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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The kid who doesn’t get candy is best at throwing tantrums. Since she wanted to cause trouble, then lether. I won’t spoil her.” Neville thought.

He then replied: [Fine, you can have some time to figure out where you went wrong.]

When Madison received this message, she almost cursed.

He thought my leaving was just finding a way out for myself. Damn it she thought.

After turning off her phone, she boarded the plane. This time, her purpose was not only to address thebrand cooperation. matter but also to find some much–needed relaxation.

She indeed needed time to introspect, to discern why she let her pride erode for years on end, and whyshe put up with disrespect from a man who didn’t even love her.

Neville, on the other hand, noticed the absence of Madison’s repentant messages and furrowed hisbrow.

In the past, whenever he sent her messages, she would respond promptly. Now, it seemed she hadgrown bolder, repeatedly testing his patience and challenging him in new ways.

Neville immediately called Madison, but the prompt said that her phone was turned off.

Neville’s face instantly turned cold.

Bernard felt a secret joy. He didn’t expect Neville to lose at times.

But before the smile could spread on his face, he met Neville’s horrible gaze.

Bernard immediately shivered and said, “Mr. Preston, Miss Guzman might feel embarrassed and notknow how to face you.”

Neville raised an eyebrow. Indeed, he had been too indulgent with her lately, not only returning homeon time but also occasionally replying to her messages.

However, it seemed that they were in a fight, and she didn’t want to reveal her embarrassment in frontof him, so she could only turn off her phone.

Neville thought, ‘Heh, she really hasn’t changed at all!

Book a ticket to Eatonheim immediately. I need to go on a business trip for a few days,” he said.

Madison had gone too far. He didn’t intend to give her an opportunity to apologize. So Neville might aswell leave her alone. for a few days to reflect on her mistake.

Madison couldn’t help but sneeze, as if she felt something was wrong.

Ross had been urging her anxiously, but she encountered a plane malfunction, delaying her flight bytwo hours.

She sat in the airport lounge, flipping through information about Fliwip.

Fliwip was once an old luxury brand that had fallen into a slump due to its conservative and outdatedstyles. However, everything changed when a new leader took charge five years ago. Through bold andcomprehensive reforms, Fliwip managed to make a remarkable comeback, repositioning itself amongthe world’s top five luxury brands.

The new leader was driven by ambition, going as far as declaring that Fliwip would be open to anybrand cooperation as long as the other party possessed the necessary capital.

This new approach signaled a willingness to embrace change and pursue collaborations to furtherpropel the brand’s



In the three years since she married into the Preston family, Madison entrusted “Loveille” to Ross

Ross was an outsider in the design industry. Madison had to deal with the affairs of the Preston familyand could only allocate limited time to design a few drafts for her brand. Consequently, the brand’sofferings became lackluster.

Clothing design had always been Madison’s passion, and she longed for an opportunity to showcaseher talent and prove herself once again

She refused to be seen as eye candy. She possessed the talent and capability to establish her ownname in the industry.

The boarding announcement echoed in the hall, and Madison, carrying her suitcase, walked over

Feeling a bit bored while waiting, she turned on her phone again.

Ross’s messages flooded in. As she queued, she lowered her head to reply to the messages.

Somehow, she felt something strange.

Madison raised her head and met Neville’s deep and cold eyes. His eyes carried a mocking chill as hesaid, “How bored are you to track me down at the airport?”

Neville felt right to be cold to her. He thought Madison couldn’t endure the loneliness and followed him.novelbin

Madison suddenly felt like she had been struck by lightning. She took a deep breath, trying hard toshow a distant smile. “Mr. Preston, you seem to have misunderstood something.”

Neville perceived a touch of harshness in her address, prompting him to furrow his brow and retort.“Haven’t you played these tricks before!”

Madison instantly felt like she was slapped in the face.

She used to love Neville with unwavering devotion, eagerly awaiting his return home. However, hisfrequent business trips, occurring every few days, made it challenging for her to see him. She resortedto creating various contrived “chance encounters” in order to spend time with him. Unfortunately, theseactions led to misunderstandings, and she was even mistaken for a stalker and handed over to thepolice by Neville’s staff.

Madison had paid a heavy price for her futile attempts and had no desire to repeat her past mistakes.

As she touched her flat stomach, a mixture of frustration and sorrow welled up within her. With a coldtone, she stated. “Everyone makes mistakes when they’re young. But recognizing them and makingamends is what really counts”

Madison left without looking back, not sparing a glance for Neville.

Neville stared at her back, dumbfounded in place. Until the staff reminded him it was time to board, hewalked over with wide steps.

Madison, sitting in her seat, cursed in her heart. How could I be so unlucky as to be on the same flightas Neville? Fortunately, Neville’s living standards were top–notch. He would stay in first class instead ofbusiness class”

Feeling stuffy in her chest. Madison picked up her phone and complained to Ross, “Sorry, I’m afraid I’llbe late. Please try to smooth Fliwip

Ross said. “It seems you’re not in a good mood. Did someone upset you?”

“Nothing Just got bitten by an arrogant, fierce, and ruthless dog!” Madison said.

“Trit serious? Do you need to get a rabies shot?” Ross asked.

Madison was about to reply when she saw Neville sitting next to her. She was shocked

Neville gritted his teeth and said, “Bitten by a dog”

Chapter 6

Madison silently turned off her phone and changed the subject. “Mr. Preston, if you’ve come tointerrogate me about what just happened, sorry, I didn’t track you. If you don’t believe it, you can haveyour assistant check it.”

Neville threw his boarding pass aside.

Madison widened her eyes in surprise and thought, ‘Damn it, could it really be this coincidental? Nevilleends up same business class as me, and our seats are even next to each other. Fate works inmysterious ways,

in the

In the past, she had exerted tremendous effort to cross paths with Neville, but it always seemedimpossible. Yet now, by some twist of fate, they found themselves in such close proximity, seat by seat.

A mischievous coldness gleamed in Neville’s deep eyes, seemingly mocking her. Well, well, well, lookat that. You went to great lengths to engineer chances to meet me, and now you can even sit right

beside me, he thought.

Madison suddenly felt disgusted. ‘Forget it. He wouldn’t believe me even if I explained, she thought andclosed her eyes, pretending to sleep to avoid the annoyance.

Neville took it as a sign of guilt. He coldly said, “Madison, if you want to secure your position, justbehave and don’t play



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