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Chapter 183

Could the man who contacted Howard be from Athenapolis too?

Everyone in the room, George included, began to speculate about this mysterious man whomHoward was so intimidated by.


All of a sudden, George's phone rang. He picked up the call. "Have you found anything?"

Jackson quickly said, "Yes, sir! This Makson fellow."

After hearing Jackson's explanation, George turned to Howard and relayed the message.Essentially, this Makson fellow was one of the most infamous gangsters in the Western Precinctwho hundreds of men working for him. He was also the owner of various entertainment centers allover the precinct. Although he was a notorious man, he had someone else backing him up, and thatperson was none other than Eaden Wafer, one of the three most malicious gangsters in Willoughby!novelbin

Howard was so outraged to hear this that he smacked the table and bellowed, "I don't care who thisWafer fellow is, I want him gone! Mr. Nelson, I command you to go to that factory right this instantand stand guard there until this Makson guy shows up! Once he does, I want him captured andtossed into jail no matter what!"

George nodded and scampered out of the room. As soon as he got into his car, he called Jacksonand shouted into the phone, "Sergeant Gould, assemble all your men and meet me at the Stonefamily's factory right now! I want all hands on deck to capture Makson once he shows up! Thismission is of the utmost priority, and you have my permission to kill anyone who dares to stand inour way!"

Meanwhile, Liam and the rest of the factory workers stood guard outside the building.

Just as they guessed, a dozen or so vans pulled up again, not long after Makson left. They came insuch a large number that the entire factory was surrounded in no time.

At the end of the line was a Mercedes-Benz that screeched to a halt in front of the door.

The doors slid open, and hundreds of burly men with daggers and metal bats stomped out,surrounding the entire building, including Liam and the factory workers.

Finally, a man in a white suit stepped out of the Mercedes-Benz. He was bald and appeared to bemiddle-aged, but his chiseled face was cold and emotionless. He had one hand behind him, and theother holding a cigar between his fingers.


The bald man kicked the car door shut and sneered when he laid eyes on Liam.

"Makson, sir!" all the thugs shouted in unison.

The factory workers next to Liam were all terrified at such a sight. They could not help trembling infear when the bald man showed up. All of them were ordinary folk who were just out here to earn asimple living and had never been in such combat before, so naturally, they were all scared out oftheir wits.

Some of them already turned and ran away the moment the vans pulled up.

Makson trudged slowly over to Liam and gave him a once-over. Finally, he raised his brows andtook a puff from his cigar, then glanced at Liam and his troupe. "Who was the one who beat up oneof my men?"

The color drained from everyone's faces as they turned to stare at Liam unanimously.

"It was me!" Liam declared coldly.

Makson turned to stare at him and took another puff of his cigar. He was rather displeased at howcalm Liam appeared to be at this moment. He raised his arm, gesturing to his men, andcommanded, "Break his legs and get him on his knees!"

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