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Chapter 670

Looking at the mess in the kitchen, it was likely that she had put the glass bowl on the stovetop, causing it to shatter.

She had stopped sobbing. It was clear that she was scared as her body was trembling. She whimpered, "I just wanted to makeyou some eggs. My classmates said you won't be sick if you eat more eggs."

When | looked closely, | saw two eggs next to the stove. | could not quite process what had just happened. Everything felt unreal.

As | carried Anne onto my lap, | felt a sudden pang of heartache. For the past few days, | had been so preoccupied with thethoughts of Josiah coming over to see her, that | had been distracted and absent-minded most of the time. This was why shemistook me for feeling sick.

“Anne, I'm sorry. |..." Before | could continue talking, my heart wrenched in pain again and tears started pooling in my eyes.

Hendrix looked at us, his face painted with a mix of emotions. He walked towards us and wrapped his arms around us. Hecomforted us gently, "It's okay, everything's fine now. Whatever you do next time, safety first."

| pursed my lips, feeling sick in my stomach. | tried to hold back from vomiting, but my efforts were futile. | couldn't take itanymore and headed straight to the bathroom.

| puked everything up. When | left the bathroom, Hendrix and Anne were staring at me worriedly at the doorway."Mr. Roberts, is Mummy not feeling well?" Anne asked, her eyes red and swollen.

Hendrix remained tight-lipped, his handsome face seemed unforthcoming. After a long pause, he asked Anne to go to thecourtyard to play with Snowball.

| wiped my hands and was about to explain myself when Hendrix cut me off."We're going to the hospital!" He took me by the arm and headed straight for the car porch.

| pushed him away instantly, feeling like | wasn't in the best state of mind. | frowned disapprovingly and asserted sotto voce, "I'mgood. | think my digestive system just hasn't been working well lately, which explains my nausea."

His eyes were visibly bloodshot. Glowering at me, he asked, "How long have yo been experiencing this?"How long?

| did not reply immediately. As | thought about it, it seemed like | had this issue for quite some time now. It began after | met withIrvin. From then on, | had the tendency to puke whenever | was feeling down.

"It's been a while," | muttered. Perhaps | had been sick all along, even more so in the recent weeks that Josiah had been visitingAnne.

Hendrix frowned as he tried to collect himself. Though he was trying to remain composed, | could tell that he was close to losingit.

“Let's go to the hospital for a check- up," he muttered under his breath. Had | not listened carefully, | would not have been able todiscern the emotion in his words.

| started to feel a little annoyed. Not wanting to squabble over this issue, | pushed him away once more and yelled assertively,"Didn't you hear me? | said I'm good. I'm all good. It's not like you're deaf."

As much as he was flabbergasted at my response, so was |. Since my return to Jarold City, this had been the first time | yelled athim.

For a moment, | was lost for words. | wanted to make amends for what | had just said. "I..."

| couldn't even get another word out before the nausea kicked in again.


As Evan walked in, he saw us gettingentangled in an argument impasse.Hendrix looke j 0) a cin"Tair woulda the deputy director ofTopcare Hospital? Ask him if we cancome over now for a medicalcheck-up." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Evan nodded. Sensing something was amiss between Hendrix and I, he quickly excused himself to make the call.

| was losing control of my emotions. | refused to go to the hospital. Hence, | seized Evan's phone the moment | saw him taking itout of his pocket.

| screamed, "I told you I'm not going to the hospital. | don't want to go. What are you guys trying to do?"

| looked at Hendrix and my voiceshook as | spoke, "Hendrix, just give itto me straight if you want to send

Anne off. I'll take her wit meand §serieyprerar slays that shent

e such an eyesore to you.Why are you letting Josiah see hereveryday? She's my daughter. | raisedher and watched her grow fromalittle baby to who she is today. Whyshould | give her away to someoneelse? Over my godd*mn dead body."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

My emotions were all over the place and | felt like | was bordering hysteria.

| stared at Hendrix as he stared rightback at me. In his eyes eneastonish ent gatriitana affection. |faa Sug no longer interpretthe rest of what he was feeling.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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