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Chapter 447

She smiled and said, "With Arnold getting caught, everything would be exposed if she messes up even

just a little. As for Arnold's wife, what are you going to do with her? It shouldn't be too hard getting

something out of her."

"I haven't thought about it yet!" I looked up at the time and said, "Since Michael has come to me

himself, things shouldn't be that difficult. It wouldn't be a problem when it came to Arnold's wife either."

She said, "Okay then, you do you!"

I nodded. Just as I was about to end the call, she suddenly said, "By the way, there's something I

almost forgot to tell you."

"What is it?"

"It's about Josiah. Has there been any big news about the Roberts?" She asked. "The hospital problem

is barely even over, yet a bigger problem seemed to have emerged. It's all the rage in Ucrebury.

Apparently, it has something to do with a construction site that's currently under the development of

Roberts Group. Just two months after operations started, they found that the children of nearby

residents had been buried alive and it wasn't just one kid, but a few of them. This has blown up quite a

bit. It seems that the entire Roberts Group operations will be stopped for the moment."

I was shocked for a moment and didn't know how to react to this. "When did this happen?" "About two

or three days ago. It hasn't been announced publicly; Hendrix must have suppressed the media.

However, this matter involves people's lives, so this will not be an easy solve. The Roberts Group will

likely suffer a great blow this time."

"Alright, I've got it!" This news poured restlessness all over my body. How could this be?

Hendrix had managed the Robert Group well for all these years. What happened with the hospital

previously was already nothing short of ridiculous; how could there be yet another fatal accident thisnovelbin

time round?

If news got out, the entire Roberts Group would be a goner.

"There's one more thing that I accidentally overheard. When you had your miscarriage, it seems that

Miss Caulfield had gone to look for Josiah. I don't know what happened in between, but later on, I

heard that Monique had a premature birth."

A premature birth?

My breathing stopped for a second, "The hospital, the construction and Monique...they all have

something to do with Josiah?"

She paused, feeling a little uncertain and then said, "I'm not very sure about this, I don't know all the

details. Your best move now is to ask Miss Monique for the full picture. Perhaps she'll know more about

what's going on with Josiah."

I then ended our call. I immediately dialed for Ian, but he didn't pick up.

These three months, I always had doubts about why Monique never talked to me directly through the

phone. I had a bad gut feeling that they seemed to be actively avoiding me. Had something gone


I wrecked my brain over what might have happened, but still couldn't figure out what on earth I had


I didn't want to get caught between Hendrix and Josiah's matters. Even if there was an overnight feud

between the two of them, it was unlikely that Josiah would attempt to kill off Hendrix after so many

years of acquaintance.

On the other hand, there was Monique who I was even more worried about. From what I could tell,

there were no feelings between her and Josiah. She had gone to look for Josiah when she was

pregnant, which meant that she was going to tell him about the child. But he was anxious to save me,

so it seemed that Josiah didn't care about that child at all.

Otherwise, why would Monique have gone through a premature birth and left Jarold City right after?

I couldn't get a hold of Ian, so I could only take to guessing the situation.

Michael had sent me the meet- up address location. After tidying up at home, I left for the place.

In the private room of the restaurant.

There was a little traffic on the way to the restaurant, so when I arrived, Michael was already seated,

waiting for me. When I opened the door to the private room, he instantly stood up and said in a hurry,

"Miss Reid, you're here!"

I nodded and walked over to the table to sit down. He smiled and said cautiously, "I already ordered,

but I don't know if you'll like it, Miss Reid!"

I smiled silently in response. I glanced out of the glass window and saw Michael sitting restlessly

across from me from the reflection.

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