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Chapter 448

After a long time, he finally said, "Miss Reid, I'm really sorry for holding you up by asking you to come

out so early."

I nodded and looked at him calmly, waiting for his next words.

Noticing this, his nervousness grew as he said, "Miss Reid, do you know about Arnold being caught in


I asked in surprise, "Arnold was caught? What about it?"

Seeing my reaction, he seemed to have made up his mind and said, "To be frank with you, Miss Reid, I

came to look for you because I wanted to talk to you about becoming allies."

I took a sip of water, looked at him and nodded. Then, I raised my eyebrows and asked, "What do you

mean by that?"

He paused when the waiter came in to serve our food. After the waiter left, he continued, "I will provide

you with information on Madam Lawson's bribes from various transactions, as well as how she

managed to escape the eyes of law when she was being investigated. Also, I have evidence that can

kill her in one move."

I held my chin and looked at him with a faint expression. I narrowed my eyes slightly and asked, "How

can I trust a person who betrayed their family?"

"Miss Reid, to tell the truth, you are the one pulling the strings here. It doesn't look like it on the surface,

but you're the mastermind behind all this. Ever since Calvin was framed, you had begun to lay your

traps. Calvin was just a pawn, and your end-goal is Valerie. The only thing you lack now is evidence of

her bribes, which I possess."

I looked at him nonchalantly. "I know you have the evidence, but still, how can I trust you?"

He hesitated for a moment. Then, he placed a file in front of me, looked at me and said, "This is intel on

Valerie and Arnold's transactions through me. All their transaction records are in here. These are

enough to cripple Valerie."

I glanced at the documents in front of me and was in no hurry to pick them up for a read. I looked at

Michael and asked, "What do you want?"

"Freedom!" He said with his mouth agape, looking a little haggard, "The police are already looking for

me. I know that I can't escape from my crimes. I don't want anything else but freedom."

I couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little cold and distant. "Honestly, I can get what you're offering just by

putting in more time, and I wouldn't have to take on your risks. Becoming allies with you is the riskiest

choice I can make. You are a businessman, so you should know this better than I do."

He probably didn't expect that I would refuse as his face fell, his expression turned grim. After a

moment of silence, he looked at me and said, "What if I can completely and irrevocably destroy


I shrugged my shoulders and wasn't too interested in that. I looked at him indifferently and said,novelbin

"Valerie's fate has already been decided. I haven't done anything just yet, only because I feel that it's

more interesting to keep her alive."

When he saw that I wasn't convinced, his face turned even darker. "Since you've made up your mind,

why did you agree to meet me, Miss Reid?"

I held my chin and said, "I just want to know what really happened when you kidnapped me."

It seemed that he didn't expect that I would bring up the past again. He was caught a little off guard as

he asked, "Didn't you already ask about this, Miss Reid? Why are you asking again?"

I felt amused and squinted at him. "Did you think I would buy that? Alford Audit was only part of the

reason, but not many people knew about my pregnancy. I wonder how you knew of it? And I'm curious

about the recording you gave me. Who exactly did Andrea work together with to act that out? Do

enlighten me, Mr. Lewis!"

It had indeed been half a year, but I've always felt something amiss ever since Kelsey mentioned it to

me. When I spoke to Andrea about working together, I didn't say a thing about the purpose of my fake

miscarriage. But when Michael kidnapped me, it was obvious that he knew about my plan.

Humans were naturally hard- headed, stubborn creatures. Even if I already had a hunch about what

really happened, I still desperately wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Seeing that I was squinting at him, he smiled and said, "Miss Reid, would you be willing to work with

me if I tell you everything?"

I raised my eyebrows. "I'll consider it!"

He took a sip of his tea, his patience thinning with every line of banter. Once he recollected himself, he

said to me, "Miss Reid, have you ever thoroughly gotten to know Doctor Saunders?"

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