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Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Catherine’s POV

I changed the diaper for Ash, and when I carried her back to Howard, he said gratefully, “Thank you somuch. You have no idea. After half a day with her, 1 already felt that my head was about to explode.How can she be this energetic?”

I looked at Howard. Though he said he disliked the noise Ash made, the way he looked at Ash was fullof love. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You can tell me now where your daughter came from, right?” I asked.

He raised Ash dotingly and kissed her on the cheek. “Would you believe me if I said I pick her up fromsomewhere?”

I looked at him with contempt. “Do I look like a three-year-old child to you? You dote on her so much,and you’re telling me that you picked her up from somewhere?”

Beside him, Hedwig clenched her fists and looked at him unhappily. “Howard, you’re a grown man, yetyou still lie.”

Howard couldn’t help but laugh heartily. “Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I just met Ash yesterday. My ex-girlfriend gave birth to her without telling me. She’s fighting for her work now, so she left Ash to me.”novelbin

I laughed in disbelief at his words. “You only found out about Ash yesterday? No wonder you becamefriends with Blake. You are the same.”

Howard immediately retorted innocently, “I’m not the same as him. How did you have kids with Blake? Ihaven’t questioned you two about it yet.”

I immediately turned and went to the sofa to get my purse. “I don’t want to say a word about this.”

“Catherine, to be honest, I respect you a lot. If Blake ever treats you badly, I’m on your side,” Howardimmediately stated.

I was stunned. I turned back to look at Howard. He had a serious look on his face. It didn’t seem like hesaid those things just to make me happy.

Noah suddenly raised his hand and said, “I can be mommy’s witness. Howard, if my daddy bullies mymommy in the future, you have to stand up for mommy!”

“Sure!” Howard answered firmly.

“Mommy, why don’t you be Howard’s sister? That way, he will have a decent reason to protect you fromnow on,” Noah blinked and said.

Hedwig blinked her big eyes, pointed at her head with her finger, and said, “Great! If so, Noah and I willhave an uncle! Yay!”

I looked at Hedwig and Noah who were making Howard blush, and I immediately scolded them,“Enough. Don’t tease him anymore.”

Noah stuck out his tongue at me. Then he looked at Howard and said, “Howard, if you protect mymommy, I will protect your daughter.”

Howard lowered his head to look at Ash, who was looking at Noah and giggling.

“It seems that Ash likes you quite a lot! Hold her.” Howard immediately handed Ash over to Noah.

Noah jumped away in fright instantly. “No way! I never even hold stupid Hedwig.”

Get Dog

Howard had to pull Ash back into his arms. “You were the one who said you would protect Ash. Are yougetting cold


“No. I’ll protect her when she comes to the werewolf school,” Noah said proudly.

Standing aside, Hedwig pouted and said, “Noah, the teacher says if we lie, we won’t find our wolves.”

Noah snorted coldly and walked upstairs. “I’m going to play with my toys instead of staying here andchatting with


I looked at Noah, who acted like an adult, and walked upstairs. I couldn’t help but shake my head andsmile.

“Don’t take their words seriously. If there’s anything about your daughter you can’t handle, feel free toask me.” I smiled and went upstairs.

Howard said to me gratefully, “Thanks, Ms. Wyatt.”

I turned to look at him and said, “Why are you being so polite?”

Howard immediately laughed out loud. “Isn’t Blake the only one who can call you Cathy? I’m afraid he’llbeat me up if I call you by this name.”

“What does it have to do with him? You can call me whatever you want. It is my name.” When I heardhim mention Blake, I blushed inexplicably.

But Blake could be overbearing and unreasonable sometimes. Perhaps he would do something sochildish.

However, when I realized that he was overbearing toward me, my heart just started beating faster forno reason. I felt feathers brushing past my heart. It made me itchy and uneasy.

Back upstairs, I first went to the study and found some books about the ancient werewolf family. Iwanted to study them carefully. I wanted to find some clues about the obsidian necklace.

As I was studying the books on my own, the door behind me was suddenly pushed open, whichstartled me utterly. I turned my head back and found it was Blake.

“What are you looking at?”

When I heard his voice, I looked at him in panic. “Nothing. Why are you back so early?”

“Is there anything you don’t want me to know? You seem very nervous.” Blake looked curious.

“It’s nothing. I’m just looking for inspiration for work.” I didn’t dare tell him that I was looking for cluesabout the obsidian necklace.

“It’s about time to go to the restaurant. You should get the kids ready.” Blake’s voice instantly became alittle indifferent.

I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I could feel that he suddenly became a little cold.

“There’s nothing to prepare. We can set off now,” I replied.

“Then come downstairs.” Blake pulled a long face as he turned and walked out the door.

I went to the toy room and grabbed Noah, who was playing with his toy race car in high spirits. “Let’sgo. Stop playing. Time to go out for dinner.”

“Daddy hasn’t come back yet. Let me play a little longer!”

“He’s back.” I said. dragging Noah downstairs.

Howard hurried over and said, “I’ll tag along with Ash. Is that OK?”

Only then did Blake realize that on the carpet next to the sofa sat a baby.

“This is?” Blake glanced at Howard beside him. “You brought her here?”

“Blake, let me formally introduce you. This is my biological daughter. Her name is Ash. Does she looklike me? Isn’t

Howard wasn’t like a noble, dignified man at all. Right now, he was just a father who was doting on hisbaby girl.

“What?” Blake couldn’t believe it. He looked at Howard and then at the baby who was about to cry withher mouth pouted.

Blake then said, “If it was Rowena who bore you the baby, then I wouldn’t be worried about you.”

“Why not?” Howard raised his eyebrows.

“Because, sooner or later, you two will be together,” said Blake.

Hearing that, Howard seemed a bit happier. “But she still doesn’t seem interested in me. She’s onlyinterested in her work”

“You didn’t give her enough sense of security. That’s why she put her hopes into work. It’s yourproblem. Make reflections on yourself,” Blake sounded experienced as he reminded Howard.

Howard was stunned. Then he was silent. He looked down at Ash crawling toward him, and his eyeswere full of tenderness. “Come here, Ash. Come to Daddy!”

Hedwig hugged Blake’s neck tightly with her head quietly leaning against his shoulder. She gawked atAsh and did not speak

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