My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 248 Dear, Let’s Go Home (1)
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Chapter 248 Dear, Let's Go Home (1)

Venus Mu cried out in grief, but no one paid attention to her. Then a name popped into her head.“Kerry, help me.” Venus said immediately.

Like grabbing a life-saving straw, Venus screamed at the top of her voice into the darkness ofnothingness, “Kerry, help me. Kerry, help me.”

“It’s no use for shouting. You already my daughter-in-law.” Gawa’s mother said with a sneer.

Venus’s tears rolled down like pearls with broken thread. She beat Gawa’s head, which was againsther body, with her hands, but she was not strong enough and it didn’t bring any pain to him.

“Kerry, help me”. Venus was still shouting. She didn’t know who Kerry is, but he is the only person sheremembered.

“Stop shouting!” Gawa’s mother said harshly.

As soon as she said that, there was a loud bang at the gate and the door was kicked open from theoutside.

Gawa’s father heard the bang and ran out. Then he saw a fierce man break in. “Who are you? Whatare you doing at my house?” Gawa’s father said.

Before Kerry could explain, he heard the heart-stopping cry coming from the inner room.

At that moment, Kerry’s tears almost rolled down. He pushed Gawa’s father away and strode in.

“Hey, who are you? Stop!” Gawa’s father said. Gawa’s father chased after Kerry, but he couldn’t keepup with Kerry.

Then Kerry kicked the door open again. Kerry’s heart stopped beating when he saw the scene inside.

The woman he loves so much and has been finding so long, was like a dying fish, struggling. Still, shekept calling out his name, ““Kerry, help me.”novelbin

She had a mentally disability and became blind, but she still remembered Kerry’s name.

“Who are you? Why are you here? Ah..” Gawa’s mother said. Before she could reach Kerry, Kerrypushed her aside and she fell to the ground.

Seeing the intruder, Gawa jumped out of bed in anger. Before Gawa punched, Kerry lifted his foot andkicked Gawa hard.

At that moment, Kerry was strong enough to defeat the devils and gods, not to mention the ordinarycountry folks.

Kerry quickly took off his clothes to cover Venus’s body and hugged her tightly in his arms.

“Don’t touch me.” Venus beat feebly and said.

Kerry was heart-broken. He kissed Venus on her forehead and said, “Venus, don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

The voice penetrated her eardrums and entered her heart. Oh, that’s the voice. She remembered thevoice.

Like a wronged little girl, Venus buried her face in his arms and cried.

Silent tears welled up in Kerry’s eyes. “Just cry. As I am here, no one will hurt you.” Kerry whisperedsoftly in her ear.

“Who the hell are you? If you don’t tell me, I’ll call the police.” Gawa’s father stood in the doorway,shouting.

Kerry looked up and gave the three men a murderous look. “I am her husband.” Kerry said slowly andfirmly.

“Nonsense. She is the wife my son just married today.” Gawa’s father said.

Kerry stared at Gawa’s father with sharp eyes, saying, “Really? That depends on whether you canafford to marry her.”

“How can’t we afford that? We paid a 60000 yuan dowry.” Gawa’s mother said. She got up from theground and stood in line with Gawa’s father to prevent Kerry from escaping.

Kerry sneered and said, “60000 yuan? Well, call the so-called cousin over here and show me what helooks like. I’ve been married to her so long and I never know she has a cousin.”

Seeing the ferocious look of Kerry, Gawa’s mother recalled the gossip she had heard at the weddingceremony at noon. She prodded Gawa’s father and said, “Call Wang Li and ask him to come andexplain.”

“OK.” Gawa’s father said.

Venus sobbed in Kerry’s arms, tears wet his short sleeves and his heart.

Kerry didn’t want to stay there for a moment, but Venus had no clothes to wear. The dazzling red gownwas thrown to the ground at random, and Kerry wanted to set fire to it.

When Gawa’s father called, Kerry also took out his phone.

“I found Venus.” Kerry said to the phone.

Tianye Mu exclaimed and said, “Really? That’s good. How’s she doing? Is she all right?”

Kerry stroked Venus’s back and said lovingly, “She is good. Where are you now?”

“We’re about to get off the freeway. We’ re supposed to be there in an hour.” Tianye said.

“When you pass the women’s clothing store, buy some clothes for Venus.” Kerry said.

Tianye paused for a few seconds and seemed to understand the meaning of Kerry’s words. “OK. I see.”Tianye said somewhat angrily.

After hanging up the phone, Kerry wiped Venus’s tears with his hand. Then he felt there’s somethingwrong with her face. Lifting her chin up, Kerry saw that her left cheek was swollen, with a clear palmprint on it.

Then Kerry’s anger that had been suppressed was ignited. He looked at the three men cruelly andsaid, “Who hit her?”

Gawa’s mother was afraid and she stepped back involuntarily. “I didn’t mean it.” She said guiltily.

Kerry gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

He really wanted to hit someone.

When he was worried that there was no one for him to vent his anger, someone came up to him.

Gawa got up from the corner and rushed up to Kerry, pointing at his nose and saying, “Let her go. Sheis my wife.”

As Gawa spoke, Kerry could clearly feel Venus’s body begin to shake violently. Venus felt frightened.Thinking of what the guy had just done, Kerry grabbed his wrist and broke it off. Then came the soundof the cracking of bones and Gawa fell to the ground with a shrill cry. Kerry then kicked him fly.

Gawa, a fatty who is about 100 kg, couldn’t get up after falling to the ground.

“Son, how are you doing?” Gawa’s mother shouted. She tried to lift her son from the ground, but shehad no strength.

After seeing there is a cabinet beside the wall, Kerry said to Venus in a low voice, “Let me help you finda dress.”

Venus’s calmed down. Kerry gave her a kiss on the forehead and wrapped the quilt around her. ThenKerry walked to the cabinet to open it. There are several quilts in it, and some men’s clothes. Kerryrummaged the clothes and found a brand new women’s wear, a pink shirt and black trousers.

After getting the clothes off the cabinet, Gawa and his mother were still crying in the room. Kerrywalked up to Gawa and picked up Gawa’s arm to drag him out of the room. Gawa’s mother followedKerry and said, “What are you doing? Let go of my son?”

Kerry threw Gawa down like throwing a pile of fat. Without saying a word, Kerry turned and went intothe room, slamming the door.

Gawa’s mother paused for a moment and then banged loudly on the door, saying, “Come out of there.This is my house. Come out.”

Kerry paid no attention to her.

Kerry went over to Venus and wiped the tears from her face. “Shall I dress you? I’ll take you leave hereas soon as you get dressed. Let’s go home. The baby is still waiting for you.” Kerry said softly.

Venus couldn’t see nor understand, but she felt Kerry is reliable, so she slowly let go of her handsclutching the quilt.

“John sends me the videos of our baby every day. He has put on some weight. He misses you so muchand keeps calling you.” Kerry said as he dressed her.

Venus didn’t speak and just quietly let Kerry dress herself.

Kerry’s hand trembled slightly when he saw the bruises on her fair skin. He was so distressed. It tookhim several deep breaths to resist the urge to go out and beat the bastard.

After buttoning all the buttons one by one, Kerry added, “But he still doesn’t talk to me. When Johnchatted with me via video call and asked him to smile at me, he didn’t even look at me. Maybe whatTianye said is right. This little guy is here to get what I owe him.”

After putting on the shirt, Kerry put his jacket on her.

“Shall I help you with your trousers?” Kerry said. Kerry was afraid to frighten her and asked for heradvice at first.

Kerry didn’t know if Venus understood what he said. Anyway, when Kerry help her put on her trousers,she didn’t resist.

At that moment, Kerry felt that Venus’s like his daughter. He was softhearted and wanted to hold her inthe arms to take good care of.

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