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Chapter 1104

She shook her head, touched her belly and said, "I can't eat anymore. I just had some Kolandcuisine with Sebastian. I ate an entire bowl of mixed rice and I'm still feeling bloated. Besides,cheese has too many calories. I'm afraid of getting fat!"novelbin

I smiled lightly and looked at her, "You only weigh a little more than 50kg and you're 1.65 meterstall. How could you even be considered fat?"

She pursed her lips, "You're only more than 45kg. Of course, you wouldn't think that you're fat."

I found her point to be hilarious, so I didn't continue on.

She looked around and saw that Hendrix was not around. She frowned as she asked, "Is Hendrixnot home yet?"

I nodded, "He had a dinner party to attend tonight, so he'll probably be out till late."

She hummed in assent while holding her chin, saying, "It seems that you have to endure lonelinessas the president's wife!"

When I finished the cheesecake, I felt extremely satisfied and got up to get us some drinks.

I said while smiling, "Did you guys eat Koland barbecue earlier?"

She nodded and looked at me. Slightly narrowing her eyes, she frowned, "What happened to yourarm?"

I looked towards where she was looking, and I realized that there were red spots on my arms that Ihadn't noticed.

She pulled me over and said nervously, "Why are there red spots on your face as well?"

I was a little shocked. I looked at my legs and the other parts of my body. There were red spots allaround.

Naomi looked at me, and we stared at each other. We spoke at the same time, "Am I (are you)having an allergic reaction?"

I paused for a moment. Naomi looked at me and said, "Are you allergic to cheese? Or green tea?"

I shook my head. I ate those things often, so I couldn't be allergic to them.

Seeing this, she could not help but ask, "Did you eat anything before this?"

I opened my mouth and said, "The crabs!"

"Are you allergic to seafood?"

I shook my head, "No, I just ate some yesterday. How could I be allergic to seafood?"

For a moment, Naomi couldn't seem to think of anything. Naomi ran out and stood in the yard andshouted, "Sebastian, Arianna seems to be having an allergic reaction. Come over quickly, and let'stake her to the hospital."

Looking at the red rashes all around my body, I couldn't understand the reason behind them. Whathad I eaten that my body suddenly reacted in such a way?

After a while, Naomi ran in and pulled me outside. Sebastian's car was parked right outside the villa.

After getting into the car, Sebastian drove straight to the hospital. Naomi looked at me anxiouslyand said, "Do you want to give Hendrix a call?"

I shook my head. He should still be busy. I insisted, "It's not serious. It shouldn't be a big deal. Don'tworry, let's go to the hospital first!"

However, as soon as I felt the itchiness on my face, I somehow felt worried about my appearance.

Although my face wasn't as beautiful as a model's would be, it looked clean and fair. With all therashes on it, I was wondering if it would leave scars on my face or not.

At the hospital.

As soon as Sebastian pulled over, Naomi took me into the hospital. As soon as we entered thehospital building, Naomi shouted, "Doctor, there's an emergency!"

As she shouted, some people immediately came rushing over. Several nurses asked Naomi aboutmy condition and after knowing that it was an allergic reaction, Naomi went over to makeappointment with the doctor for me.

I was then led by a nurse into an office, and a doctor came over to examine me.

The doctor on duty examined my condition and confirmed that I was having an allergy reaction. Itwas not too serious and I would be fine after a few shots.

I was not sure how the reaction happened, so I asked, "Doctor, can you find out what caused theallergy?"

I used to eat crab or cheese all the time and I had never shown such a reaction. Why had Isuddenly gotten an allergic reaction?

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