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Chapter 845

| nodded, "I know. | heard that the person who has come this time is the eldest grandson of the Milton family. It seems that thisMr. Milton has always liked to hold auctions in various places. If he encounters an item he likes, he will buy it at a high price. Hemust be a collector."

Evan glanced sideways at me, paused for a while before saying, "You'd better watch out. Mr. Roberts told you to be careful."

| nodded and couldn't help but feel that Hendrix's reaction was slightly exaggerated. The Milton family was influential, but anyfamily would have a few people who had certain obsessions and hobbies. The kings in ancient times also loved beautiful women,money, and ornaments.novelbin

It was an incredibly normal thing for the Milton family to have a young master who was obsessed with antiques.Fifteen minutes later.

The car stopped outside the auction museum. | got out of the car as Evan said, "Mrs. Roberts, you can go in first. | will go andlook for you later."

| nodded and took out the invitation out of my bag. Looking up at the dozens of steps, | couldn't help but tut. | had no idea whyarchitects always liked to build a few flights of stairs at the entrance while they were constructing various monumental buildings.

Were they trying to tell everyone that they had to work hard in order to enter a place of knowledge and taste like that?There were several soldiers dressed in military uniforms standing straight-backed at the entrance of the museum.Astaff member in a suit was checking the guests' invitations.

| handed him my invitation. He smiled at me and gave me a bid board, gesturing for me to proceed into the room.With the bid board in hand, | entered the auction room, where quite a number of people were already seated.

| found my seat based on the invitation card, and Kelsey, who was sitting next to me, had already arrived. Upon seeing me, shesaid, "| thought you wouldn't come anymore."

| sat down lightly and looked at the people in the auction room. "Why is this auction so grand? Why are there so many people?" |asked in surprise when | realized that there were a lot of people in the room.

Generally speaking, the people who were invited to auctions were powerful and influential people. As there were so many peoplearound, the auction seemed to be somewhat complicated.

She leaned against my ear and whispered, "The VIPs of this auction are all seated in the front row. Mr. Milton has probablysaved the seats in the last rows for ordinary people like us to gain some insight."

| couldn't help but twitch the corner of my mouth, feeling that her explanation was too far-fetched. Looking at the number card inmy hand, | was already in the hundredth seat.

It seemed that there were at least hundreds of people at the auction.

Looking around, | saw that the corners of the room were all covered with black cloths. | asked curiously, "What are under theblack cloths?”

She lowered her voice to speak, "They are the treasures of many antique collectors in Ucrebury. When the auction starts, theblack cloth will be taken down to reveal those treasures, giving those who are here to participate in the auction some insight intothe field."

| nodded. It was really my first time seeing an auction like that.My phone vibrated with a call from Evan. After picking up, he said, "Mrs. Roberts, please come to the front row."

Stunned, | looked over subconsciously and saw Evan standing near the stage of the auction. | couldn't help but say, "I can sit atthe back."

He said, "Mr. Roberts has already made the necessary arrangements for you. You will have a better view in the front row."

| looked at Kelsey who was sittingnext to me. Of course, she had alsoseen Evan, and she couldn't retp butspy Paste AwoStrin the frontrow, we can see the auction itemsclearly. The most important thing isthat we will get the chance to knowthe rich people in Ucrebury." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

While speaking, she shot me a pitifulgaze and said, "Arianna Lengwctfiat!: Roherighds alteady arranged

thiNgs Tor you. Please take me withyou." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

| had no idea what to say for a moment. After thinking for a while, | said, "Evan, can | bring Kelsey along with me?"Evan was stunned for a moment before nodding and said, "Yes!"After thanking him, | hung up on the call, looked at Kelsey, whose face was full of expectations, and said, "Let's go!"

If it weren't because there were somany people around and eeshad to remain quiet ihe Wot ddedihitel have the urge to scream inexcitement at that moment. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Fortunately, she couldn't make a noise. She could only cover her mouth and whisper, "That's great. Arianna, you're amazing.”

I smiled and went to the front row with her.

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