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Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Jasper yearned to embrace Esther and provide support, but he restrained his outstretched arms.

“Esther, why not let me take the liver compatibility test for Bradley?” Jasper proposed.

Esther shook her head and elucidated, “There’s already a potential liver donor, but she’s hesitant. Iwant to persuade her.”

“Can I accompany you?” Jasper struggled to manage his emotions, but they got the best of him. Hereached out to grasp Esther’s arm in concern. “Esther, Bradley is unwell right now, and you mustprioritize your own health. You still have Felix and your twin daughters to care for.”

Esther replied gently, “Thank you for earlier. I don’t know what would have happened if it weren’t foryou.”

Esther hadn’t expected the elderly couple to resort to such desperate measures.

“They should never have resorted to that, no matter how desperate they are to save their daughter,”Jasper said, his anger palpable. “And given your fragile health, you should refrain from liver donation.”

“Jasper, if I don’t donate my liver, then…” Esther thought for a moment before asserting her intention toproceed with the donation.novelbin

Regardless of the parents’ actions, the sick girl was innocent, and she was a mother. Esther hoped thechild of the innocent girl could have a bright future with her mother by her side.

“So what if you don’t donate your liver?” Jasper asked angrily. “Your liver is your own, and you have thefreedom to choose whether to donate or not.”

He assisted Esther into the car and carefully fastened her seatbelt. Then, he settled into the driver’sseat,. determined to find Mandy.

“Jasper, I hope Bradley will be okay.”

Jasper drove while conversing with Esther, “I understand your feelings. Bradley was your first love, aman you cherished and protected in your youth. Plus, he’s Felix’s father. No matter how you look at it,you want him to recover.”

Esther gazed out the car window, her tears falling silently.

Half an hour later, Jasper parked the car in front of Mandy’s villa.

A vibrant bougainvillea adorned the villa’s walls, injecting life into the winter scene.

Esther had memorized the address from her previous visit with Kevin. She checked the house numberand rang the doorbell.

In no time, Mandy emerged from the living room. She was wrapped in a woolen shawl, standing at thedoor, her expression cold as she addressed Esther, “Mrs. Warner, if you’ve come to ask me to donatemy liver to save your husband, you can leave now.”

Before Esther could respond, Mandy preemptively dismissed all her appeals.

“Ms. Pendleton, I realize my request may seem presumptuous, but I’ve run out of options. If my livercould save him, I wouldn’t-

Mandy smirked and Interrupted, “Mrs. Warner, someone asked you to donate your liver too, but youdeclined. Why should I save him?”

“I am willing to donate mine. I’ve already committed to the liver transplant surgery. But…” Esther’svoice. quivered with sorrow, “As long as Bradley can proceed with the surgery, I can be the donoranytime.”

Mandy’s demeanor remained chilly. “Mrs. Warner, you can leave. My brother has made it clear thatunless you marry him, I won’t donate my liver to Bradley.”

After hearing Mandy’s response, Jasper frowned and told Esther, “Don’t stoop to begging her, Esther.I’ll get tested to see if I’m a match for Bradley. I’ll donate my liver to him. I refuse to believe she’s theonly

suitable donor.”

Jasper pulled Esther away forcefully, causing her to stumble as they departed.

Just as they were about to enter their car, a flashy red sports car blocked their path.

Chadwick extended his hand from the car, smugly addressing Esther, “You want to save Bradley?Marry me, and I’ll ensure she donates her liver to him!”

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