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Chapter 1712

I took a step back, lowered my voice, and said, "I'm about to sleep soon. Let's talk about it tomorrow."There was no response as if no one was there, but I noticed that the shadow under the door never moved.

As he was waiting, Hendrix changed his mind and retumed. He deliberately controlled his footsteps so that he wouldn't make any noise. His footstepswere so silent that I didn't notice him until he arrived next to me. I leaned against his frame gently.

The three of us were only separated by a door, but it felt like life or death.After a long while, Irvin finally replied, "Have a good rest. I will grant you your wish tomorrow."Then, his shadow flashed and disappeared in the direction of his room.

It was not until the footsteps disappeared that I let out a sigh of relief and murmured to myself, "To fulfill my wish... Is Irvin bringing me to see mychild?"

Hendrix's deep voice sounded out, "Do you still think he's Santa Claus?"His tone sounded strange."You've had your suspicions about Irvin for a long time now, haven't you?" I asked

Hendrix did not reply. He walked to the window and lit a cigarette. He breathed out a cloud of smoke in the howling wind, as if he had somethingdifficult to say.

"If you don't want to tell me, then I won't ask.” I walked over, closed the window, and turned to face him. "Smoking is bad for you, yet you want toinhale your own second-hand smoke?"

Hendrix paused for a moment and put out the cigarette at the window sill. Then, he tossed the cigarette out through a small gap in the window.

"Don't you wanna smoke?" I was a little surprised and comforted him. "Don't worry about being discovered. I'll open the window to get rid of the smellafter you leave.”

"I don’ feeftike smoking anymore,”Hendrix «said flatly. He then changedthe su bject and looked at me withgreatinterest. "Who would youchagse if you had to make athoicebetween your son and me2"Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

This was the situation that I dreadedthe most, and didn't expect to hearit from Henglix After a brief periodof shock, “looked at his seriousappearance and couldn't helplaughing, "Hendrix, you know, youare very much like those youngsters.They are very jealous, um “You aremore difficult to please than them.You are even jealous of your ownson." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


Hendrix was embarrassed and glanced away sheepishly, saying, "I already know your answer. It's just as I imagined. So I shouldn't be surprised bythis."

I laughed. "Who do you think I'll choose?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Not me." Hendrix shrugged, looking disappointed and aggrieved. "But Arianna, do you know that no matter who you're up against, I will choose youover and over again?"

He seemed to be joking, with a casual look, which made me unsure whether I should be happy or notAfter that, he did not wait for my response and began to climb out of the window. "See you tomorrow.”

Then he jumped out, and disappeared into the night.

I walked towards the window and looked around, but I couldn't see him nor other movements. I waited for a while before closing the window.The next day.

Because I wanted to see my child, I deliberately got up early and freshened myself up

After breakfast, Irvin brought me out of the castle.

I thought it was a long journey, but the car stopped after driving into the city for less than ten minutes.

Irvin opened the door and got off. I followed him to a shop that seemed to sell watches.

It appeared that thoperating fora lonsignboardhat the d

e shop had beeng time. Theoor was old and:>

dictated a long history. There were12 clqoks I in the display window;

which probably sh

owed the same

time in different time zones: Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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