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Chapter 1478

I had said all that I wanted to. I didn't know if he was willing to listen to my words, but he needed tomove on with his life.

His appearance made Hendrix and I confused. Seeing that he was so drunk, it was obviouslyimpossible to let him go home by himself, so we decided to let him spend the night here.

Hendrix brought him to the guest room and I made him a cup of tea for his hangover. I breathed asigh of relief after finally being able to coax him into drinking it. Suddenly, I noticed that his mobilephone had been ringing for a while now. I couldn't help but glance at the name of the caller. It wasEunice.

This woman was really going too far. When I picked up the phone, she said softly, "Mr. Aaron,where are you? Why didn't you answer my call? I'm so worried about you. I went to your apartmentto look for you, but you didn't answer the doorbell. What's going on? Are you okay?"

If I hadn't heard the weird breathing sounds coming from the other end of the line, I would havethought that she was really concerned about Aaron. I said indifferently, "Eunice, you've almostgotten everything you needed from Aaron. It's time to stop now. He won't marry you, nor will theReid family accept you. Don't be too greedy."

"Miss Reid?" she asked. She was startled for a moment. The sounds of breathing from the man onthe other end of the line lowered. "Are you with Mr. Aaron? I don't understand what you are trying tosay. Is Mr. Aaron all right?" Eunice asked.

"Tell me, how much money do you want?" I demanded. I didn't have the patience to deal with awoman like her, so my voice became much harsher.

Eunice was obviously surprised. She asked in confusion, "Miss Reid, do rich people like you alwayslike humiliating other people?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "I won't humiliate a person with dignity like that. But, Eunice, Idon't think you have any dignity at all. Aaron must have spent a lot of money on you. He's alwaysgenerous to women. I think you've already gotten enough, so you should be more sensible, packyour things and leave. Don't pester him anymore. I'm not a kind person. You don't want to mess withme," I warned.

She was obviously displeased and replied, "Miss Reid, what do you mean by this? Mr. Aaron and Iare truly in love with each other. You don't think highly of me, but our marriage is Mr. Reid'sbusiness. It is up to him to decide. You're just being disruptive. What right do you have to makedecisions for him?"

"How does the man lying next to you feel when you say this?" I asked. Glancing at Aaron, who wassleeping soundly, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Hence, I said to the phone, "Eunice, I'm awoman. I know what you want, and I know what kind of person you are. I can find out everythingabout you as long as I want to. I didn't hurt you yet because I'm trying to let you leave with dignity.But everyone should have self-awareness. If you don't stop, then I will do something. So please bewell-prepared. I will not only make you leave Aaron without any money, but will make you pay backeverything you have gotten from him as well. Therefore, Miss Hathaway, please choose wisely!"novelbin

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