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Chapter 452

"Lunatic!" Andrea was at the peak of her rage. With a look of savagery on her face, she said, "Arianna,

if you won't let me have it easy, I won't let you off the hook either."

In the end, this was my territory. Although she was angry, she still did not cross the line and left

strutting out the house in her high heels.

Before leaving, she turned to me and glared sinisterly at me. "Arianna, what I can't have, you won't

have either."

I kept calm and only looked on emotionlessly as hatred surrounded her being. My drowsiness from

earlier was long gone, and all I did was stare blankly at the door.

"You're really gifted when it comes to offending people." When Nerissa saw Andrea leave, she looked

at me and remarked sarcastically. Apparently, she had been watching the fun from the sidelines,

obviously not thinking of this as a big deal at all.

I looked at her indifferently and had no intentions of responding to her.

She didn't get angry despite seeing that I was ignoring her. She continued, "Andrea is a vengeful

woman. You either make d*mn sure she can't turn the tables, or make sure she won't be able to see

the light of day again. Otherwise, if you just leave her half dead, you will have a hard time in the future."

I looked at her indifferently, "So, you want me to straight up kill her to keep her mouth shut?"

In this world, aside from the dead, I didn't know who else would not be able to turn the tables.

She looked at me and smiled coldly, "You can also try getting her to do it herself."

Well, that was downright evil!

I stopped replying to her. My stomach was still hurting a little, so I went into the kitchen and askednovelbin

Minnie to prepare some ginger tea with brown sugar for me.

While chatting with Minnie, Hendrix called. His voice was as clear as ever as I heard him asking

through the phone. "Are you home? What would you like to eat? I'll bring some back."

Vengeance had improved my appetite greatly. I generously listed out all my cravings to Hendrix.

"I'll be home in fifteen!"

The call ended, and Minnie looked at me as she said with a smile, "Arianna, you and Mr. Roberts are

much closer to one another now. When spring comes and you have another child, you'll be able to live

happily ever after as a family."

My mind went blank for a second, feeling like a deer in the headlights. Another child?

After the miscarriage, I never thought about wanting a child again. I couldn't even protect my first child.

How dare I ask for another one?

"Arianna, you're more vicious than I thought!" Nerissa suddenly rushed in and slapped the mug of tea

right out of my hand. She glared at me and said, "Arianna, what have I done to offend you to make you

want to get rid of me like this?"

What had I done?

For a moment, I was a little confused. I looked at her with a frown and asked, "What did I do?"

"All headlines in Jarold City have exposed what happened ten years ago. Aside from the three dead

members of the Granger family, you and I are the only ones who know about it. Tell me, what reason

do you have to ruin my reputation like this? Other than you, who could have done this? Arianna, tell

me, who else would do this?"

She was so emotional that her entire face twisted and contorted in rage. She picked up the broken

pieces of the mug from the ground and slashed them square across my face.

Before I could react and dodge the shard that was coming towards me, the fragment Nerissa was

holding was suddenly grasped by another hand.

I was caught in a state of shock for a few moments before seeing that it was Hendrix. Bright, red blood

oozed from the palm of his hand as he held on to the broken shard.

I fiercely shoved Nerissa away. I looked at Hendrix and asked, "Are you alright?"

I held onto his hand until he loosened his palm. The fragments had pierced into his skin, leaving a deep

gash. "Does it hurt?"

He looked at me and stroked my hair with his other hand. "No, it doesn't. What happened?"

Only then did Nerissa finally calm down. After I pushed her to the ground, she wasn't in a hurry to get

up. She said, "Hendrix, ask her yourself and see how cruel and merciless this woman is. She even

plotted against her own family."

Hendrix pursed his lips and looked at her with a frown. "No matter how cruel she may be, you shouldn't

harm a woman's face with something sharp like this."

He held up the shard that had hurt him earlier as he stared down at Nerissa.

His tone was deep and low, and it was laced with much anger.

Nerissa's face quickly turned pale. "I might have destroyed her face, but she has destroyed my entire

life. Hendrix, you should learn how to tell between right and wrong!"

Hendrix frowned as he looked back at me, "What the hell is going on?"

I shook my head as I looked at the blood dripping from his palm. I asked Minnie for the first aid kit and

said to Hendrix, "I don't know either. What happened exactly, Aunt Nerissa?" Nerissa sneered, "You

sure you don't know? Arianna, you sure are great at putting on a show. Didn't you tell the reporters

about my marriage with Yohannes ten years ago? Didn't you just expose Helen's scandal from ten

years ago? If you weren't the one who told the reporters, then was it me who used the secret that

Yohannes has been keeping for ten years to hound Helen to death?"

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