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Chapter 569

He could have let me go from the start when I first mentioned divorcing each other. If he had agreed to

divorce in the beginning, I would've taken my baby and Monique to Andoland. Then, I'd find a good

place to give birth to my baby.

Although I needed to spend money and time to raise two children for the rest of my life, at least I

wouldn't be living like this. Without children and my best friend, I lingered on with my last breath and my

wounded body.

We were finally back at Bronzy Condo.

Sawyer held Anne as he stood at the door with his slender figure. When he saw Ian and I, he paused

slightly and said, "Food's almost ready, we can eat soon."

After entering the house, Sawyer handed Anne to Ian and went to the kitchen.

Anne was such a good girl. Looking at her, it was impossible for my heart not to be filled with warmth

and affection. I reached out my hands to carry her and played with her.

After a moment of silence, Ian looked at me and asked, "What's your plan?"

I thought for a moment, then said, "I'm going to take Anne to Hovell."

After a pause, I glanced at him and told him, "Please help me reach out to an agent in these two days. I

have a unit in Bronzy Condo and I want to sell it."

He frowned and asked, "Do you need money?"

"No! Monique and I had previously bought a unit for each one of us, but I only need to leave one for

Anne now. When Monique sold her bar, she made some money and bought a house in Andoland. With

these two units, Anne won't have anything to worry about in the future."

As for me, I had earned a lot of money from when I worked in the Roberts Group and when I signed on

with Fantasia Company. At least I would be able to live my life without worrying about my finances.

After selling the apartment in Bronzy Condo, I planned to go to Hovell in search of a smaller apartment

to live there with Anne.

He was quiet for a moment. After a long while, he looked up at me and said, "Is there really no chance

of reconciliation between you and Hendrix?"

I smiled gently and didn't know what to say, "I've been lying to myself for a long time. Whenever Inovelbin

dreamt, I always dreamt of that baby telling me to save him. I would even clearly see the red marks on

the child's head. I kept lying to myself over and over again that Hendrix was helpless, that he didn't

actually want this to happen. However, I can't keep deceiving myself forever."

He puckered his lips, "What about the Moore family and the Reid family? Have you ever thought about

them if you just up and leave like this?"

Anne held me tight. She pulled on me and didn't want me to move.

Looking at her, I unconsciously smiled. After a pause, I glimpsed at Ian and answered, "I never really

planned to reunite with the Moore family even from the very beginning. As for Uncle Charles, I think

he'd understand. As for Aaron..."

I was silent for a while before taking a deep breath and saying, "Ian, he was the closest to Valerie. If

Hendrix knew about all this, do you think that he wouldn't? He must have known early on that I am

Valerie's daughter, and he must have also known what Hendrix had done. Who knows, perhaps what

happened was all his doing. After all, Valerie and Pedro aren't stupid. How could they not know that the

DNA had been swapped?"

He pursed his lips and did not continue to speak.

Spring came relatively early in Ucrebury. After a few heavy showers, some trees had started to sprout.

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Ian was always good at handling work. In just a few days, he had found buyers for the Bronzy Condo


When I bought the Bronzy Condo unit, I didn't pay a price that high, but I did spend more money on

renovation and furniture.

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