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Chapter 126

“The necklace is the only thing I want. If you refuse to give it back to me, I will call him now,” I saidfirmly.

“Stop bluffing. I don’t believe that Blake will care about such a trivial matter! Besides, you are not thatimportant to him.” Gina smiled coldly.

Thated Gina’s guts. She was the one who ruined my reputation. How could she say these so plausibly?Exactly how shameless she was?

I was just about to get my phone out and call Blake. And now, I looked down and found that the phonewas indeed in my hand

Gina stared at the phone in my hand. She had a confident look on her face that she knew I wouldn’tdare to call Blake.

I cursed silently

In fact, I didn’t want to rely on Blake to fix my private business.novelbin

Because I had no intention of getting entangled with a man like Blake. Once I did, I would never beable to get out.

But right now, I used him to let Gina get cold feet. I placed myself in a dilemma.

Gina was shrewd enough to see through my hesitation. She sneered, “Catherine, aren’t you going tocall him? What is stopping you? You don’t dare to call him, right? As I expected, you must have pulledsome kind of shameless stunt to get Blake to publicly announce that you are his girlfriend. What you’redoing is just like what I did back then, wanting to use him to hype up. Do you want to debut as anactress?”

“Shut up!” I didn’t want to hear her crap. I never thought of being a star.

“What is it? Are you pissed off because I see through you? Did you also use what happened five yearsago to force Blake to announce your relationship? You are an imitator. It’s so lame. Can you stopimitating me?” When Gina saw that I was silent, she was more confident that she had figured out what Iwas thinking. She mocked me complacently.

“Who said I was imitating you? Do you really think I didn’t dare to call himn? I’ll call him now.” I was sofed up with Gina’s paranoia. How could she compare herself with me? I never plotted against anyone.

Gina’s face stiffened and then turned pale.

I took a deep breath and made up my mind to dial Blake’s number.

Then I pressed the speakerphone and showed Gina my phone screen.

Gina’s eyes widened in disbelief. I was also nervous.

I knew it was just a phone call. But why was my heart beating so fast?

“Hello…” a low and magnetic male voice sounded.

“Cathy…” the hoarse voice called my name gently.

Gina stared at me with eyes of jealousy and resentment.

“I’ll give you the necklace back!” Gina was instantly frightened. She whispered.

I was a little stunned. When Blake called my name, I felt that something like a feather gently brushedpast my heart. It made me itchy and numb.

“Cathy?” Blake said with concern after not hearing my sound for a long time.


I quickly pressed my phone to my ear and said lightly, “I’m sorry. I dialed the wrong number. Got to gonow.”

Gina suffered a great blow. She was no longer arrogant. Her fingers that were holding the glass of winetightened. It was as if she was about to crush the glass.

“It can’t be real… I can’t believe he is so gentle with you. Why? He never called me like that!” Ginacried out in pain and despair. She slammed the glass in her hand to the ground. “Why you? Tell me!What exactly did you do to take him away from me? Tell me now!”

Seeing that Gina was rushing over to grab my shoulder, I vigilantly took a few steps back and reachedout to push her hands away. “Stop acting like crazy. Give me the necklace back.”

“You want the necklace? Fine! I’ll give it to you!” Gina turned around and took out the necklace. But shedidn’t want to hand it to me. Instead, she threw it on the floor in front of her. “Take it.”

My heart trembled as I watched it break in two.

Gina crouched on the ground in despair, crying like a crazy woman. “I hate you, Catherine, I hate youso bad!”

1 squatted down stiffly and picked up the necklace with trembling fingers. “Gina, I can’t believe youbroke the necklace

Get Boying

Chapter 126

Catherine’s POV

“You asked for it.” I didn’t pity her. I took the necklace and turned to leave,

When I got back to the car, I opened my palm and looked at the necklace that was broken in half. Myheart ached.

Gina was so out of line.

If I hadn’t seen her cry so desperately, I would have slapped her.

What should I do?

My heart ached, and I was at a loss, so, I decided to find a place to have my necklace repaired.

In fact, there were a lot of jewelry stores on Sayreville’s main street, and they offered jewelryrestoration services.

But the necklace was an important relic my mother left me, and I was worried that they wouldn’t take itseriously enough.

I pondered for a moment and went to Mabel’s Aurora Pack to find an old craftsman there.

The old craftsman was a werewolf in his fifties.

“Is there something broken?” the old craftsman asked me with a smile.

I nodded and took out two pieces of broken obsidian wrapped in a piece of tissue with great care. “Canit be repaired?”

The old craftsman took the two pieces of obsidian and looked at them carefully under the light. Hesuddenly smiled. “I’ve seen this before… Maybe years ago. I don’t know if it’s the same piece.”

“You have seen a similar one before?” I was surprised at first, and then I asked anxiously, “Do you stillremember the person who brought it to you?”

“Yes. It was a werewolf a lot older than me. My repair skills are the best in Sayreville, so a lot ofwerewolves from other packs will come to me to repair their jewelry. The piece you have here isdifferent from his, but I think the two necklaces are a pair. Judging from the workmanship, they must bea hundred years old or so,” the old craftsman muttered as he examined the obsidian.

“A very old werewolf? Do you remember what he looked like? Is his obsidian necklace really the sameas mine?”

“They have the same shape, and they both have a moon symbol on them. I think they are a pair. I stillremember the workmanship. The carved patterns are very exquisite. I’m sure a skilled craftsman madethem.” Then he looked at me. He said, “I can fix it for you, but it won’t be as perfect as it was before.”

I quickly handed him the money. “Thank you! I’ll be glad as long as it can be fixed.”

“Come back in two days!”

His words made me hopeful again.

If the two necklaces were a pair, maybe I could do some digging starting from the necklace I had.Maybe I could find my family.

But what good would it do?

Alpha Wyatt and my mother bought me. When I thought of this, my heart was filled with sorrow again.

Get tepos

My desire to find my family became less strong.

After I sent the necklace to be repaired, I returned to the car and heard my phone ring.

I looked at the caller, and my heart skipped a beat.

“Hello.” I said, pretending to be indifferent.

“You mixed my number with someone else’s? You’re really something,” Blake said in a lazy andmagnetic voice, teasing me.

I said flatly, “Everyone gets confused sometimes.”

“I look forward to seeing you get confused with my own eyes.” Blake’s tone suddenly became a littlehoarse.

My heart beat faster, and I said a little angrily and shyly, “I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I havealways been sober in front of you.”

“Fine. I know my existence can always keep you vigilant. It can refresh your mind. We’ll take the kids toDisneyland this Saturday. I hope you can have a good time,” Blake said gently.

“You’re weird. Are you so gentle to every woman?” I could feel concern in his words, and I asked.

“Of course not,” Blake answered seriously. “I only care about four women.”

His words made me stiff. Sure enough, the number was more than I expected.

“One is my grandmother, and the other is my mother. You are also included. And Hedwig as well,” saidBlake. I was


“Weren’t you very distant before? How come you are so cheesy now?” I felt a little angry that he hadmade me look like a fool

“Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I’ll make some arrangements. Take the kids as well!” Blakesuddenly suggested.

My mind was a mess, and I couldn’t make a wise decision. I could only vaguely say, “Up to you. Youdon’t need to ask for my opinion.”

“OK! Then it’s settled.” After saying that, Blake smiled and hung up the phone.

I gawked at the phone screen. My mind was in a mess again. I tossed the phone away. I feltuncomfortable every time I talked to Blake. Did that count as some kind of disease?

I laughed self-mockingly and drove away.

Since I sent the necklace to be repaired today, I didn’t go back to work I went straight back home.

As soon as I stopped the car, I heard a servant shouting, “Ms. Wyatt, you’re back so early today!”

As soon as I entered the parlor, I saw Howard and the cute kid in his arms.

“What’s going on?” I put my purse on the sofa and asked with a smile, feeling surprised.

When Howard saw me, it was as if he had seen his savior. He immediately asked me for help,“Catherine, you came back just in time. Quick! I need your help. My daughter Ash seems to have peed.Can you help me deal with it? I have no idea what to do…”

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