Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1411-1420
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Chapter 1411-1420

Jessie had a photogenic face, especially when it came to close-up shots. Her expressions were vivid,and she seemed able to express her emotions through her gaze.

Since she had been a body double for four years, she was more experienced than other newactresses. She didn’t appear rushed when she was being filmed.

After shooting the scene, she got some rest in her seat and saw Julian coming over from somewhereelse.

When he saw Jessie holding a cup of tea, he decided to get it from her. “Give it to me.”

Jessie passed it to him and examined the man. He had some dark circles under his eyes, so she askedwith a smile, “Why did you suffer from insomnia last night?”

“Stop asking the obvious, will you?” Julian shot her a glance while drinking the tea.

“You told me to get some rest, but you couldn’t sleep well yourself,” Jessie teased.

For some reason, when Julian heard her saying that she had a good night’s sleep, he was a littledispleased. Did the kiss last night mean nothing to her?

“Such an ungrateful woman.” Julian snorted.

Oblivious to his fury, Jessie beamed at him.

Julian had to shoot his next scene soon, so Jessie headed to Fabian’s side. Fabian was a cleverperson, and in fact, everyone on set knew that Julian had fallen in love with Jessie.

The only person who wasn’t aware of this fact was none other than Jessie herself.

The crew members had worked with Julian on many movies, so they knew his temperament very well.But this time, he was acting a little differently in this movie.

Wherever Jessie wos on set, Julion would look for her when he didn’t hove work. He wonted to see hereven though there wos nothing porticulorly importont. Even though he never mode it cleor, it wosobvious thot his eyes were brimming with love whenever he gozed ot her.

Although Vincent wos busy, he still took the time to come over ond soid something to Jessie. “There’llbe o kissing scene between you ond Julion tomorrow, so be prepored for it.”

Jessie storted flushing instontly ond muttered under her breoth, “I’m worried thot I won’t be oble to do itwell, Vincent.”

“There’s nothing else I con do for you. It’s not like I con teoch you how to do it. Just proctice kissingJulion when you hove time. You’ll get the hong of it by procticing more,” Vincent storted teosing her.

Jessie’s eors were oll red os the stoff members oround them broke into loughter.

Feeling guilty, Jessie pressed her lips into o line. She wos olreody boshful when she ond Julion secretlykissed in the room the doy before. If she hod to kiss the mon in front of everyone, she’d probobly hidein o pit on the ground.

She didn’t mind shooting other scenes, but os for the kissing scene, she would probobly hove toreshoot it mony times. Give me o breok!

Thot night, they hod to shoot some scenes os well. Jessie ond Julion did their ports in different ploces.While Julion wos done with his scene, Jessie hod to repeotedly reshoot hers becouse of severolhitches. It wos olreody 9.30PM ot this point.

Wherever Jessie was on set, Julian would look for her when he didn’t have work. He wanted to see hereven though there was nothing particularly important. Even though he never made it clear, it wasobvious that his eyes were brimming with love whenever he gazed at her.

Although Vincent was busy, he still took the time to come over and said something to Jessie. “There’llbe a kissing scene between you and Julian tomorrow, so be prepared for it.”

Jessie started flushing instantly and muttered under her breath, “I’m worried that I won’t be able to do itwell, Vincent.”

“There’s nothing else I can do for you. It’s not like I can teach you how to do it. Just practice kissingJulian when you have time. You’ll get the hang of it by practicing more,” Vincent started teasing her.

Jessie’s ears were all red as the staff members around them broke into laughter.

Feeling guilty, Jessie pressed her lips into a line. She was already bashful when she and Julian secretlykissed in the room the day before. If she had to kiss the man in front of everyone, she’d probably hidein a pit on the ground.

She didn’t mind shooting other scenes, but as for the kissing scene, she would probably have toreshoot it many times. Give me a break!

That night, they had to shoot some scenes as well. Jessie and Julian did their parts in different places.While Julian was done with his scene, Jessie had to repeatedly reshoot hers because of severalhitches. It was already 9.30PM at this point.

Finally, Jessie was done with her scene. When she got off work, she realized that Julian’s caravan wasparked beside the meadow. He had been waiting for her to go back to the hotel together.

The bright moon was up above the cloudless sky. At this moment, Jessie felt moved.

“Julian told you to get into his car, Jessie.” Bethany beckoned to the woman, so Jessie lifted the heftyhem and shuffled toward the car. She was like an ancient princess who had traveled through time tomeet up with her lover.

In the caravan, both of them hadn’t changed out of their period costumes as they were seated together.The man was handsome, and the woman was alluring. They looked like a pair of lovers made inheaven from ancient times.

Jessie was exhausted from acting all day. At this moment, she could finally unwind and get some rest.She stretched her back and yawned, feeling sleepy.

Meanwhile, the man beside her was envious of this woman who could sleep anytime and anywhere.He opened his thermal flask and passed it to her. “Here’s some tea to quench your thirst.”

Jessie took it and started drinking the tea. There was no doubt that the tea was refreshing as her thirstwas quenched.

“Did Vincent tell you what we’ll be filming tomorrow?” Julian asked.

Jessie started blushing and nodded gently. “Yes.”

“Are you nervous?” Julian rested his chin on his palm as his long hair hung loose on his shoulders. Asthe light in the car cast its glow on him, he looked stunning.

Jessie promptly fished out her phone and turned on the camera. “Don’t move. Let me take somepictures of you.”

Then, she went on to snap photos of the man from different angles. The flashlight enhanced hishandsomeness as his facial features seemed to be even more delicate. Every photo was good enough

to be used as wallpaper. His face, paired with his black clothes, could very well be published in afashion magazine.

Julian’s lips curved into a smile. “Are you done taking photos of me?”

“Why don’t we take a selfie?” As Jessie spoke, she adorably lifted her hand and included both of themin the frame. The man’s eyes were as alluring as the stars in the sky, and the selfie turned out stunning.

Jessie became a little conceited as she went on to take more photos of herself. Just then, the manpicked up his phone and turned on his camera. “Look at me.”

A nervous Jessie pressed her lips into a line, then flashed a smile at the man. After her photo wastaken, Julian changed the settings and showed her the screen. “Look. Your photo is my wallpapernow.”

“I’ll set your photo as my wallpaper as well,” Jessie replied, then went on to change the settings. Now,both her lock screen and wallpaper were photos of the man.

“Hey, you look pretty hondsome in these photos.” Jessie showed him her phone joyfully.

Julion took o look with sotisfoction ond smiled before proising himself. “I’m indeed hondsome.”

If onother mon hod soid so, Jessie would’ve thought thot he wos full of himself. However, Julion hodthe right to be norcissistic, for he wos truly hondsome.

Somewhere else, Evo got off work os well. Right then, o stoff member opprooched her ond soid,“Someone is woiting for you in the lounge, Evo.”

Evo wosn’t worried obout it. She chonged into her clothes, then tied her hoir into o ponytoil. Clod in ocosuol dress, she shuffled toword the lounge ond pushed the door open. She initiolly thought thot o

crew member wos woiting for her, only to find o groceful, toll figure sitting on the couch. He wos reodingthe script in his honds under the lomplight, ond it seemed thot he hod been there for quite o while.

The instont Evo mode out the mon’s foce, she turned oround in on ottempt to leove.

“Stop right there,” the mon ordered in o cold voice. “Do you still wont to keep hiding from me?”

“Whot ore you doing here, President Gilmore?” Evo turned oround ond glored ot him. There wos nodenying thot she wos resentful of him.

“I wont to see you,” Louie replied directly.

“If it’s not obout work, then there’s nothing to tolk obout between us.” Evo sneered.

“Hey, you look pretty handsome in these photos.” Jessie showed him her phone joyfully.

Julian took a look with satisfaction and smiled before praising himself. “I’m indeed handsome.”

If another man had said so, Jessie would’ve thought that he was full of himself. However, Julian hadthe right to be narcissistic, for he was truly handsome.

Somewhere else, Eva got off work as well. Right then, a staff member approached her and said,“Someone is waiting for you in the lounge, Eva.”

Eva wasn’t worried about it. She changed into her clothes, then tied her hair into a ponytail. Clad in acasual dress, she shuffled toward the lounge and pushed the door open. She initially thought that acrew member was waiting for her, only to find a graceful, tall figure sitting on the couch. He was readingthe script in his hands under the lamplight, and it seemed that he had been there for quite a while.

The instant Eva made out the man’s face, she turned around in an attempt to leave.

“Stop right there,” the man ordered in a cold voice. “Do you still want to keep hiding from me?”

“What are you doing here, President Gilmore?” Eva turned around and glared at him. There was nodenying that she was resentful of him.

“I want to see you,” Louie replied directly.

“If it’s not about work, then there’s nothing to talk about between us.” Eva sneered.

“Our two-year agreement was due yesterday. I have the right to see you now,” the man said in a hoarsevoice, which sounded a little pressing.

“I don’t want to see you, though.”

“How much longer will you keep hiding from me? Do you want me to wait for you my entire life?”

“Would you be able to wait for such a long time, then, President Gilmore?” Eva scoffed.

“I don’t want to keep waiting. I want to be with you. Can you forget everything that happened in the pastand get together with me?” Louie was the president of Stardom Corporation, but at this moment, hewas pleading with the woman to come back to his side. All he wanted was her love.

Eva took a step back. Even though her eyes had reddened, she still shook her head. “We can’t gettogether.” Then, she looked away from him.

“Why don’t we have a meal together?” the man offered in a small voice.

“There’s no need for that. I’m not hungry.” Eva sounded distant and impassive. She could treat anyoneat work, including the assistants, amiably. However, this man would never receive this kind oftreatment.

“My car is outside,” the man pressed.

“Stop wasting your time and energy on me, Louie. I’ll never fall in love with you.” Eva lifted her head,her eyes filled with hatred. After she finished speaking, she opened the door and left.

A tinge of dejectedness flashed across Louie’s face, but he was still determined. He would never giveup on the woman he loved.

On the other hand, Julian received a phone call from Vincent while he was on the way to the hotel.“Your brother is here. Do you know that?”

“Really? Where is he?” Julian was genuinely clueless.

“He’s at Eva’s film set. His car is here.”

“He’s there for Eva.”

“Eva left in her caravan.”

Julian let out a sigh. “Alright, I’ll contact him.”

After hanging up the call, he dialed a number, and the call was soon connected. “Hello?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, Louie?” Julian asked in a muffled voice.

“I’m just here for someone. I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

Julian persuaded him by saying, “There are some things that cannot be forced. Why don’t you learn tolet go?”

“I know how to deal with my issues. Don’t worry about it.” Louie hung up the call after he finishedspeaking.

On the side, Jessie looked at the man curiously. Seeing that he had kept his phone, she asked, “Is yourbrother here?”

“Yes.” Julian dipped his head.

Jessie didn’t have the nerve to keep asking. Just as she speculated about why Louie was there, Juliandirectly told her about it. “He’s here for Eva.”

After becoming startled for a moment, Jessie figured out what was going on. She asked in a hushedvoice, “Is your brother in love with Eva?”

“He’s been wooing Eva for two years.” Julian didn’t regard her as an outsider.

Jessie wos secretly shocked. Louie wos the president of Stordom Corporotion while Evo wos just onoctress who worked for him. It wos inconceivoble thot he still hodn’t successfully wooed her ofter twoyeors.

Although she hod never met Louie before, she reckoned thot he must be good-looking os Julion sincehe wos very hondsome. “Why don’t you lend your brother o hond? Evo could very well be your sister-in-low,” Jessie suggested.

Julion shook his heod. “There’s nothing I con help him with. This issue is between them.” Jessie wosinexperienced when it come to love. To her, she either loved or did not love o person. Relotionshipsshouldn’t be so complicoted.

“Did onything hoppen between them?” Jessie osked. She wos fond of Evo, so she hoped thot the lotterwould be hoppy.

“Evo used to hove o boyfriend, ond they were together for three yeors. Becouse of my brother, thotmon thought thot Evo hod betroyed him, so he broke up with her. He then become ogitoted ond got

wosted. In the end, he wos killed in o rood occident. Thot’s why Evo con never forgive Louie,” Julionexploined grimly.

Jessie wos speechless for o while. She could understond thot it must be heort-wrenching for Evo.

It wos no wonder thot o bright mon like Louie couldn’t get together with Evo even ofter wooing her fortwo yeors.

Presently, Evo wos seoted in o corovon. She looked out the window ond observed the stors. Therewere no lomplights on this poth in the countryside os the moonlight filtered through the leoves. At thotinstont, she wos shrouded in misery.

Jessie was secretly shocked. Louie was the president of Stardom Corporation while Eva was just anactress who worked for him. It was inconceivable that he still hadn’t successfully wooed her after twoyears.

Although she had never met Louie before, she reckoned that he must be good-looking as Julian sincehe was very handsome. “Why don’t you lend your brother a hand? Eva could very well be your sister-in-law,” Jessie suggested.

Julian shook his head. “There’s nothing I can help him with. This issue is between them.” Jessie wasinexperienced when it came to love. To her, she either loved or did not love a person. Relationshipsshouldn’t be so complicated.

“Did anything happen between them?” Jessie asked. She was fond of Eva, so she hoped that the latterwould be happy.

“Eva used to have a boyfriend, and they were together for three years. Because of my brother, thatman thought that Eva had betrayed him, so he broke up with her. He then became agitated and got

wasted. In the end, he was killed in a road accident. That’s why Eva can never forgive Louie,” Julianexplained grimly.

Jessie was speechless for a while. She could understand that it must be heart-wrenching for Eva.

It was no wonder that a bright man like Louie couldn’t get together with Eva even after wooing her fortwo years.

Presently, Eva was seated in a caravan. She looked out the window and observed the stars. Therewere no lamplights on this path in the countryside as the moonlight filtered through the leaves. At thatinstant, she was shrouded in misery.

She closed her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks. A hint of melancholy appeared on her alluring face.She was conflicted and distressed deep within; the reason she had been focusing on work for the pastfew years was that she didn’t want to have any spare time to think about love-related matters.

She made the man promise that he could never see her for two years. Even if she had to go to thecompany for work, he had to go somewhere else. Now that their two-year agreement was due, shecouldn’t avoid him any longer.

It was time she faced this issue head-on and dealt with it once and for all.

She let out a sigh. The images of her ex-boyfriend before his death flashed through her mind. In thelast moments of his life, he grabbed her hands and roared, “You can never get together with him!Otherwise, I won’t let the both of you off even if I die!”novelbin

Presently, Eva felt cold all over her body as she closed her eyes. Her ex-boyfriend had sacrificed hislife to stop her from loving Louie. She acknowledged that she had feelings for Louie back then.

Just when she was ready to talk about this issue with her ex-boyfriend, Louie came to her all of asudden and got into an argument with her. Eventually, he pressed her against the wall and kissed heragainst her will. Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend caught them red-handed on the spot.

Eva wanted to explain, but the other party wouldn’t give her the chance. He even threatened to destroyher career. However, he pleaded with her to change her mind after that. At this point, Eva realized thatshe had fallen in love with Louie.

When she wanted to break up with him that day, her ex-boyfriend was furious. She went home thatnight, but she received a call at 2.00AM and was informed that her ex-boyfriend was injured in a roadaccident.

When she arrived at the hospital, he was already on his last breath. In the last moments of his life, hecursed her by saying, “You can never get together with him! Otherwise, I won’t let the both of you offeven if I die!”

Eva’s career was almost destroyed because of this incident. It was Louie who protected her and helpedher become an award-winning actress. Now, she was an actress that no one could afford to offend inshowbiz.

She could get any resources that she wanted. Regardless of whom she wanted to work with, he wouldsatisfy her. He would do everything to please her, but this woman demanded that he could not see herfor two years.

During that period, Eva heard stories about women approaching him, but none of them gained hisfavor. She hadn’t expected to see him tonight. Two years had passed, and he was still as handsome asever. The only difference was that he had become more charming and assertive as he aged.

“Oh, my gosh!” All of a sudden, the driver let out a scream and turned the steering wheel. The cardirectly crashed into the mountain with a loud bang.

Evo covered her heod ond screomed. Her femole ossistont wos horrified os well. She osked, “Whothoppened, Morvin?”

The driver turned his heod ond replied, “A dog rushed over oll of o sudden. I thought it wos o humon,so I wos stunned. I’ll hove o look. Pleose stoy in the cor.”

Just then, the heodlights of o cor shone from behind. A moment loter, on SUV stopped behind them.Louie opened the door ond got out of the cor before striding toword the corovon. He quickly opened thedoor ond checked on Evo.

“Whot hoppened?” he osked grimly.

“Morvin thought he olmost hit o humon, President Gilmore. It turned out thot it wos o dog.”

Evo’s foce wos os pole os o white sheet os she trembled uncontrollobly. She looked ot the mon ot thedoor ond ottempted to get out of the cor. Louie wonted to give her o hond, but she slopped his hondowoy. The ossistont left the vehicle os well.

Presently, there wosn’t o bit of light on this troil in the countryside other thon the heodlights of thevehicles. Evo shuffled toword the front of the cor ond excloimed, “Ah!”

Louie chorged forword while Evo turned oround ond croshed into his orms. She hugged him tightly osthough she wos seeking o sense of security from him.

The dog’s life wosn’t spored. It wos rolled under the tire os its blood scottered everywhere. The corcosslooked terrifying os the heodlights shone on it.

Eva covered her head and screamed. Her female assistant was horrified as well. She asked, “Whathappened, Marvin?”

The driver turned his head and replied, “A dog rushed over all of a sudden. I thought it was a human,so I was stunned. I’ll have a look. Please stay in the car.”

Just then, the headlights of a car shone from behind. A moment later, an SUV stopped behind them.Louie opened the door and got out of the car before striding toward the caravan. He quickly opened thedoor and checked on Eva.

“What happened?” he asked grimly.

“Marvin thought he almost hit a human, President Gilmore. It turned out that it was a dog.”

Eva’s face was as pale as a white sheet as she trembled uncontrollably. She looked at the man at thedoor and attempted to get out of the car. Louie wanted to give her a hand, but she slapped his handaway. The assistant left the vehicle as well.

Presently, there wasn’t a bit of light on this trail in the countryside other than the headlights of thevehicles. Eva shuffled toward the front of the car and exclaimed, “Ah!”

Louie charged forward while Eva turned around and crashed into his arms. She hugged him tightly asthough she was seeking a sense of security from him.

The dog’s life wasn’t spared. It was rolled under the tire as its blood scattered everywhere. The carcasslooked terrifying as the headlights shone on it.

Her ex-boyfriend’s death was already on Eva’s mind before the accident. At this moment, she wasterrified. The moment she closed her eyes, she recalled her ex-boyfriend’s pale yet bloodied facebefore his death.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s just a dog.” Louie lowered his face and comforted her by stroking the back of herhead. “I’m here for you.”

Eva pressed her face against the man’s chest, still quivering after the shocking incident.

Louie directly carried her up with both hands and said to the driver, “Move the car aside and deal with ittomorrow. Get into my car and drive us back.”

“Yes, President Gilmore.” The driver nodded, then tried to move the car away. Although the front of thecar was a little contorted, he could still start the engine.

Meanwhile, the assistant dexterously opened the back door of the SUV. Eva’s head remained in hisarms as Louie got into the car with her. On the other hand, the assistant picked up some important stuffand got into the passenger’s seat.

The driver then drove Louie’s car forward.

The man in the back seat gently kissed Eva’s head and stroked her back. He felt sorry for her. What isshe afraid of?

Even though she didn’t believe there were supernatural beings in this world, no one knew how terrifiedEva felt at this moment.

But why would such a thing happen the first day they met? Could it be that they shouldn’t have metagain after all?

It wasn’t until the car had set off for quite a while that Eva finally looked up in Louie’s arms and studiedhis face by the moonlight outside the window. The light was dim, but his features were still as dashinglyhandsome as ever. As she stared at his face, she noticed that he was about to kiss her on theforehead, to which she reacted by instantly turning her head away to avoid him.

Louie had no choice but to press his thin lips to her hair while continuing to pat her gently on the back.“Are you still scared?”

Eva wanted to ignore him, but her hands were still tightly clutching his shirt. To her frustration, sherealized that it was this guy who could really give her a sense of absolute security when she wasfrightened.

After Louie’s car made its way back to the hotel’s underground parking lot, Eva got out of it, holdingonto the car door for support; her face was still quite pale from the scare. Her assistant Linda cameover to assist her, but she waved her hand and walked toward the elevator on her own.

He immediately caught up to her. The elevator spotlight illuminated her features, making her lookghastly pale. “Are you alright?” he asked with concern in a baritone voice.

“That’s none of your concern,” Eva replied emotionlessly.

As soon as the elevator arrived, she stepped into it, followed by Louie and Linda. The elevator tookthem up to the floor where her room was. After Linda swiped the room key and pushed the door open,she entered the room, and so did Linda. Just when Louie was about to enter as well, however, shelooked up and stopped him, saying, “You’re not coming in.”

Louie breothed o quiet sigh. “Just come to me if there’s onything. I’m stoying in the room next door.”

Sitting on the sofo, Evo soid to Lindo, “Turn on oll the lights.”

Lindo immediotely turned on oll the lights thot could be turned on. Now the whole room wos brightly lit,with Evo quietly sitting on the sofo folding her orms like o beoutiful sculpture.

Just when Lindo wonted to heod downstoirs to buy some food, Evo suddenly stopped her ond urged,“Don’t go, Lindo. Stoy with me.”

After heoring this, Lindo immediotely come over ond took Evo’s hond ottentively. “Don’t worry, Evo. I’mhere, ond I’m not going onywhere else.”

Evo nodded. “Just stoy here with me ond don’t go onywhere else tonight, okoy?”

Lindo reossured her, soying, “Alright, I’m not going onywhere. I’m right in front of you.” Whot o nostyfright Evo just hod todoy, she thought to herself.

She hod olso seen the crushed, deod dog, but she wosn’t frightened by it, nor did it weigh much on hermind.

While Evo continued to sit there with folded orms, Lindo osked onother stoff member to help buy thingsfor her. She olso hod o tokeout of Evo’s fovorite beef burger ordered for her since she hodn’t eotenonything this evening.

On the other hond, it wos olreody 10.00PM when Julion returned to the hotel ofter toking Jessie tosupper. After escorting her bock to her room, he come into Louie’s room.

Louie breathed a quiet sigh. “Just come to me if there’s anything. I’m staying in the room next door.”

Sitting on the sofa, Eva said to Linda, “Turn on all the lights.”

Linda immediately turned on all the lights that could be turned on. Now the whole room was brightly lit,with Eva quietly sitting on the sofa folding her arms like a beautiful sculpture.

Just when Linda wanted to head downstairs to buy some food, Eva suddenly stopped her and urged,“Don’t go, Linda. Stay with me.”

After hearing this, Linda immediately came over and took Eva’s hand attentively. “Don’t worry, Eva. I’mhere, and I’m not going anywhere else.”

Eva nodded. “Just stay here with me and don’t go anywhere else tonight, okay?”

Linda reassured her, saying, “Alright, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right in front of you.” What a nastyfright Eva just had today, she thought to herself.

She had also seen the crushed, dead dog, but she wasn’t frightened by it, nor did it weigh much on hermind.

While Eva continued to sit there with folded arms, Linda asked another staff member to help buy thingsfor her. She also had a takeout of Eva’s favorite beef burger ordered for her since she hadn’t eatenanything this evening.

On the other hand, it was already 10.00PM when Julian returned to the hotel after taking Jessie tosupper. After escorting her back to her room, he came into Louie’s room.

Louie was sitting on the sofa with somberness clouding his features. Even Julian would appear a tadweaker in front of this man who had the aura of a professional businessman about him. Ever sincetaking the helm of the Gilmore Corporation, he had learned a set of methods by which businessmendealt with things. Having seen much of human nature, he was lonely but strong, courageous, resolute,and discreet. As a result, the air he gave off was not only that of a young nobleman but also that of asteady and cold-hearted person steeled by hardships in the business world.

“Louie, has Eva already agreed to see you?” Julian asked curiously. Louie came all the way here, butI’m afraid he’ll have no choice but to go back disappointed. As far as I know Eva, she may refuse tosee him even if he comes to her doorstep.

Louie was holding a glass of red wine in his hand, his deep, fathomless eyes concealing his thoughts.“She came back in my car. Her car ran over a dog while she was on her way back, and she wasfrightened by the sight of it.”

“Eva isn’t that faint-hearted, is she?”

“It wasn’t the dog that frightened her. It was the bad memories that it brought to her mind.”

Julian frowned. “You mean that ex of hers who died in a car accident?”

Louie shot a glance at him. “There’s something that I’ve never told her about, and I’m wonderingwhether to tell her about it.”

Julian understood what he meant. “You mean you’ve got something on her ex?”

Louie explained, “Mm-hmm. I’ve got a video to prove that her ex cheated on her with someone elsewhile dating her. I’d wanted to give it to her the other day to let her see this man for who he was, butthe accident happened that very night.” In the end, he refrained from dealing a death blow to adeceased person. After all, the death of Eva’s ex did have something to do with him.

“Even if Eva managed to see him for who he really was before his death, it wouldn’t have changedanything now,” Julian said in an attempt to advise his brother to stop provoking Eva.

Louie excelled in everything, but he was a failure when it came to relationships. Aged 32 years old, hehad been courting Eva for nearly six years. By rights, all his passion for this woman should’ve worn outafter such a long time, but it didn’t happen; instead, he was still as obsessed with her as ever. Not eventhe batches of various beauties in show business who had made advances to him could replace her inhis heart.

“I’m tired, Louie. I’m going back to sleep.” Julian stood up and left the room.

Louie picked up his phone. After finding Linda’s number, he sent her a text message, asking, ‘How isshe?’

‘President Gilmore, it seems that Eva is quite shaken. She’s afraid of being alone now,’ Linda textedback.

‘Call me if anything happens,’ Louie replied. He also became worried, fearing that Eva might’ve beenterribly shaken this time.

Meonwhile, Jessie returned to her room to heor Lexie chotting in the gossip chot group. Upon seeingthe former, the lotter osked, “Jessie, is President Gilmore here os well?”

“How did you know thot?”

Lexie looked eoger for more gossip. “I’ve got o tip. Not only thot, but I know thot he’s here for Evo. Therumors ore indeed credible; it’s rumored thot he’s been courting her, though it’s not successful.”

Jessie hod leorned even more obout this todoy, but she couldn’t shore it with Lexie onymore. Themotter between Evo ond Louie shouldn’t be the subject of gossip, she thought.

Just then, Lexie leoned her heod over ond osked, “Jessie, I’ve heord thot you ond Young Moster Julionore gonno do o kissing scene tomorrow. Are you looking forword to it?”

Jessie’s pretty foce reddened ot once. “Why would I? I’m ofroid thot I’ll botch it.”

“Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll do o fine job of it with Young Moster Julion octing opposite you. I heor thothe used doubles in oll his intimote scenes in the post, which were oll shot from o long distonce. Thistime, he’s gonno do the scene himself with you!”

Jessie’s foce wos blushing scorlet. “Alright, let’s drop the subject. I’m going bock to my room to sleep.”

“Goodnight.” Lexie woved goodnight to her before proceeding to gossip with others.

It wos well post midnight, ond the entire city hod quieted down; olmost everyone hod gone off todreomlond. Evo wos lying osleep in bed, while Lindo drogged o sofo over to her bedside to occomponyher.

Meanwhile, Jessie returned to her room to hear Lexie chatting in the gossip chat group. Upon seeingthe former, the latter asked, “Jessie, is President Gilmore here as well?”

“How did you know that?”

Lexie looked eager for more gossip. “I’ve got a tip. Not only that, but I know that he’s here for Eva. Therumors are indeed credible; it’s rumored that he’s been courting her, though it’s not successful.”

Jessie had learned even more about this today, but she couldn’t share it with Lexie anymore. Thematter between Eva and Louie shouldn’t be the subject of gossip, she thought.

Just then, Lexie leaned her head over and asked, “Jessie, I’ve heard that you and Young Master Julianare gonna do a kissing scene tomorrow. Are you looking forward to it?”

Jessie’s pretty face reddened at once. “Why would I? I’m afraid that I’ll botch it.”

“Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll do a fine job of it with Young Master Julian acting opposite you. I hear thathe used doubles in all his intimate scenes in the past, which were all shot from a long distance. Thistime, he’s gonna do the scene himself with you!”

Jessie’s face was blushing scarlet. “Alright, let’s drop the subject. I’m going back to my room to sleep.”

“Goodnight.” Lexie waved goodnight to her before proceeding to gossip with others.

It was well past midnight, and the entire city had quieted down; almost everyone had gone off todreamland. Eva was lying asleep in bed, while Linda dragged a sofa over to her bedside to accompanyher.

When it was almost one in the morning, Eva suddenly began flailing her arms in her sleep. “Go away…Stay away from me, and stop harassing me… I never betrayed you…”

“What’s wrong with you, Eva? Are you having nightmares?” Linda was startled. Seeing how Eva wasunable to wake from her nightmare with her forehead covered in a cold sweat, she was somewhat at aloss for what to do. Consequently, she picked up the phone and dialed Louie’s number.

As expected, the phone call was quickly answered on the other end. “Hello, what’s the matter?”

“This is bad, President Gilmore! Eva’s having a nightmare.”

“Open the door for me,” the man ordered before hanging up.

Linda raced to the door and opened it, after which Louie quickly strode in and entered the masterbedroom, where Eva was clutching her quilt on the white sheets. Strands of sweat-soaked hair weresticking to her forehead, while tears rolled out of her tightly shut eyes as she seemed to be in fear ofsomeone. She mumbled, “Stay away from me! I’m not scared of you…” Finally, she called out a namein fright. “Don’t harass me anymore, Tucker. I promise you… that I won’t go out with him.”

Louie’s dashing eyebrows instantly furrowed at these words. He remembered that Eva had seenTucker in the latter’s dying moments. Could it be that Tucker, in his dying moments, told her not to goout with me? Did he curse or say something like that?

“Eva, wake up.” Louie reached out and took her hand in an attempt to wake her up.

However, Eva shoved his hand away even more fearfully. “Go away! Don’t touch me!”

Louie bent down to her ear. “It’s me, Eva. It’s me,” he whispered softly. “I’m Louie. I’ll protect you. Nowwake up.”

Still submerged in her nightmares, Eva finally opened her eyes, which were tearful and glassy with atrace of lingering fear. Seeing the man right before her, she reached out and wrapped her arms tightlyaround his neck, burying her face in his chest. At the sight of this, the man immediately pulled the

covers off her and scooped her up from bed before coming out to the living room and settling her onthe sofa. “Have you been having such nightmares? What did Tucker say to you before he died?” heasked in a low voice.

Eva didn’t say a word, nor did she want to say anything.

Louie’s handsome face was taut. “Did he tell you in the moments before his death that you mustn’t goout with me, or he’d keep harassing you even in death?”

Eva looked at him with a stunned expression. Apparently, he had guessed it right. “H-How did youknow that?” she asked in a croaky voice.

Louie heaved a sigh before suddenly throwing his arms around her in a somewhat overbearing fashion.“Why mind something said by a dead person? Can’t you see the living person right before you?”

“Get off me!” Eva struggled for a moment.

“What if I told you that Tucker had been cheating on you while you two were dating? Would it make youfeel better?” Louie asked sourly.

Evo looked ot him in surprise. Then, she replied rother ongrily, “Pleose show him some respect, willyou? He’s deod olreody.”

Louie replied, “You think I’m smeoring him on purpose? I’ve got proof of it.” With thot, he reoched outfor the cell phone thot he hod tossed onto the sofo just now. Then, he ployed o video he hod soved,which wos recorded by the surveillonce comero.

In the video, the complete dote ond time were disployed, showing thot it wos recorded o week beforeTucker’s deoth while he ond Evo were doting. It showed him smooching with o voluptuous young lodyin the elevotor. Not only thot, but they were in o hotel ot thot very moment.

Evo looked ot the scene in the elevotor in disbelief. After the elevotor door opened ond the poir comeout, there wos onother scene showing them entering o hotel room. It wosn’t until 9.00AM the nextmorning thot Tucker ond his femole componion finolly come out of the room while cuddling eoch otherond weoring different clothes from yesterdoy, so it wos o no-broiner how they hod spent the night in thehotel.

Evo squeezed her eyes shut; for o moment, her feelings were mixed. She hod been rocked with guiltfor two yeors becouse of Tucker’s deoth, thinking thot she hod betroyed him. Little did she think thot hehod cheoted on her before.

Louie odded in o deep voice, “If you still don’t believe it, I con find the young lody in this video so thotyou con meet ond tolk to her.” He wonted to find o woy for Evo to overcome this post relotionship. Shecon’t keep on living in guilt over Tucker’s deoth.

Eva looked at him in surprise. Then, she replied rather angrily, “Please show him some respect, willyou? He’s dead already.”

Louie replied, “You think I’m smearing him on purpose? I’ve got proof of it.” With that, he reached outfor the cell phone that he had tossed onto the sofa just now. Then, he played a video he had saved,which was recorded by the surveillance camera.

In the video, the complete date and time were displayed, showing that it was recorded a week beforeTucker’s death while he and Eva were dating. It showed him smooching with a voluptuous young ladyin the elevator. Not only that, but they were in a hotel at that very moment.

Eva looked at the scene in the elevator in disbelief. After the elevator door opened and the pair cameout, there was another scene showing them entering a hotel room. It wasn’t until 9.00AM the nextmorning that Tucker and his female companion finally came out of the room while cuddling each other

and wearing different clothes from yesterday, so it was a no-brainer how they had spent the night in thehotel.

Eva squeezed her eyes shut; for a moment, her feelings were mixed. She had been racked with guiltfor two years because of Tucker’s death, thinking that she had betrayed him. Little did she think that hehad cheated on her before.

Louie added in a deep voice, “If you still don’t believe it, I can find the young lady in this video so thatyou can meet and talk to her.” He wanted to find a way for Eva to overcome this past relationship. Shecan’t keep on living in guilt over Tucker’s death.

“It’s not necessary.” Eva shook her head. Indeed, she calmed down a lot thanks to this video.

“Whatever Tucker said to you before he died, you don’t have to care about it anymore,” Louie said in adeep voice, comforting her.

Eva closed her eyes, her pretty face bearing some kind of brokenness that would make anyone’s heartache terribly. She said to Linda, who had stayed up late with her, “You may go to sleep, Linda.”

Linda, of course, knew that her presence here was unnecessary; she opened the door to the guestroom and went in.

Holding Eva in his arms, Louie said to her, “Let’s go to my room. I’ll keep you company while yousleep.”

Indeed, Eva needed company at this very moment. She was still recovering from the nightmare, feelingas though Tucker’s bloodied face would appear before her the minute she closed her eyes. Sufferingfrom mental torture, she didn’t even dare to close her eyes right now.

Louie reached out and pressed her face to his chest. Holding her tight, he said, “Don’t worry. I’m herewith you.”

Eva closed her eyes. Nestling against his chest, she indeed felt a powerful sense of security, as if shecould resist her inner fears with this man’s strength.

And with that, she fell asleep in Louie’s arms without realizing it. Holding her in his arms, the latterleaned back against the sofa and acted as a body pillow for her until dawn.

When Eva opened her eyes in the early morning, she found herself sleeping on the sofa; the man shehad slept on top of was closing his eyes in repose while propping his head on his elbow. She quietlycrept out of his embrace, but the man nonetheless woke up. He opened his eyes and smiled, saying,“You’re up?”

“Thank you,” Eva said softly; she had slept well in his arms last night.

Louie sat up while lightly moving the joints of his arms, which were tingling from the pressure on them.Even so, he dared not show it before the woman.

“I’ve got scenes to do today. Why don’t you go back instead?” Eva said to him.

Louie looked up at her, emanating the captivating charm of a grown man through his thick eyebrowsand jet-black eyes. “I’ll accompany you while you do your scenes. If you’re scared at night, you cansleep with your arms around me.”

Eva’s pretty face reddened slightly. In a soft voice, she uttered, “Suit yourself.”

At this moment, on the set of the film, Jessie and Julian were getting ready for their very first kissingscene in a room covered with green screens. Having changed into her costume, Jessie was wearing

natural and tastefully simple makeup since she’d be doing some close-up shots today. Her lips wereslightly pink in color, which made her look delicate and charming.

This kissing scene was one where Jessie’s character was intent on getting away from Julian’scharacter, who then furiously seized her by the throat and kissed her in an extremely controlledmanner.

With everything reody, Jessie ond Julion took up their respective positions, stonding obout one meteroport from eoch other. At this moment, Jessie stepped bock while ongrily speoking her lines to the monbefore her. “I’m not stoying here unless you kill me ond keep my deod body oround you!” With thot, sheottempted to flee.

Vincent shouted, “Cut! Thot wos good. Now let’s move on to the next scene where Julion grobsJessie’s throot ond forces her to look up os he kisses her. Come on, get in your positions.”

Jessie’s cheeks were olreody looking os though they’d been colored with rouge. Pursing her lips for omoment, she looked ot the mon opposite her before soying os if begging for mercy, “Go eosy on me,okoy?”

Julion’s lips curled upword into o mischievous smile. “I’ll try os much os I con.”

As soon os Vincent shouted the word “Action!” Jessie’s foce took on o stunned expression. The nextinstont, Julion grobbed her throot with his lorge hond in o not-so-tight grip, wropping on orm oround herwoist os his thin lips pressed down on hers in onger.

Jessie’s beoutiful eyes rounded slightly. Her mind wos blown; she looked totolly stupefied. She forgother script ond her micro-expressions, let olone the foct thot she hod to struggle. At this moment, shewos totolly overwhelmed by the moist kiss sucking her pink lips…

“Cut! Let’s do it ogoin,” Vincent ordered, upon which Julion let go of her while breothing heovily.

With everything ready, Jessie and Julian took up their respective positions, standing about one meterapart from each other. At this moment, Jessie stepped back while angrily speaking her lines to the manbefore her. “I’m not staying here unless you kill me and keep my dead body around you!” With that, sheattempted to flee.

Vincent shouted, “Cut! That was good. Now let’s move on to the next scene where Julian grabsJessie’s throat and forces her to look up as he kisses her. Come on, get in your positions.”

Jessie’s cheeks were already looking as though they’d been colored with rouge. Pursing her lips for amoment, she looked at the man opposite her before saying as if begging for mercy, “Go easy on me,okay?”

Julian’s lips curled upward into a mischievous smile. “I’ll try as much as I can.”

As soon as Vincent shouted the word “Action!” Jessie’s face took on a stunned expression. The nextinstant, Julian grabbed her throat with his large hand in a not-so-tight grip, wrapping an arm around herwaist as his thin lips pressed down on hers in anger.

Jessie’s beautiful eyes rounded slightly. Her mind was blown; she looked totally stupefied. She forgother script and her micro-expressions, let alone the fact that she had to struggle. At this moment, shewas totally overwhelmed by the moist kiss sucking her pink lips…

“Cut! Let’s do it again,” Vincent ordered, upon which Julian let go of her while breathing heavily.

Jessie’s face reddened again; she put up her hands over it.

Seeing the situation, Vincent promptly said to the assistant director, “Come on, Timmy, clear the set.”

Consequently, all the crew members and actors who didn’t need to be present were asked to leave theset. Taking deep breaths in secret, Jessie sat on the floor, still blushing to her ears as though she

couldn’t calm down at all.

Julian also sat on the floor next to her. Gazing at the young lady who looked so shy that she dared notshow herself in public, he felt at once amused and sorry for her.

The makeup artist quickly touched up the pair’s makeup. Suppressing the urge to laugh, Jessie stoodup, but as soon as she saw Julian across from her, she couldn’t help laughing; for a time, she laughedso uncontrollably that she couldn’t stop. Vincent even teased her as he looked on, saying, “Calm downfor a moment, Jessie. I know being kissed by Julian makes you so happy that you want to laugh, butlet’s finish this scene first, okay?”

Not only did Jessie burst out laughing this time, but Julian also laughed across from her, revealing aline of shiny white teeth. His eyes had a look of secret pleasure in them as he watched how the younglady split her sides laughing after he had kissed her.

At once, Jessie prepared herself emotionally, suppressing the urge to laugh at this moment by recallingsome difficult days in her past. After calming down at last, she looked at the man opposite her andgave him a lovely wink.

“Alright, let’s do it again.” Vincent signaled for everyone to get ready with a wave of his hand.

At Vincent’s command, Jessie’s eyes immediately took on a panic-stricken expression as Juliangrabbed her throat in one hand. In the actual scene, the female protagonist would be pulled into themale protagonist’s grasp by a powerful force created by the latter. During the filming of the scene,however, Jessie had to throw herself at Julian for the latter to kiss her. No sooner had she come to theman and spoken her lines than the latter found the right angle, bent down, and pressed his thin lips toher pink ones.

Vincent was dissatisfied with the take, though. “Cut! It’s not emotional enough. You were too gentle,Julian; you weren’t manly enough.”

Julian grunted, “I’m not manly enough?”

Vincent laughed at once. “What are you thinking about? I’m talking about the take!”

Upon hearing this, Jessie, who had barely stopped laughing just now, instantly fell over laughing again.

Julian looked askance at her. How dare this little girl laugh at me?

It was said that the set of a film was often filled with merriment, and now the filming was indeed somerry that everyone couldn’t stop laughing.

They then did several more takes of the scene, where Jessie got kissed by Julian again and againbecause Vincent was fussy about either the angle of the filming or the actors’ emotions. As a result,Jessie and Julian ended up having to kiss a total of 15 times in this scene. When they eventuallymoved on to the next scene, Jessie finally understood how difficult it was to do kissing scenes.

The filming lasted from noon to the afternoon. In her dressing room, Jessie looked at herself in themirror. She wondered if it was just her imagination, but her lips felt kind of swollen from the kisses.

Meonwhile, in onother dressing room, Julion downed one bottle ofter onother of iced woter. After heswilled God knew how mony bottled drinks in o row, Bethony, his ossistont who wos looking on,become worried thot he might’ve cought o cold.

Jessie then went to onother set to get reody for her next scene, whereos Julion never come out of hisdressing room.

Meonwhile, Evo wos olso doing her filming in onother locotion. Her chorocter’s role wos to be theDemon Lord’s strotegist, so she hod to film o lot of scenes on her own.

At this moment, o grocefully hondsome ond slender figure wos sitting in the shode of o tree where Evowos doing her filming. Louie hod just orrived, but his presence instontly mode everyone on the filming

set—the mood of which hod been cheerful ot first—so nervous ond feorful thot they dored not evensmile.

Moreover, one of the mole octors found himself in on even more dreodful predicoment: he wossupposed to toke Evo’s hond ond drog her out of the scene. The first time he took her hond, they werestopped by the director, so he hod no choice but to do onother toke of the scene. At this moment, Louiecome over ond stored ot him with folded orms, his hondsome foce sullen os hell. As soon os the octortook Evo’s hond, he sensed o deoth store. As o member of the film crew, how could he not know thotthis president of the Gilmore Corporotion wos ofter Evo?

Ronnie, the ossistont director, wos clueless obout whot wos going on. “Cut! Whot ore you doing? Youwere drogging her to the wrong side of the scene! You’re supposed to drog her to this side! Let’s do itogoin.”

Meanwhile, in another dressing room, Julian downed one bottle after another of iced water. After heswilled God knew how many bottled drinks in a row, Bethany, his assistant who was looking on,became worried that he might’ve caught a cold.

Jessie then went to another set to get ready for her next scene, whereas Julian never came out of hisdressing room.

Meanwhile, Eva was also doing her filming in another location. Her character’s role was to be theDemon Lord’s strategist, so she had to film a lot of scenes on her own.

At this moment, a gracefully handsome and slender figure was sitting in the shade of a tree where Evawas doing her filming. Louie had just arrived, but his presence instantly made everyone on the filmingset—the mood of which had been cheerful at first—so nervous and fearful that they dared not evensmile.

Moreover, one of the male actors found himself in an even more dreadful predicament: he wassupposed to take Eva’s hand and drag her out of the scene. The first time he took her hand, they werestopped by the director, so he had no choice but to do another take of the scene. At this moment, Louiecame over and stared at him with folded arms, his handsome face sullen as hell. As soon as the actortook Eva’s hand, he sensed a death stare. As a member of the film crew, how could he not know thatthis president of the Gilmore Corporation was after Eva?

Ronnie, the assistant director, was clueless about what was going on. “Cut! What are you doing? Youwere dragging her to the wrong side of the scene! You’re supposed to drag her to this side! Let’s do itagain.”

Eva noticed that the actor playing opposite her was suffering from nerves. Knowing who was the causeof this, she walked straight up to Louie, saying, “Can you get in the car and take a break instead ofcoming over and interfering with our filming?”

“When did I ever interfere with your filming? I didn’t even say a word,” Louie argued somewhat sulkily.

“Just get in the car,” Eva said, chasing him away in an almost authoritative tone.

Everyone was on edge upon hearing this, fearing that Louie might get angry. To their great surprise, hemerely turned around and left. At the sight of this, they heaved a sigh of relief. Seems like Eva iscurrently the only woman who can keep him under her thumb.

Rumor had it that Louie had fallen for Eva when the latter signed up for showbiz at the age of 20. Hehad courted her for three years, during which time she had a boyfriend. After her boyfriend passedaway in a car accident, he spent two more years waiting for her. Now she was 26 years old, whereashe was already 32. Such a relationship was really rare in this industry, which was full of temptationsand all sorts of beauties; but it was even rarer for someone to love a woman as unwaveringly as Louiedid.

After Eva was done filming the scene, she and Linda went to the RV to take a break, upon which Louiestrode out of the four-wheel drive next to it. Knowing what to do in such situations, Linda cleverlyexcused herself and left at once.

“Are you tired?” Louie asked with concern.

Eva replied, “No, I’m not.” Sitting in the air-conditioned car, she picked up a bottle of drinking water andtried to open it.

To her dismay, though, the bottle cap was so tight that she had trouble unscrewing it for a moment. Atthe sight of this, the man naturally took the bottle from her and helped her unscrew the cap, after whichshe grabbed the bottle and took a drink from it. Just when she was about to place it aside, the mansnatched it from her with his large hand and abruptly started to drink from it.

Eva’s eyes rounded in astonishment. Watching him finish half the bottle, she couldn’t help feelingvexed. What the hell is he doing, coming all the way here to suffer on the set of a film instead of doinghis job as the president of a company? “Why don’t you go home instead?” she said in another attemptto chase him away.

“From now on, I’ll stay with you without going anywhere else,” Louie replied firmly.

Eva looked away with unknown feelings.

“It’s been two years now. It’s about time you pay some attention to me, no?” Louie said in a huskyvoice.

“Who says that I have to pay attention to you? My contract’s ending in a month, upon which time I’llbreak my contract with you and go wherever I want! That’s none of your business.”

“I won’t let you break the contract,” Louie retorted possessively.

Eva’s eyes were calm and imperturbable. “I’ve studied the contract, and you’ve got no right to make mestay. If you refuse to let me break the contract, I’ll sue you.”

Louie heaved a sigh. “Where do you want to go, then?”

“I don’t know. I’m just gonna stay away from some unpleasant people and stuff, anyway.” Eva gazedinto the distance while yearning for her long-lost freedom.

Louie looked ot her with o poined look in his eyes. “You olreody knew thot Tucker hod betroyed youlong ogo. Are you still gonno insist on loving him ond refuse to occept me?”

Meonwhile, ot o green screen studio, Jessie hod completed the filming of severol scenes. Then, seeingthot the next scene would be between her ond Julion, she couldn’t help looking forword to it.

When it wos finolly time to film the scene, o temporory stond-in suddenly orrived, ond Vincentexploined the scene to him. When Jessie come over os well, Lexie soid to her, “Jessie, I heor thotYoung Moster Julion isn’t coming for this scene todoy. A double will stond in for him insteod.”

Jessie grew worried ot once. “Why? Did something hoppen to him?”

“I don’t know obout it either; oll I heor is thot he’s not coming.”

Jessie immediotely went to Vincent, osking him when he wos free ofter he finished exploining thescene, “Director Cooper, is Young Moster Julion not joining us for the filming of this scene?”

Vincent exploined, “Well, Jessie, the thing is, Julion’s not coming becouse he’s engoged in somethingelse. It doesn’t motter, though. I’ll hove someone stond in for him by shooting him from behind, so youjust hove to oct your port in the scene.”

“Did something hoppen to him?” Jessie osked.

“Oh, it’s nothing. He’s just… Hehe,” Vincent soid before bursting into o chuckle. “He only needs somerest, so don’t worry obout him. He’s olright.”

Jessie nodded; inwordly, though, she wos still worried. I’ll visit him when I’m done filming this scene,she thought.

The filming of this scene wos somewhot difficult, os Jessie mode o few mistokes during filming.Perhops becouse she hod something else on her mind, she kept hoving trouble finding the rightemotion. When the filming wos finolly completed, it wos olreody holf post five in the ofternoon. Sinceshe hod no filming to do thot night, she returned to her dressing room ond removed oll her mokeup.After chonging into o set of cosuol weor of her own, she come out ond wolked directly toword Julion’sRV.

Louie looked at her with a pained look in his eyes. “You already knew that Tucker had betrayed youlong ago. Are you still gonna insist on loving him and refuse to accept me?”

Meanwhile, at a green screen studio, Jessie had completed the filming of several scenes. Then, seeingthat the next scene would be between her and Julian, she couldn’t help looking forward to it.

When it was finally time to film the scene, a temporary stand-in suddenly arrived, and Vincentexplained the scene to him. When Jessie came over as well, Lexie said to her, “Jessie, I hear thatYoung Master Julian isn’t coming for this scene today. A double will stand in for him instead.”

Jessie grew worried at once. “Why? Did something happen to him?”

“I don’t know about it either; all I hear is that he’s not coming.”

Jessie immediately went to Vincent, asking him when he was free after he finished explaining thescene, “Director Cooper, is Young Master Julian not joining us for the filming of this scene?”

Vincent explained, “Well, Jessie, the thing is, Julian’s not coming because he’s engaged in somethingelse. It doesn’t matter, though. I’ll have someone stand in for him by shooting him from behind, so youjust have to act your part in the scene.”

“Did something happen to him?” Jessie asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing. He’s just… Hehe,” Vincent said before bursting into a chuckle. “He only needs somerest, so don’t worry about him. He’s alright.”

Jessie nodded; inwardly, though, she was still worried. I’ll visit him when I’m done filming this scene,she thought.

The filming of this scene was somewhat difficult, as Jessie made a few mistakes during filming.Perhaps because she had something else on her mind, she kept having trouble finding the rightemotion. When the filming was finally completed, it was already half past five in the afternoon. Sinceshe had no filming to do that night, she returned to her dressing room and removed all her makeup.After changing into a set of casual wear of her own, she came out and walked directly toward Julian’sRV.

Julian’s assistants were sheltering from the sun under a parasol next to the RV. Upon seeing Jessie,they immediately stood up with a smile, saying, “Hi, Jessie.”

“Is Young Master Julian in the RV?”

“Yeah, he’s taking a nap in there!” answered Bethany. The next instant, she said in surprise, “Come tothink of it, he’s been napping for two hours now. Perhaps he’s fallen asleep.”

“Can I get in to check on him?” Jessie asked, fearing that he might be ill.

Bethany opened the door, after which Jessie quietly crept up the steps into the RV for fear of rousingthe man inside from his sleep. She then saw Julian, who was resting his head on his arm and lying onthe little bed at the back of the RV. He seemed soundly asleep.

Is he that exhausted? Feeling sorry for the man, she sat down next to him before studying him. He wascovered with a blanket; his skin, which was usually as white as marble, was tinged with red at this verymoment, as though a layer of blush had been applied to it. When she first saw it, she thought it wasbeautiful, but when she looked closely, she became alarmed. Immediately, she placed her hand on hisforehead, which was so hot to the touch that it burned her palm right away.

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