My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 247 Come and Save Me (3)
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Chapter 247 Come and Save Me (3)

It was noon. Tianye and Kerry were having lunch in a small restaurant. They didn’t get any message forthe past few days and they were in no mood to talk to one another.

Suddenly, Tianye’s phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number and he thought it was a scam phonecall, so he didn’t pick it up.

But a few minutes later, his phone rang again and it was still the same number. Tianye put hischopsticks down and picked it up. He said impatiently: “Who is it?”

He heard a hoarse voice saying: “Hello. Are you the person who went to the police station three daysago and did a DNA test?”

Tianye became nervous. He said: “Yes. I am.”

“A friend of yours stayed at my home that day. And is he with you? Can I talk to him?”

Tianye passed the phone to Kerry and said: “He wants to talk to you.”

Kerry was surprised. “Why doesn’t he just call me?”

Kerry took the phone and said: “Hello, this is Kerry.”

Mr Zhong sighed with relief. “Finally! I’m Mr Zhong. Remember? Three days ago you lived in myhouse.”

“Oh, sure. I remember you. Mr Zhong. What’s the matter?” Kerry had a sense of foreboding.

Mr Zhong said: “That day I told you about a retarded man living in the village next to ours, and I toldyou that he will get married today.”

Kerry thought about it and said: “Yes. Mrs Zhong said that man should never get married.”

“Yeah! That’s him. I went to his wedding ceremony to cook earlier today. And I heard about somethingand I think you should know about it.”

Kerry was feeling rather nervous. He said: “What is it? Mr Zhong.”

Mr Zhong said: “At first, people say that Gawa’s bride is Wang Li’s cousin. But Wang drank too muchand he got very drunk and he said the bride is not his cousin at all. He said he found her in a river andtook her back home.”

“What!” Kerry stood up in an instant. The other people all looked at him.

Mr Zhong continued: “I think if he is not lying, the bride is probably the woman you are looking for. I sawher this morning, and she is tall and beautiful. She doesn’t look like someone from the village.”

Kerry felt his heart was pounding violently. He said: “Mr Zhong, do you know her name?”

“Nobody knows. She was taken directly to Gawa’s home. She seems a little bit retarded and shedoesn’t talk a lot. She can’t even see.”

Kerry felt his heart was pierced by what he said. He couldn’t imagine what Venus had must gonethrough if the bride is really her.

“I am not one hundred percent sure about it. But I think you should come and check it. What if she is.”

“Thank you. Thank you so very much, Mr Zhong. We will go back immediately. Thank you.” Kerry saidin a shaking voice.

“No problem. You must be quick. Gawa is a retarded person. I’m afraid if you are late.......”

“I know. Mr Zhong. Thank you very much.” Kerry knew what Mr Zhong was worried about. He hung upthe phone and said to Henry: “Pay the bill. We will go to the house where we stayed three days ago.”

Kerry was pretty sure that bride is none other than Venus.

“Venus. I’m coming for you. Wait for me.” Kerry said to himself.

They got into the car. Kerry told Tianye what Mr Zhong just said. Tianye’s eyes were alight withexcitement. He said: “We will know pretty soon.”

“It is must her. I know it.” Kerry said. He buried his face in his hands and said in a chocked tone: “It isher.”

At that moment, Henry said: “Sir, that village is now pretty far from us. We can’t possibly get therewithin half a day.”

Kerry and Tianye froze. They didn’t even think of that.

“Besides, the road is rather bumpy. So it may take some time.”

Kerry thought about it and said: “Henry, you keep driving. I’ll think of a way.”


The sun was setting. People left Gawa’s home when the ceremony was over. And Gawa was about togo to sleep when it was about eight o’clock.

Venus sat on the bed. She felt hungry and her stomach rumbled. Gawa heard it and said: “You aremust hungry. I’ll bring some food for you.”

He then rushed out of the room and then came back with a bowl of rice and a fried dish. Gawa picked apiece of meat with chopsticks and moved it in front of Venus’s mouth. Venus opened her mouth whenshe smelled the food. But the moment her tongue touched the meat, she turned her head and didn’t eatthe meat. It was too spicy for her.

Gawa thought she doesn’t eat meat. So he picked a piece of fried pepper and wanted her to eat it. Andof course, Venus reacted more strongly, and she moved away from him.

Gawa became anxious. He wanted to force Venus to eat something, and Venus resisted strongly. Theywent back and forth and the bowl accidentally fell on the ground and shattered.

Gawa’s mother was right outside the room. She heard it and walked into the room. She pointed atVenus and shouted: “What the hell are you doing! My son is feeding you and you’d better eat it!”novelbin

Gawa is a very spoiled man and his mother is very protective of him. So she couldn’t allow anyone tomake her son unhappy.

“You must remember that you come to this family to give birth to babies! Not to give orders to anyone!”She shouted. She then looked at Gawa and said: “Remove her clothes! And go to sleep!”

Gawa was very happy. He tried to take off her clothes, but when he touched her shoulder, Venusscreamed and ran away.

“Stop shouting! I paid so much money for you! My son can’t even touch you?” Gawa’s mother thenjoined in and tried to take off Venus’s clothes. Venus was frightened. She pushed her onto the ground.

Gawa’s mother stood up and delivered a hard slap across Venus’s face. “Damn you!!” She shouted.“Gawa! What are you waiting for? Do you want to sleep with her?”

Gawa didn’t want to hurt Venus. But he didn’t dare to disobey his mother. So he grabbed Venus tightlyso that his mother could take off her clothes.

Venus couldn’t see and she wasn’t strong enough to break away from them. Her coat was removed.And she only had a red shirt on. Her neck was so white and slender.

Gawa’s eyes widened. His desire was now burning.

“No!!” Venus covered her chest and screamed. Tears were pouring down her face. Her makeup waswashed off.

Gawa’s mother shouted: “Just shut up!” She then removed her belt and her trousers. Venus’s long legswere exposed.

“Her legs are rather straight. She is in a good shape.” Gawa’s mother said. She then said to Gawa:“You must give me a grandson!”

Gawa laughed. He could no longer wait, and his breath was heavy.

“Don’t touch me!!” Venus shouted.

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