My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 464 Life Is Gone
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Chapter 464 Life Is Gone

Chapter 464 Life is Gone

Natalia nodded and looked in the direction of the ward.

"How is Grandpa?"

At the mention of this, Wilson instantly became serious.

He sighed.

"There's not much time left, so go in and have a look around and remember to keep it short."

Natalia nodded.

She stepped into the ward. Archie, Charlie, and the others were waiting outside the door, but they did

not follow her in.

They knew that at this time, Wilhelm only wanted to see Natalia. The others had better not disturb


Natalia put on a sterile suit and walked in alone.

On the bed, the old man lay with his eyes slightly closed, perhaps hearing footsteps, he opened a little

and looked towards her with difficulty.

Natalia stopped there.

She said she would be strong, but when she saw Wilhelm lying there, she couldn't help the sourness in

the eyes and the tears welling up.


He extended his hand towards her, and Natalia pursed her lips, holding back her tears before taking

quick steps up and holding his hand.

"Wilhelm, you're awake. How do you feel?"

The old man looked at her with a little confusion in his eyes.

After a while, he said weakly, "I thought I was dreaming, but it really was you."

At this moment, when she heard his words, Natalia couldn't hold and burst into tears.

She held the old man's skinny hand and sobbed.

Compared to her, who was in great sorrow, Wilhelm seemed much calmer.

He lay there quietly, looking at her with a compassionate yet loving gaze. After a long time, he

whispered, "Natalia, listen to me."

She whimpered and nodded.

But she could not stop her tears.

Perhaps because he felt that he had not much time to live, he did not ask her to stop.

He said slowly, "In this life, I know that I'm sorry for three people."

"Ahem... one, it was your mother, when, back then if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have separated from

the person she loved so much and buried herself at such a young age, it was me who was too... selfish

and thought that separation was the best thing for her, before I deliberately made their hearts

misunderstand, you..."

"Your mother has resented me all my life, and I went to heaven to make amends with her. The second

person is your father."

"Your father was a good man, he can't be blamed for what happened to him and your mother, but

because of the bad habits of the family and the tricks of fate, I forced them apart back then and left

your father disillusioned, this caused him to suicide, I am sorry for him."

"The third person is you."

He suddenly turned his head slowly and looked at her, caressing her face lovingly with his withered

hand, tears of emotion hidden in his eyes.

"Natalia, I made a mistake in my life, causing you to be left out at such a young age. It's my fault. I can't

live longer and can't make up for it. I hope you don't hate me."

After that, he suddenly coughed violently, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

Natalia quickly reached out to help him. Wilhelm closed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "Natalia, I owe

you too much, so it doesn't matter even if you don't recognize me as your grandfather in a hundred

years. I have already signed a contract of donation with my body. So, let me use this broken body of

mine to do one last thing for the world, as a kind of atonement to you."

"Wilhelm, don't say that."

Natalia choked with sobs.

"Good girl, you have to be fine. I will bless you. You must live well."

As the words fell, the sound suddenly trailed off.

Natalia only felt that the hand he was holding suddenly softened.

Then it suddenly sank.

She was stunned and her heart seemed to sink.

The heartbeat monitor next to him began to sound anxious as Wilson came in from outside, and with

just a glance, his face changed dramatically.

He ran out and shouted, "Doctor, where is the doctor?"


A doctor ran in next to her. Wilson looked at Natalia and saw that she froze there, as if she stood there

like a stone statue, her face bloodless, numb, and hollow.

He suddenly couldn't bear it. After a while, he only sighed softly.

"Natalia, get up first."

She slowly clenched her knuckles one by one.

There was a buzzing in her ears as she was suddenly pulled away from something and then

immediately fell into a warm embrace.

Archie held her up and watched expressionlessly as the doctors administered first aid to Wilhelm.

However, he was hopeless.

More than ten minutes later, the doctor completely announced his death.

Because they had signed the donation agreement before, the doctors had to quickly take him away and

pick him up before his body stiffened.

After all, Wilson Kawn was a man, and he was dozens of years older than her, so he knew more about

life and death.

Seeing that she had lost her wits, he walked over slowly.

"They're taking her away, you..." After a pause, he finally said in a deep voice, "Do you need to leave

some souvenirs?"

After signing the body donation agreement, even if they were relatives, they could not touch anything

on the dead.

Natalia looked at him and finally shook her head.

"In my heart, this is the best memory."

Wilson Kawn nodded. Soon, the doctor found a few people and pushed the body out.

There were still a lot of procedures to go through. Of course, Wilson Kawn left with them, and the whole

ward was suddenly empty.

Natalia stood there, the sun shining through the window and on her shoulder, as cold as snow.

She closed her eyes slightly. There seemed to be still the aura of the old man in the air, as well as

heavy words.

"Natalia, don't hate me..."

Tears rolled down her cheeks in an instant.

Seeing this, Archie McCarthy's eyes darkened and he hugged her even tighter in silence.

Natalia leaned weakly against him like a lone boat in the sea, finally finding a harbor.

She could no longer restrain herself. She grabbed the clothes on his shoulder and burst into tears.

Charlie Peck also came in. Seeing this, he sighed.

"Natalia, please don't be sad."

Natalia did not speak.

There was a burst of crying outside. They were all from The Kawn family.

At this time, whether it was fake or false, everyone only showed grief.


Wilhelm Kawn's funeral was very simple.

This was what Wilhelm Kawn had specially told them before he died.

He thought that his life was a failure and he was unwilling to let others do it after death. Therefore,

except for some people who were close to him, no one was allowed to come to his funeral.

The funeral was, of course, the Cenotaph. Wilhelm Kawn had been on the battlefield for half his life and

had forgotten about life and death. He had never cared about these complicated things after death.

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