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Chapter 844

Although | knew that Hendrix was worried about me, | still felt that he was making a big deal out of things, so | said, "Kelsey and |will be fine."

He still insisted, "Let Evan go with you!"

| had no choice but to nod and say, "Alright!"

Realizing that it was getting late, | spoke, "I'll go out first. I'll call you when | get home."

He said, "Have your dinner first before you go. Put on more clothes and a thicker jacket."

| nodded and said, "Alright, | get it. It's spring now, and Ucrebury is not Jarold City. It's hot here!"

There were many girls on the street who were beginning to wear dresses.

He didn't listen to me at all and said, "Put on more layers. Remember to call me when you reach home tonight."

Knowing that it would only be his incessant nagging next, | said 'Got it!’ several times before hanging up the phone.

Sure enough, life would become simple after two people were together for a long time. That was probably how life was like.

Minnie had just hung up on the phone when | went downstairs. Upon seeing me, she immediately approached me and said,“Arianna, you should go and eat first before you leave. Evan is on his way here now. He should be here by the time you finisheating."

Looking at the phone she had just put down, | asked casually, "Did Hendrix call you?"

While speaking, | walked to the table, sat down, and started eating. Anne looked at me and laughed with her eyes squinting,saying, "Mommy, you're still a child. You still need Mr. Roberts to urge you to eat."

| added the vegetables she disliked to her bowl and said angrily, "You're the one who's the child. Hurry up and eat."novelbin

Minnie brought a bowl of soup and placed it in front of me. She looked at me and said, "Mr. Roberts asked me to make this foryou this morning. It's pork ribs soup. He said that you must drink it. It's very nourishing for your skin."

My jaw dropped when | saw the huge pot of soup in front of me. Shocked, | said in a low voice, "Minnie, there's too much soup. Ican't finish it."

She shook her head and said with a solemn face, "No, you have to finish it. Mr. Roberts said that there will only be somedesserts to eat at the auction. You can't eat too many desserts. It's not good for your health."

| had a feeling that Hendrix was not in Jarold City but in Ucrebury as | could sense his presence everywhere.

| couldn't help sighing and | silently drank the soup. After finishing the bowl of soup, | was so full that | really couldn't eat anythinganymore.

| looked at Minnie helplessly and asked, "Are you happy now?"

She looked at it carefully, took out the pork ribs and put it in my bowl. Then, she looked at me and said, "You need to eat this. It'sgood for your health."

There was the sound of an engine coming from the front yard. | got up, looked at Anne and said, "Anne, eat the pork ribs."

Looking at Minnie, | said, "Minnie, Evan is here. | have to go now. I'll leave Anne to you."“Alas, you haven't eaten the pork ribs yet!" Minnie hurriedly called me from behind, fearing that | couldn't hear her.

| got into the car, looked at Evan and said, "Go to the southern suburbs. I've sent you the address on WhatsApp. You can use thenavigation."

He nodded and started the engine.When he saw Minnie, hadOiy\f lowed mg ott RECou n't helpsaying, "Minnie's legs are still quitestrong." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

| absolutely agreed with him!

If her legs weren't strong, how couldshe follow me out for such adistance? Fortynarali evan hadAER Uhiven away and had nointention of stopping the car at all.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Evan sneaked glances at me all along the way. It seemed that he had something to say but stopped on second thought.

After a few times, | couldn't hold back anymore. Looking sideways at him, | asked, "What's wrong? Do you have something tosay?"

With his hands on the steering wheel,he said, "The Milton family spaintycoon in iar thinker theirreasort or choosing Ucrebury astheir auction venue is probably not assimple as we think." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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