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Chapter 1302

In the car.

I was silent for a long time, feeling a little depressed.

"Don't worry, I've sent people to follow him. Nothing will happen!" Hendrix's voice rang in the car.

I looked sideways at him and said blankly, "I'm not worried about him. I'm worried about Yana. Sheobviously loves Aaron very much. Why did she suddenly leave him?"

Hendrix turned the steering wheel and put one hand on the door. He said, "Autumn didn't come allof a sudden. The leaves will not fall in an instant. Maybe she had waited too long and was indespair."

I pursed my lips. Of course I knew all of this.

I'd somehow fallen asleep on our way back home. When Hendrix carried me into the bedroom, Iwoke up in a daze. I lay on my bed and looked at Hendrix. I said tiredly, "I don't know what'shappening lately. I always feel very sleepy and lethargic."

Hendrix suddenly stopped undressing and looked back at me with joy on his face, which wasbeyond my understanding. He said, "Let's go to the hospital tomorrow!"

I felt puzzled and said, "Why go to the hospital for nothing? It's nothing serious."

He walked over to me and said with a smile, "It's time for an annual physical checkup."

"Oh," I said. I felt sleepy again. After laying in a more comfortable position, I fell into a slumber.

It was winter.

The weather in the capital city was freezing cold. Hendrix wanted to take me to the hospital, so hegot up early. Although I was awake as well, I kept yawning.

He was making some soup in the kitchen and stuck his head out. "Chicken soup?

I yawned, tears forming on the corners of my eyes. I nodded and said, "Okay!"

Looking at the misty weather outside, I couldn't help thinking that it must be cold outside today, andthat I had to wear more layers later when we head out.

He walked out with the soup in his hand. He had an apron on and a spatula in the other hand. Helooked at me and said, "Do you want to eat some flatbread with the soup? I'll make some for you."

I yawned and sniffed. Then I said hoarsely, "No, I'll just have the soup. If we go to the hospital later,we can stop by my mom's, pick up Anne, and have her checked too!"

He nodded and said, "Get up and eat!"

I got up and sat at the dining table, waiting for him to prepare the soup for me. He reminded me,"It's hot. Remember to blow on it for a while. Don't scald yourself."

In this way, I always felt that I was a giant baby that needed his care all the time.

Remembering that Naomi had came to Jarold City as well, I said, "Naomi is in town. We have to askher out for a meal some time. Besides, she is with Sebastian. I'm worried about her."

He nodded, blew at the soup in front of him, and said, "Well, you can let her stay here or arrange ahotel for her. It's not safe for a girl in Jarold City." "Sebastian won't hurt her, right?" After the freezerincident last time, my opinion of Sebastian was completely changed, so I was a little worried aboutNaomi.

He put the chilled soup in front of me and said, "Have some of this, it's cool now!" Then he pickedup the bowl of soup in front of me, set it down in front of him and continued to blow on it.

I felt a sense of warmth in my heart and couldn't help smiling.novelbin

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