My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 210 You Are the One I Love (3)
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Chapter 210 You Are the One I Love (3)

“Don’t cry, please. I don’t know what to do if you cry.” Kerry Ye reached out to wipe her tears, but VenusMu slapped his hand away, “Leave me alone.”

“You’re my wife and I should take care of you.” Kerry wanted to please her.

Sure enough, Venus immediately glared at him, “Don’t push your luck. Please let me eat, OK?”

Kerry just loved to see her blow up, “You didn’t give me any chance, so how?”

“How cheeky.” Venus poked at the rice in the bowl, not wanting to talk to him.

Kerry was happy inside. These days, he didn’t touch her and he found he looked much better. Wasn’t itsaid that a woman would look better if a man really cared for her?

When he was thinking about it, the phone rang, with harsh ringing. Kerry somewhat annoyedly got upand walked to the office desk, but when he saw the name on the phone, his face instantly changed.

“Hello, boss.”

“Nighthawk, any news?” Kerry’s voice was with nervousness. When Venus heard this, she immediatelyput down her chopsticks and listened carefully.

Nighthawk spoke a little faster, “There is one thing. The phone number you gave to me belongs to theMicronesian region of the Pacific Ocean. After a detailed investigation, we have identified one of theislands, called Polynesia. This phone number can be bought and sold without registration and theowner of this number is a man named Alec. We also talked to him, but he is an indigenous resident andhe is already very old. It doesn’t quite match the information you gave to us.”

Leaning on his desk, he frowned, “Is there any powerful Chinese around the island?”

“I’m about to say this. The people there told us that a very wealthy Chinese lives on a small island notfar away. No one knows his name and everyone calls him Lord Xie. He has taken over dozens ofnearby islands, and keeps a private army. I’m even told that he is more powerful than the governmentarmy. I was wondering if it was him.”

“Can you look into it?” Kerry asked.

Nighthawk said with some guilt, “I’m sorry young master. They never leak anything. Though I just askedsomething about Lord Xie, I was followed by several people for several blocks. It was hard to shakethem off.”

“I see. You don’t need to do anything right now. Don’t draw their attention, I’ll be over in the next twodays.” Kerry quickly made this decision. Nighthawk couldn’t get in, but he had an idea.

“Okay, boss.”

“Keep in touch.” Kerry finished the phone and looked at Venus with a deep gaze, “Have you heard all ofit? What do you think?”

Venus didn’t dare to draw a conclusion, but there was one thing she agreed with, “I did see a lot ofarmed soldiers when I was taken to that villa. I don’t know if they were the private soldiers your menwere talking about. I’m not sure.”

“I won’t give up any chance. I’ll arrange my work and go over there at once.”

“Let me go with you. I know that place.” Venus said anxiously.

Kerry, however, couldn’t let her take the risk, “No, you can’t go, it’s too dangerous. I have superpowersand I can escape at any time. I know how you feel and I’ll send you pictures then, so that you can giveme some suggestions.”

Venus bit her lower lip and nodded. She knew she couldn’t hold him back when she couldn’t help.

“Alright, eat first. I’ll handle this. Don’t worry.”


Five days later, an international flight flew across the Pacific and stopped at the airport on one of theislands.

Hot and salty air came to him and once he got out of the airport, he dressed on local colorful clothes,with a hat and sunglasses. His skin was a healthy wheat color, so from a distance, he looked like alocal, but too handsome and strong.

Leaving the airport, he got on a ferry, then a yacht, and then changed to a small boat, and finally reachPolynesia before it got dark.

Nighthawk waited at the dock that he had told Kerry before. Seeing a strong person coming out, hewas hesitating. How could a bearded man with flip-flops and ugly clothes be his boss?

“Don’t you know me?” Kerry stood in front of him, smiling amiably.

“Boss, how do you…” Nighthawk asked in surprise.

“Let’s go first.”

Arriving at the residence, Kerry threw off his hat and sunglasses and got into the bathroom to take ashower. It was too hot here and even a few walks could make him sweaty all over.

He looked a lot fresher, but the beard…

“Originally, I was going to come two days ago, but I delayed just to let the beard grow a little more.Seeing your reaction, I know it’s definitely good.” Kerry explained.

It dawned on Nighthawk. Right, Lord Xie must know Kerry’s appearance very well and it’s possible thathis men also have a photo of Kerry. Doing some disguise could be a little safer.

“Lord Xie you mentioned last time, which island does he live on? About how long will it take to get therefrom here?” Kerry wiped his hair with a towel, changing into a short t-shirt, and asked Nighthawk.

“It’s in the southwest of this island, an hour at most if you take a boat over.”

“Good, let’s have a rest tonight and we’ll go there tomorrow morning. We just pretend to be travelingand sightseeing here. There are many Chinese here, so we shouldn’t attract their attention.”

“Got it. have a good night, boss.” Nighthawk walked to the door and stopped again, “Boss, do you needsomething to eat?”

Kerry was about to say that he wasn’t hungry, but he was eager to know what Venus had been eatingfor five or six months during her stay, so he said, “Local specialties, please.”

“Okay, it will be delivered right away.”

Lying on his bed, he extended his limbs that had been curled up all day. After staring at the ceiling for awhile, he took out his phone, which had no personal messages on it except for a few businessmessages.

He hesitated for a moment and started texting, “I’ve got here.”

According to the past experience, he knew that Venus would just ignore this message, so Kerry did nothave hope. But unexpectedly, the phone rang two minutes later and it was from Venus.


Though there was only one simple word, Kerry was out of joy, replying, “It’s hot here. Have you eatendinner?”

He sent it and began to wait for her reply again.


Her attitude was perfunctory, but Kerry didn’t mind. “I’m going to that island tomorrow and I’ll send youphotos. Then check it.”

“Better through WeChat.”

Kerry immediately download WeChat in the App Store. He was not out-of-date, but he just didn’t feelit’s necessary. A phone call could solve everything, so why was any need to send voice message?Also, he didn’t have any moment to share.

After the download, he entered Venus’s phone number and found her WeChat, whose nickname wassimple, Venus. Thinking for a while, he entered his—Loving Venus.

Anyway, she was his only WeChat friend. And others wouldn’t see it.

As soon as she accepted his friend request, she immediately sent him voice message, “Kerry, changeyour nickname.

Kerry was lying on the bed like a child, laughing with pleasure.


“You bastard.” She was really angry.

Kerry, however, was even more smug and said deliberately, “What are you going to do then?”

Venus snorted, “When this is done, I’ll just blackmail you.”

Anyway, he could change the name later, “I think it’s quite good. It suits our relationship these days.”

When they were chatting, Nighthawk brought back some food. Kerry said, “I’m going to eat something.Have a good night, bye.”

She didn’t reply then. How cruel she was.

The food was good with a very strong taste of curry. Kerry tried the fried rice, but then he didn’t wantany more. However, the lobster and scallops were not bad.

Before sleeping, Kerry kept thinking of Venus far away. Now it’s already late at night in Sky City, so hedid not want to disturb her sleep. He said inwardly, “Good night, Venus.”

There were about over 20 thousand islands on the Pacific Ocean, but half of them were occupied withpeople. Nighthawk and Kerry, dressed as tourists, headed to Lord Xie’ s place.

On the yacht, Nighthawk couldn’t help but look at Kerry, who looked funny. Kerry’s face was with abushy beard and the thick and black eyebrows he drew in the morning. The beard might still give himsome man’s charm, but with these eyebrows, Nighthawk thought they ruined the whole face.

“Is that so funny?” Kerry was very dissatisfied and asked him.

Nighthawk turned his back to him to hold back his laugh and said, “Brother, it’s a nice day, isn’t it?”

Kerry glanced at him, and in order not to be focused, Nighthawk now called him “brother.”

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