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Chapter 511

Ian carried Anne in his arms and coughed. He looked at me and said, "This is too harmful to you. Anne

has already been on powdered milk for three months. Although her body is not as strong, she's not sick

at all. I think she'll be fine. Why don't we just let this go?"

Looking at the medicine in my hand, I pressed my lips together and replied, "Anne is my child. If I can

feed her with breast milk, why not? Anyway, I have to give it a try. You don't want her to get sick easily

when she's older, right?"

He nodded. "That's true, but didn't the doctor say that it could be harmful to you? You haven't produced

breast milk for four months, and it's troublesome to induce lactation now."

"Let's go!" I didn't say much else to him. I took Anne from his arms and got in the car.

He got in the driver's seat and looked like he wanted to say something but he just glanced out of the

car. Then, he paused for a moment.

I looked in that direction and saw a woman dressed in a hospital uniform under the building of the

inpatient department. A man dressed in a black suit was beside her. He was cold and stern as usual.

Obviously, that man was here to visit the woman and he went out on a walk with her.

Ian glimpsed at me and asked with knitted brows, "What's going on between you and Hendrix?"

I closed the car door and looked away from them. "We're on the fence of getting a divorce."

He furrowed his brows. "Is it because of his relationship with Andrea?"

I laid my eyes on him and raised my eyebrows. "What do you think?"

He started his car and didn't say much. He kept silent for a moment and advised me, "If you still care

about him, you should have a talk with him. Getting a divorce is too impulsive."

I didn't say much. I peered at the hospital building again and saw that Hendrix had already brought

Andrea into the inpatient department.

"Let's go! I need to get the medicine ready," I said emotionlessly.

After years of going through the same thing, I had become numb to this. I was no longer enraged about

what used to bother me and now thought that it was just not something necessary to get emotional


Ian started the car and sighed.

After arriving at Bronzy Residence, I began to prepare the medicine following the doctor's advice. Anne

cried easily; Ian mentioned that she would cry every time when she was hungry. I fed her powdered

milk, but she didn't drink much. She just took a few mouthfuls before she stopped drinking altogether.

Sawyer worked overtime at night but he was the one great at taking care of Anne. When he was not

around, Ian and I were helpless when Anne cried.

In the end, I could only hold her in my arms as I walked around the baby room. Finally, I tried coaxing


When I was done preparing the medicine, I poured it into a big bowl. Ian stared at me and before I

started drinking it. He said sullenly, "I can already sense how bitter it's going to be. Are you sure you

want to drink it?"

I nodded and pinched my nose. Then, I forced myself to down it all. When I finished it, my mouth was

filled with the taste of the bitter medicine. Fortunately, Ian handed me a candy.

Then, my stomach started feeling a little uncomfortable, so I went back to the bedroom to rest. When

Sawyer came back, he took Anne and Ian out for a walk.

I was about to fall asleep when I got a call from

Hendrix. I answered his call in a daze and felt a little annoyed. "What's wrong?"

"Come down, let's talk!" He said in a low voice.

"We'll talk next time, I don't want to move today," I responded. After all, we always quarrel. We might as

well wait a few days for each of us to calm down.

"I'll come up then!" He replied.

I was speechless when I heard that.

"Wait a minute!" I felt helpless and immediately got up from bed. Then, I put my clothes on and went


I was surprised that he knew this place. Ucrebury was not as col, so Hendrix only had a black sweaternovelbin

and a dark coat on. He was leaning against the car callously with a cigarette in his finger. The cigarette

butt was still lit with sparks.

"What's the matter?" I said, sounding obviously annoyed at him. Perhaps this was the medicine's

doing, but I couldn't help but feel irritable.

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