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Chapter 948

Hendrix raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Evan stepped forward and asked, "Where do you live, Miss Duncan? I'll take you home!"Hendrix didn't have any more patience. He pulled me out of the room.

If | went with Hendrix at this time, | was afraid that I'd be unable to leave him from then on.

With that in mind, | couldn't help but look at Dahlia and say, "I'm merely acquainted with him! I’m not his wife."

For a moment, Hendrix frowned and tightened his arms around my body. His gaze fell on me, dark and deep. "Acquainted withme?!"

| nodded. It was probably due to the alcohol that | felt a little woozy.

When Dahlia heard this, she let out a sigh of relief. She looked at Hendrix and said, "Mr. Roberts, there's no need to be sostubborn. Besides, you don't know much about Arianna either. It's not appropriate for a man and a woman to go out together inthe middle of the night. | suggest that you wait until you understand what's going on before you make your decision."

When | heard this, | felt that something was wrong. Was she helping me, or speaking poorly of me in front of Hendrix?Either way, it was true that | couldn't leave with Hendrix now.

l increased my strength in pulling Hendrix's hand away. | didn't want to be held by him.

Anger rose in my heart, and I glared at Hendrix. "Hendrix, you..."

"Do you think I'll let go of you?" He was just behaving like a complete rogue.

| was a little pissed off. "I'll accuse you of kidnapping!" | yelled, glaring at him.

"Taking my wife home counts as kidnapping?"

For a moment, | was speechless, and my head was a little dizzy. | thought that it was the effects of alcohol. | hadn't had alcoholfor some time, so my tolerance was probably poor.

He pulled me along, Dahlia trying to catch up. She was stopped by Evan.

| felt weak, and let him pull me along. | couldn't help thinking that maybe | should go with him.

My mind was empty. | felt more and more uncomfortable as he took me to his car.

Leaning on the car, | closed my eyes and stopped talking. Then, | fell asleep.

Aphone rang, and | couldn't help frowning. | reached out for it but heard Hendrix's voice. "She's drunk. She's sleeping."

When | opened my eyes, | saw that he was holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding the phone with the other hand,looking at the road ahead.

How could he pick up another person's call so casually? | only saw him saying 'Yes' before he hung up the phone.

Putting the phone next to me, he seemed to realize that I'd woken up. He was a little surprised, but calmly asked, "Are youuncomfortable?"

| shook my head. Things looked blurry and my body was weak, but my consciousness was still clear.

"Where are you taking me?" Looking at the flashing scenery, we were probably still in Asherton. He didn't have a house inAsherton, so he must be bringing me to a hotel.

He raised his eyebrows. "If you don't feel well, just close your eyes for a while."

| pursed my lips. My brain was reminiscing the past, when | first married him. | was persistent and stupid then, and | did a lot ofabsurd things. | couldn't help but laugh.

He frowned and looked at me. "Whatare you laughing at?" "When |

graduated from colle 9 Lplanned teLoi oktg ovat Wr mygrandmother. In fact, | didn't haveany plans for my own life. | justwanted to be with my grandmotherand find a 9 to 5 job in a small town.It sounded good." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

| laughed self-deprecatingly, notknowing why. "| didn't think that mygrandmother would ask MasterRoberts to betroth me to you. Af

we got marrie itseamed thet my

lf was'dil tied up with you. At thattime, | thought it was too much of ablessing, so | inevitably felt that |couldn't match up to you. | beggedMaster Roberts to let me work for theRoberts Group. It didn't matter even if| was just a waitress! | felt that if |worked hard enough, | could climb upto your level, to be worthy of you."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

"When | first entered the company, |was asked by my supervisor toaccompany customers to drinkbecause my p itipn @aSloWwa thetime Edith want to go, but | felt thatif | refused, how long would it take forme to climb up the ranks? | didn'teven know how to drink alcohol, then,so | blindly kept going with thosehigher- ups | didn't know, drinking oneglass after another." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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