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Chapter 539

Chapter 539

‘Felix can’t have a mom behind bars, nor can he have a dad in the same situation,’ Esther thought

When Kevin received the call about Bradley being locked up in Capitus’ detention center, he was onthe verge of exploding with anxiety. He rushed there immediately, accompanied by Jonathan, only tofind Bradley in a state of despair. His clothes were stained with Esther’s dried blood.

“Bradley, what’s wrong? Are you injured? Did someone attack you?” Kevin bombarded Bradley withquestions, deeply concerned by his condition.

Bradley slouched in his chair and impatiently gestured at Kevin.

“What?” Kevin was taken aback.

Jonathan cautiously offered, “Would you like a cigarette?”

Kevin was astonished. “You smoke?”

Kevin had always viewed Bradley as a model of self-discipline. He had only seen Bradley smoke once,back when Esther’s

video scandal broke five years ago. It seemed that Bradley hadn’t smoked since then.

Jonathan retrieved a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his bag, handing them to Bradley.

Bradley skillfully opened the pack, selected a cigarette, and lit it gracefully. The flicker of the lighterilluminated the tobacco, and Bradley took a deep drag, releasing a wispy plume of smoke from his lips.

Bradley finally spoke. “That blood isn’t mine.”

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“Add another issue to the divorce papers. Esther’s pregnant, so divorce is no longer an option.”

Jonathan glanced at Bradley, seeking confirmation. “Madam is pregnant?”

Bradley remained silent, glancing at Kevin as he casually asked, “If I don’t get that liver transplant,what’s my life expectancy?

“Mr. Warner, what are you getting at?” Jonathan inquired cautiously.

Kevin’s heart sank, and he asked through clenched teeth, “Will you please explain what’s happening?”

Jonathan nodded, realizing that understanding the situation was crucial to freeing Bradley fromcustody.

“Esther is pregnant.”

Unable to contain himself, Kevin exclaimed, “That’s fantastic news! Her pregnancy will temporarily haltthe divorce proceedings.”

“She had a miscarriage!”novelbin

Kevin was stunned, jumping out of his seat. “How did she lose the baby?”

Bradley remained silent.

Struggling to find the right words, Kevin speculated, “Is it because she had her first child while in prisonand didn’t get proper rest, or perhaps because this child was submerged in seawater for so long-”

“I caused the miscarriage,” Bradley interrupted.

Jonathan was at a loss for words by this revelation.

Kevin’s eyes widened, and he slammed his palm on the table, shouting, “Bradley, that child was alsoyours! How could you be so heartless? You…”

Fuming with anger, Kevin stomped his foot and then noticed the blood on Bradley’s clothes. He askedwith curiosity, “Is this blood from Esther?”

Bradley’s icy gaze met Kevin’s. “What nonsense are you suggesting?” he retorted disdainfully.

In contrast to Kevin’s outburst, Jonathan remained composed.

“Mr. Warner, I will file for bail on medical grounds,” he said professionally. “But on a personal note, Iwould advise considering a settlement. If you end up in prison, it will significantly weaken your positionin the divorce proceedings.”

A judge would unlikely grant custody of Felix to a parent behind bars. Bradley would have no means tocare for Felix while incarcerated.

Kevin took a deep breath, struggling to manage his inner turmoil.

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