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Chapter 947

"Yes!" Hendrix nodded and replied in a low, formidable tone, "Miss Duncan, you can leave now!"With these words spoken, an uncertain atmosphere lingered in the air. Dahlia's smile became even more malicious."So you're in love with a young married woman, Mr. Roberts!" She said casually, as if she was joking.

Then, she looked at me, "Arianna, let's go. We're good friends. If Naomi and the others know that you're together with Mr.Roberts, Mr. Milton might too. That'll be bad, don't you think?”

| felt uncomfortable at this. | couldn't help but frown. "Do you ever think before speaking?"

"You..." She was a little angry, but she probably didn't think it was right to show it then.

| pulled Hendrix's hand away from my waist. | said, "It's getting late. | should go back!"

Hendrix did not loosen his grip. Instead, he clenched tighter and furrowed his brows slightly. "Mr. Milton?"Looks like | wouldn't escape being the center of attention. Everyone was looking at me differently now.

| felt a little uncomfortable. It was fine if Hendrix knew, but the other people present were not worth it. | was afraid that they'dthink | was an already married woman who was just out to seduce him.

| felt a flash of anger. "Hendrix Roberts! Are you done yet?"

I'd said it too loudly. The other people who'd looked away before were all looking at us this time.

| didn't care about his hand tugging at me, and used all the strength | could muster to stand up. It'd be fine if | just fell.But he seemed to know what | was going to do, and stood up along with me.

Looking at the others, he spoke, "Everyone, thank you for your hospitality today. It's getting late, I'll leave first."

Oscar was a little anxious, as he hadn't settled his business dealings. He quickly got up and walked in front of Hendrix to stophim as he tried to placate him, "Mr. Roberts, look, we just sat down. We haven't had enough wine yet. Sit down and have somefun for a while!"

Hendrix had a tendency of keeping mum despite his clear decision of not wanting to close a deal.He would wait till the very end to disclose his intentions.

At this time, he looked at Oscar with a gentle smile, "We can drink some other day! Alas, who do you think needs more rest? Youare all older than | am, | think you'd need it."

Oscar looked at me with an exceptionally ambiguous smile and said, "Mr. Roberts, you've said your piece. | agree that it's goodfor health to rest early!"

He continued, "Mr. Roberts, where do you live? Shall | send a driver to send you back?"

Hendrix raised his eyebrows and said, "No, keep on drinking without me!"

We left, Dahlia tagging along. She spoke up a few times, wanting me to go back with her quickly.| really wanted to, but Hendrix held me so tightly that | couldn't get rid of him at all.


For amoment, | couldn't help feelinga little angry. | raised my hanpinched endrixeynais He didn'tskdin¢0 feel anything, but bowed hishead and smiled at me mockinglyinstead. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

After arriving at the Billiards hall,Hendrix looked bac at yanGhdtold(Sania Briss! Bncan back."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Evan merely nodded. He was always a man of few words.

Seeing Hendrix single me out, Dahliacouldn't help but feel anxious. Shblocked his way and tedked-&t him,"NyRAbeHts, Arianna came out withme. It's not appropriate for you totake her with you, is it?" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Hendrix raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is it inappropriate for me to go home with my wife?"

She stared blankly, surprised. "Your wife?"

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