My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 465 Self-Righteous
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Chapter 465 Self-Righteous

Chapter 465 Self-righteous

As his descendant, Wilson Kawn and the others could only follow his will.

However, even if it was simple, she had been busy for a long time.

Natalia did not attend Wilhelm Kawn's body donation ceremony. She felt that it was a punishment for

the living.

When she got home in the evening, she didn't have dinner and locked herself in the room.

She sat on the big terrace, and it would be the Spring Festival in two months. The sky in Eqitin in late

winter was particularly clean. At night, she could see the stars all over the sky twinkling under the blue


Archie McCarthy walked behind her. She didn't look back, but she knew it was him.

"Everyone says that after a man dies, he will become a star hanging in the sky and always protect the

person he wants to protect. Do you think it's true?" Natalia asked.

The people behind didn't answer. After a long time, he answered softly.

Natalia looked back at him.

In the quiet night, Archie McCarthy looked up slightly and looked at the endless night sky. She couldn't

see his eyes from her angle, but she could see the curve of his side face, a little lonely.

Her heart ached slightly.

She got up from the carpet, suddenly walked over, and reached out to hug his waist.

Archie McCarthy's body stiffened.

After a while, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Natalia's voice was muffled. "I'm sorry."

The man raised his eyebrows.

Natalia buried his face in his chest, her voice full of guilt.

"I always thought that in our love, I was the one who gave more feelings. Your arrogance and pride are

destined to be the one who takes the dominant position forever, and I can only follow your footsteps

and always be obedient."

"But it's not until now that I realize it's my fault. All along, you have shouldered more than I did and paid

more than I did. But I didn't see it, so I naturally thought that those sacrifices didn't exist. I was too


She raised her head slightly and looked at him. Her clear eyes were filled with tears and more


"Archie McCarthy, thank you for what you did for me, and thank you for shouldering the responsibility

for me. I will work hard in the future and try my best not to make you so tired. I will try my best to match

you and stand by your side righteously."

Archie McCarthy looked down at her with gentle eyes.

He didn't ask her why she suddenly thought of this. He just slightly showed a smile. He nodded and

said, "Okay."

Natalia held his hand even tighter.

After a while, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and gently kissed his lips.

Her eyes were slightly wet.

"Archie McCarthy, I love you."

It was silent all around. She heard a man's sigh in her ear. In the end, it turned into deep affection and

rubbed into the endless night.

The next morning.

There was no one in the cemetery. The morning dew on the cold stone tablet made it even colder. The

air was wet and cold, as if it was going to pierce into the bottom of one's heart from the pores.

Natalia held a bunch of flowers and stood in front of a tombstone.

She was wearing a black sweater and extended pants, with a white flower on her head. She bent down

and put the flower on the ground.

A few steps behind her, Archie McCarthy stood there quietly, watching her stand there silently for a

long time. Finally, he turned around, walked to his side, took his arm, and looked up with a smile. "Let's


Archie McCarthy nodded. He took off her coat and draped it over her shoulder, holding her slightly cold


Natalia suddenly felt warm in her heart and silently led him forward. There was a short distance

between the cemetery and the road. The two walked quietly. There were only the two of them on the

road. It was silent.

After a while, Natalia suddenly said, "I want to go back to Julio in a few days."

Archie McCarthy's hand tightened slightly.

Natalia looked up at him in confusion.

He frowned slightly. "What are you going there for?"

Natalia said lightly, "It's nothing. I'm just a little confused. I want to go back and sort it out."

Archie McCarthy's eyes darkened.

She didn't know if it was Natalia's illusion, but she always felt that something was surging in her deep

eyes, complicated and deep.

After a while, he opened his thin lips and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Natalia shook her head gently.

"I want to go back by myself."

Archie McCarthy's frown deepened.

Sensing his displeasure, Natalia quickly explained, "I just want to go back and have a walk. It's quiet.

Too many things have happened recently, and I'm a little upset. Your injuries haven't completely healed

yet, so it's not suitable for you to walk more..."

Archie McCarthy stared deeply into her eyes. After a long time, he sighed.

He gently held her in his arms and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Natalia, I can't let you go alone. If

you leave, I will only feel more uneasy. Do you understand?"

Natalia leaned his head against his chest and felt his steady heartbeat and clean breath. Her heart


After a while, she finally stepped back.novelbin

"Okay, let's go together."

Only then did Archie McCarthy lower his head and kiss her forehead. Satisfied, he took her hand and


When they got home, Archie McCarthy went to the study first.

When he came out again, he found that Natalia was packing up in the bedroom.

When Archie McCarthy entered, he saw that she was putting the folded clothes into the suitcase one

by one. He leaned against the door frame and did not enter. He just stood there and looked at her


Natalia naturally noticed him. She raised her head and smiled at him.

The sunlight reflected from the window and shone on the girl's beautiful face. Her smile was bright and

a little dazzling.

A thought came to Archie McCarthy's mind. He walked over and pulled her up from the ground. He sat

on the bed, while Natalia was held by him on his thigh.

Natalia was slightly stunned. She subconsciously put her arms around his neck and asked, "What's


Archie McCarthy narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak. Instead, he stretched out his slender

fingers and stroked her face. His fingertips were dry and warm, with a kind of heart-shaking pity.

Finally, he moved his palm to the back of her head and pressed it down gently. The next second, his

thin lips blocked hers.

Natalia snorted and was stunned by his sudden kiss.

However, Archie McCarthy ignored her. He grabbed the back of her head with one hand, and his other

hand became restless.

His palm seemed to be carrying electricity, as if it was about to jump into the bottom of his heart.

Natalia's breathing became urgent. Soon, he was put down on the bed. The next second, his body

covered him.

Hot and urgent kisses fell on her face. She breathed slightly and whispered, "Archie McCarthy."

Her voice was soft, like a sobbing little beast.

Hearing her voice, Archie McCarthy's body tightened and her breath became more and more chaotic.

She gasped slightly and answered.

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