My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 211 The Mysterious Villa
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Chapter 211 The Mysterious Villa

After the efforts of a night, Master Xie still didn’t found any useful information about the boy who brokein his villa. He would definitely not let him a easy go, so he deployed his men in the harbor, which wasthe only way for tourists to come and go.

“You go first” said Kerry in a low voice.

“My boss, you go first, I will cover you if needed.” Replied Nighthawk.

“No, I can take care of myself.” Said Kerry, who pated on his shoulder and told him to go now. Then heturned back to a fruit stand and pretended to be customer there. He took a breath of relief when he sawNighthawk left safely.

“Are you Chinese?” Asked a tall and thin girl who had gazed at him for seconds. The girl was a littletanned, with a big colorful straw hat and a backpack.

“No, I am a Japanese.” Replied Kerry in English.

“Really? I am a Japanese, too. It’s good here to meet you, my friend. Are you about to leave today?”

“Yes, I am waiting for my boat over there, how about you?” Said Kerry. Now he had a good idea to savehimself.

“Me too, I hope we can leave here together.” Replied the girl in an ardent tone.

“It’s my pleasure!” said Kerry in a bow. Then he went to the harbor with the girl. From the talk with her,he got to knew the Japanese name of her was Hideko Yamaguchi and she lived in Hokkaido. Whenshe asked him about his identity, Kerry kept his smile and replied, ”You can call me Sato, Tokyo is theplace I stay.”

When they were enjoying the talks with each other, a man stopped him and asked in Chinese, “Freeze,now.” Kerry now had to pretend that he was a Japanese, so he turned a deaf ear to him and continuedhis conversation with the girl.

The man seemed a little annoyed and took out the gun and shouted, “Now freeze, got it?” Kerryseemed to be surprised by the rudeness of him and bowed as an apology and said in naturalJapanese, ”Sorry, man, what can I do for you?”

The man looked a little confused about his Japanese tone. However, the guy was still skeptical abouthis identity since Kerry’s figure and appearance were too impressive and arose his special attention.novelbin

“Where did you stay last night?” asked the man.

“Sorry, I don’t know your language, can you speak in English?” asked Kerry in a confused tone, whothen casted him again a bow for politeness. However, the girl stopped the man and said, “This is Mr.Sato, a Japanese gentleman, he doesn’t know Chinese, can you speak English to him?”

“Come here, guys, take a look at that boy.” Said the man. Then his colleague circled Kerry and tookcareful look at him. It seemed that there were similarity between Kerry and the boy the met last night.However, Kerry didn’t have purple eyes, which was the major feature of the boy they were looking for.

“We have worked a whole night in vain, Master Xie will be discontented about that. What can we donow?”

“That boy was like a ghost, he must run away from here. That is really a hard nut to crack for us findhim. ”

When they was about to give up the searching job, one of them stared up Kerry and said, ”Why nottake him back, then perhaps our master will spare us.”

“A good idea!”

The girl overheard their plot and warded Kerry off and said, “No way, we are Japanese people, I willaccuse you in the Japanese Embassy.”

“Go away, little bitch, we don’t serve the order of the ambassador of Japan, Master Xie is our lord. ”shouted one guy of them.

“But you will break the international laws and ….” Cried the girl. Kerry, however, stopped her and said,”Miss. Yamaguchi, let me handle it.” Then he took out a wad of dollars and gave them to one of themand said, “Sorry to bother you, I have an important conference in Tokyo, I hope you can let me go forit.”

Though these guys didn’t understand what he said, but they knew the money worked. All of themcasted a hungry eye on the dollars and after a while of hesitation, they gave him a way and shouted,“Then go, rich bastard.”

Kerry smiled to them gratefully and left for the harbor. When he embarked on the yacht and was aboutto leave this island, a Rolls-Royce arrived at the harbor and Mater Xie showed up from the car. Hecasted a skeptical eye toward Kerry and asked, ”Who is the boy on the board?”

“He is only a Japanese man, though his features resembles that of the boy we met last night, there arestill some differences between him and the boy, and he had blue eyes rather purple ones.”

After a while Kerry had left the board before Master Xie took a good look at him. Master Xie felt reallyconfused since he had searched the whole island yet had no results. Would the boy be a ghost as said.No way! Master Xie turned a blind eye to that kind of saying.

“Go finding a man whose name is Heng Zhang for me, and he have been back China recently. Sendsignals to me as soon as you get any useful information.”

“Yes, my lord.”

At this point, Kerry was having a personal talk with his fellow: “Nighthawk, I think your face are familiarto your face, you should send other men here to get detailed information of the Master Xie.”

“Got it.” Said Nighthawk, who then turned away when Miss. Yamaguchi came near.

“They did scare me just now, but I am happy that you are out of trouble, Mr. Sato.” Said Miss.Yamaguchi.

“Thanks for your help, Miss. Yamaguchi.” Replied Kerry in a grateful tone.

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