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Chapter 1226

Hendrix and I walked to the edge of the bed. Looking at the old man, Hendrix said, "Nice to meetyou, Master Hayes. I'm Hendrix. My apologies for the late visit. I was caught up with work. I hopeyou can forgive me."

Gerald smiled faintly, a little out of breath. The maid put on an oxygen mask for him. He took a fewbreaths before he took off the oxygen mask and said, "I'm very happy that you guys are here."

Hendrix chatted with Master Hayes, mostly about the past. After a short while, Master Hayes closedhis eyes in exhaustion.

The butler said, "Mr. Roberts, Master Hayes must be tired already. You may go downstairs and havea rest. The house has prepared some pastries for you. Do give them a try!"

Hendrix nodded and held my hand. We went downstairs together.

The people downstairs were still there. A woman saw us coming down and went up to the butlerand said, "Ainsley, how is my father? Is he better now? Did he say that he wants to see us?"

The butler shook his head slightly and said politely, "Master Hayes is doing well. He didn't sayanything about wanting to see any one of you. I'm sorry, Miss Monica."

"Why wouldn't he want to see us? Time is running out and he still does not want to see us. Why isthat?" The woman, who the butler called "Miss Monica", seemed annoyed. After complaining, shewalked away.

I glanced at the others. Although I found it strange, I didn't ask much.

The butler took us to another lounge, asked someone to bring in some pastry and drinks, and thenleft.

I looked at Hendrix and couldn't help but ask, "We've already paid Master Hayes a visit, why aren'twe leaving?"

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Has Mr. Roberts' business been settled yet?" The voice ofan intruder startled me for a second. Following the voice, I saw Tobias, whom I met the day beforeat the casino.

He was leaning against the doorframe, in his hand were documents. He still looked so laid-back,with a foolish smile tugged at his lips, very frivolous.novelbin

Hendrix raised his head to look at him. He pursed his lips, not saying anything.

Tobias came in and place the documents on the table. He looked at Hendrix and said, "Grandpaasked me to give them to you. Everything is written clearly. If you're afraid there's any mistake, youcan call a lawyer to check them out now. After they're checked, you can sign it."

I took a look at the documents. It was a contract from the trading firm in Oakland.

Hendrix looked down at the contract, and then signed without any hesitation.

Tobias raised his eyebrows. "You're really straightforward!" He picked up the contract, took a look atit, before looking at Hendrix, "Alright, there's no need to worry anymore. I look forward to workingwith you, Mr. Roberts."

Hendrix nodded, a serious expression on his face. "Please thank Master Hayes for me. I won't lethim down."

Tobias nodded and said, "Mr. Roberts, such a big business you're taking on. Are you planning ondoing a monopoly business in the future?"

Hendrix pursed his lips, showing no intention of answering.

Tobias was about to say something, but the butler ran up to him and said, "Young Master Tobias,Master Hayes has left us."

It came so suddenly that Tobias was visibly taken aback. He shoved the documents into the butler'shand and said, "Keep it safe!"

After that, he strode out of the lounge.

The butler looked at them and said apologetically, "Mr. Roberts, I'm really sorry. Master Hayes lefttoo suddenly. I'm afraid the Hayes Family doesn't have time to look after the both of you. Pleaseforgive us."

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