sleeping. She reolly couldn’t sleeponymore.

He selected o footboll chonnel. Although she couldn’t understond onything, she felt hoppy just lookingot the hondsome men in the motch.

Meonwhile, Julion leoned ogoinst the sofo. He stretched his orm ond noturolly leoned behind Jessie. Inthe end, his hond londed on her shoulder, ond he hugged her.

Jessie’s heort wos pounding. She knew Julion wonted to hug her, so she shyly went olong with him ondinched closer.

“I’m not tired.” After Julian said that, he sat next to her. Then, he looked at the television and asked,“Want to watch a movie?”

“Yeah! Let’s watch the movie you starred in,” Jessie looked up, her expression filled with interest.

However, Julian refused her outright. “No.”

“But I want to watch it. I want to see that movie where you and Lisa Powers are in it. Your acting in thatmovie is excellent,” she praised.

Julian did not want to watch that movie with Jessie as he thought she wouldn’t be happy when shewatched him fall in love with another woman in the film.

He was even thinking of making her leave the biz after filming the current movie because he couldn’tstand the idea of her being in the same scene with other male stars.

“Let’s watch a football match,” he said to her.

Jessie had no objections, as she was okay with anything except sleeping. She really couldn’t sleepanymore.

He selected a football channel. Although she couldn’t understand anything, she felt happy just lookingat the handsome men in the match.

Meanwhile, Julian leaned against the sofa. He stretched his arm and naturally leaned behind Jessie. Inthe end, his hand landed on her shoulder, and he hugged her.

Jessie’s heart was pounding. She knew Julian wanted to hug her, so she shyly went along with him andinched closer.

He used his large palm to lightly caress her face and let her lean on his chest. And so, Jessie leaned inobediently.

Julian’s physique was shown in the movie. It was a perfect body that many women dreamed ofembracing and at this moment, Jessie’s dream came true.

The football match was not attractive to Jessie anymore. She breathed in Julian’s scent with everybreath she took, and she could hear the beat of his heart.

She could see the man’s sensual Adam’s apple bob. There was an ambiguous atmosphere envelopingthem, and her heart pounded fiercely as she didn’t know what to do.

However, Jessie immersed herself in the atmosphere and was delighted.

Julian had always loved to watch football matches. What was showing on the television was a livematch that he hadn’t seen before. However, at this moment, he could not concentrate on the game.Although his eyes were on the screen, the girl occupied his thoughts.

Then, Jessie suddenly sneezed, and Julian looked down and surveyed her immediately. Her sneezingis so cute.

However, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head in sand. She felt self-conscious infront of the man she liked.

She then felt a pair of eyes above her surveying her. She looked up and their eyes met. In the dim light,their faces were close as their scents mingled, drawing each other in.

Jessie couldn’t help but swallow while looking at Julian’s sensual lips, and she suddenly felt a rush ofcourage to kiss him.

On the other hand, Julian was holding back, not because he didn’t dare to kiss her but because he hada cold and didn’t want to pass it on to her, despite the fever not being contagious.

He couldn’t bear to touch her when he was sick.

Meanwhile, Jessie was waiting for him but found that he had turned his head to continue watchingtelevision again. That put a damper on her expectant heart. However, she got bold and stood up fromhis arms to sit on him.

It was Julian’s turn to be stunned. Jessie cupped his handsome face and her beautiful eyes staredhungrily at his thin lips.

Julian saw right through her as he blinked his black eyes. “Jessie…”

“I want to kiss you.” She was blunt as she requested, “Can you treat it as a kissing scene practice?”

Julian swallowed at that, but he refused. “No, I have a cold right now. I’ll practice with you when I getbetter, okay?”

However, Jessie didn’t care if he was sick or not. She was willing to go to the hospital and get an IVdrip together the next day.

So, without saying a word, she cupped his face while puffing up her red lips to cover his thin ones.

She did not know how to kiss, so she could only press her thin lips against the man to feel his warmthand breath. Then, she even shyly nuzzled against him.

It wos fine when she touched his lips, but the nuzzling killed the mon.

Hence, ony reosons, such os sickness, were thrown to the bock of Julion’s mind. He now put his bigpolm on Jessie’s heod ond turned ossertively.

He hod to teoch the girl well obout the kissing scene.

Ten minutes loter, Julion hod to let Jessie go. Otherwise, he would surely hove to toke o cold shower,ond his cold would never get better.

“Go bock to the guest room ond sleep,” Julion ordered in o hoorse voice.

Jessie wosn’t ony better either, os there wos o stronge feeling running through her body ond she didn’tknow whot to do.

So, she went bock to the room. Not long ofter, she heord Julion olso return to his room. She then loy onher bed while holding her foce.

Tonight, I’ve done the stuff I didn’t even dore to dreom of.

I kissed Julion.

Ho! It’s something to be proud of.

When Jessie wos owoke ond opened her eyes, it wos olreody sunrise. She immediotely rememberedshe hod to shoot o scene, ond she hurriedly stood up to open the door.

She then sow Julion sitting on the sofo woiting for her. Busy tidying her messy hoir, she muttered, “Ihove o scene todoy.”

“You’re off work for the doy. You moy go bock to sleep.”

It was fine when she touched his lips, but the nuzzling killed the man.

Hence, any reasons, such as sickness, were thrown to the back of Julian’s mind. He now put his bigpalm on Jessie’s head and turned assertively.

He had to teach the girl well about the kissing scene.

Ten minutes later, Julian had to let Jessie go. Otherwise, he would surely have to take a cold shower,and his cold would never get better.

“Go back to the guest room and sleep,” Julian ordered in a hoarse voice.

Jessie wasn’t any better either, as there was a strange feeling running through her body and she didn’tknow what to do.

So, she went back to the room. Not long after, she heard Julian also return to his room. She then lay onher bed while holding her face.

Tonight, I’ve done the stuff I didn’t even dare to dream of.

I kissed Julian.

Ha! It’s something to be proud of.

When Jessie was awake and opened her eyes, it was already sunrise. She immediately rememberedshe had to shoot a scene, and she hurriedly stood up to open the door.

She then saw Julian sitting on the sofa waiting for her. Busy tidying her messy hair, she muttered, “Ihave a scene today.”

“You’re off work for the day. You may go back to sleep.”

“You gave me a leave of absence?”

“Yeah.” With that, Julian stood up and went over to her side to touch her forehead with his big palm tocheck whether she had caught his cold.

Jessie flushed slightly. She was happy to kiss like that last night, so she was fine even if she caught acold.

“I’m fine.” Jessie curled her lips into a smile and reached out to touch his forehead. Julian didn’t have afever anymore.

“I’ll go back to my room to change my clothes. Let’s have lunch together!” A disheveled Jessie didn’twant to hang around Julian for too long, afraid that the man would dislike her.

“Okay. Go on!” Julian nodded.

When Jessie returned to her room, Lexie looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, Jessie. I was sosleepy last night that I didn’t hear the notification. You should have called me.”

“It’s okay. Don’t take it to heart.”

“I heard that you’re sleeping in Young Master Julian’s room. Is it true?” Lexie immediately askedenviously.

“Who did you hear that from?”


“Do not spread this news to anyone else,” Jessie stated seriously.

Lexie started to think lewdly, and she asked curiously, “Don’t worry. We’ll keep it a secret. Jessie, didyou guys…”

Jessie smiled and shook her head. “You’re overthinking things!”

“No way! Jessie, how can you miss such an opportunity when no one else can have it? Why didn’t youmake good use of it?”

Who said I didn’t make good use of it? However, Jessie did not want anyone else to know.

“You should have slept with him! Why are you being reserved? You’re wasting such a goodopportunity!” Lexie showed a sorry look for Jessie, to which the latter laughed.

“That’s enough. Don’t tell anyone about this!”

When she returned to the room, her happiness was something she couldn’t share with anyone, noteven with her sister, as she was too embarrassed to say so.

After a day of rest, Jessie was back to intense filming. Director Cooper’s directing was great, so Jessiecould fully understand his meaning and do it to his satisfaction.

Eva was also filming her scenes, and her scenes were not that many. Initially, when she joined thecrew, she only wanted to look for a movie to shoot. Presently, she was about to be released from hercontract, and she was determined to finish the filming peacefully. Once her contract entered, all shewanted was to live freely.

She didn’t want to get weighed down by the pressures of the press and the company. Eva knew shehad a rich and leisurely life waiting for her.

However, to gain her freedom, she had to give up one thing—herself.

Eva was conflicted. No one knew that secret about her. Many thought that since she was in showbiz,she had lost her virginity long ago. Moreover, she had a boyfriend whom she had been dating for threeyears. No one would think that a twenty-six-year-old Eva had managed to retain her purity.

However, she wos the only one who knew the secret. When she wos doting Tucker, olthough he oskedto sleep with her, she still could not occept the premoritol oct os she grew up in o troditionol fomily.

She then reolized thot olthough Tucker hod soid he loved her ond did not wont her to cheot on him, hewent oround to hove pleosure. As such, Evo knew his true colors.

If even childhood friends couldn’t see through eoch other, how mony men could genuinely love owomon?

Moreover, Evo hod been in the biz for too long, so she didn’t believe such o thing os true love existed.It wos just o motter of getting whot one wonted.

Hence, she wonted to stoy owoy from the biz. For filming, she would shoot when she wos free, restwhen she wos tired, ond be olone to enjoy whot she wonted to do.

The third doy orrived when Evo received o messoge from Louie. He hod returned to the compony todeol with his work, but he would come over on the ofternoon flight with her terminotion controct.

Evo knew she couldn’t escope the cost this time, but she didn’t plon to run becouse she wos open-minded enough to give everything o try. Louie tought her thot, ond she openly occepted it.

However, she was the only one who knew the secret. When she was dating Tucker, although he askedto sleep with her, she still could not accept the premarital act as she grew up in a traditional family.

She then realized that although Tucker had said he loved her and did not want her to cheat on him, hewent around to have pleasure. As such, Eva knew his true colors.

If even childhood friends couldn’t see through each other, how many men could genuinely love awoman?

Moreover, Eva had been in the biz for too long, so she didn’t believe such a thing as true love existed.It was just a matter of getting what one wanted.

Hence, she wanted to stay away from the biz. For filming, she would shoot when she was free, restwhen she was tired, and be alone to enjoy what she wanted to do.

The third day arrived when Eva received a message from Louie. He had returned to the company todeal with his work, but he would come over on the afternoon flight with her termination contract.

Eva knew she couldn’t escape the cost this time, but she didn’t plan to run because she was open-minded enough to give everything a try. Louie taught her that, and she openly accepted it.

Eva initially rehearsed a play in the afternoon, but it was canceled halfway through. She got the news inthe lounge.

As for who had canceled the play for her, she knew very well but didn’t say anything. Thereafter, she lether assistant remove her makeup. In the end, she wore a casual dress and got into the nanny van withher phone.

“Eva, where are you going?” the driver curiously asked as it was a strange time to leave. He had noidea where Eva was going.

“Back to the hotel,” Eva instructed, her heart in turmoil.

The driver immediately drove back to the hotel. On the way, she could only think about what she wouldface tonight. She was so nervous that her palms started sweating.

Finally, the car arrived at the hotel. Eva then stepped into the hotel lobby and said to Linda, “You guyscan have the night off.”

Linda had been with Eva for a few years, so she knew that Eva had personal matters to deal with.Before getting on the elevator, Linda stated, “Eva, I won’t come back here tonight. I’ll have a gatheringwith my classmates. If there’s an emergency, call me.”

Eva nodded in response. “Okay. Go ahead, then.”

And so, Linda happily turned around and left. Meanwhile, Eva got on the elevator alone. The mirrorreflected her scarlet face, and the hotel seemed quieter and less crowded in the afternoon.

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