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Chapter 501

The manager sent the fatty away and then returned. He looked at the girl who was just standing there

and said harshly, "Eunice, aren't you aware of the rules of this business? He was generous. If you keep

him company for a night, you'll make more than your few months' salary serving drinks."

"Why don't you try it?" I asked. After that, I got up and walked towards the manager. I suggested,

"According to your logic, why don't you take off your clothes and pants, and then perform a strip dance

on stage. I'll give you 100,000 dollars. What do you think?"

"Miss Reid, this..." The manager was tongue-tied, "Miss Reid, you must be joking."

"I'm very serious. If you think that 100,000 dollars is too little, I can pay you 200,000 dollars. What do

you think?" Although the consumption level in Jarold City was quite high, the basic salary for service

staffs who do not have any technical skills were less than 10,000 dollars.

The manager's face twisted in conflict. He stared at me and said, "Miss Reid, I've never offended you.novelbin

You came here, stirred up trouble, and even made such a request. Miss Reid, you can't do this!

You can't abuse common people like us just because the Reid family is powerful!"

I couldn't stifle my laughter. "Manager, how should I address you?"

He was astounded for a moment, "It's Lance."

I nodded, "Hello Mr. Lance. If you had some common sense as a manager, you should have thought of

stopping them instead of just watching from the sidelines when unreasonable customers assault the

employees in your club. I understand that perhaps you were busy and you didn't notice that Miss

Hathaway was getting beaten just now. However, after you realized that something had happened, you

should've gotten the lay of the land first, and then come in to handle it properly, right?"

After a pause, I continued, "That's right. I heard you just now. You knew the reason why Eunice was

beaten. She has the right to choose how she wants to earn her money working here, right? But not only

did you fail to protect her, you even insulted her. Mr. Lance, the law clearly states that prostitution is

forbidden but even if it is allowed, it can only be considered a legal transaction if she consents to it. If

she did not agree to do it and was beaten for it, how could it be her fault?"

"Miss Reid, what do you mean? You're here to embarrass me today, aren't you?" The moment he

spoke, a few men dressed in black showed up beside him all of a sudden.

They seemed to be bodyguards.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows, "How bold of you." He knew my identity, but still he remained

flagrant. It seemed that the Emperor Club had a strong backing.

Glancing at Aaron, I couldn't help but ask, "Who own this Emperor Club?"

Aaron lifted his eyebrows and his gaze fell upon Freya who was motionlessly sipping wine.

Oh, so this was the Moore family's business?

Freya noticed that I was watching her and said with a smile, "Miss Reid, would you like become friends

with me then?"

"Miss Moore, you have a special way of making friends!" I replied.

She shrugged her shoulders and responded indifferently, "I'm not Mother Theresa, so I don't always

use morally right methods when going about my day. So, are you willing to or not?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Miss Moore, you have such a heroic way of making friends. If I don't agree,

are you planning to leave us here tonight?"

She immediately shook her head. "No, that won't do. If you really don't want to, I'll just have to think of

another way. However, I'm afraid you can't do much for Miss Hathaway's affair tonight. After all, she's

the one who got into trouble. That d*mned fatty may not dare to do anything to the Reid family, but I do

have a business to run and I can't have him coming here and stirring up trouble for me!"

Aaron sneered. "Miss Moore, you've been managing the Emperor Club smoothly for so many years.

Are you really worried about a rich redneck with just a few million dollars under his name?"

"Of course I'm not frightened!" Freya retorted. She glimpsed at Eunice and added, "I'm not petrified, but

you can ask her whether she's afraid or not. Of course, that rich redneck can't pull anything against me.

She however, is a pushover. Do you think that he won't vent his anger on her?"

Hearing these words, I had no choice but to help Eunice out..

Aaron tutted and peered at Eunice, "Little girl, would you mind finding a new job somewhere else?"

I was surprised to hear Aaron's suggestion.

Was Aaron openly poaching their employee?

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