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Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Bradley tore the DNA paternity test that Clark had brought and threw it onto the deck, where theshredded pages fluttered in the sea breeze.

Esther and Clark rushed over, picking up the torn test. Despite the evidence in front of him, Bradleyrefused to believe.

“Bradley, you only believe there’s no blood relation between Liliane and Felix, but have you everconsidered…” Esther’s tearful words dripped with pain. “That I gave birth to Felix… He’s our biologicalson…”

Bradley tightly grasped Esther’s jaw, issuing a chilling warning, “Esther, utter another word of nonsenseand see what happens.”

Esther’s clothes were soaked, and she trembled in the sea breeze. Her eyes burned with deep hatredthe once tender affection transformed into bone-deep animosity.

“Bradley, do you still refuse to believe that that wretched Liliane has played you?”

As Esther spoke, Bradley tightened his grip on her delicate neck, her tears falling like pearls, carriedaway by the sea breeze…

Clark stepped forward, composed, and said, “Is this the time for arguments? Finding Mr. Felix is ourpriority!”

Esther stared at Bradley with lifeless eyes, grinding her teeth as she uttered each word, BradleyWarner, if Felix dies.

Clark interrupted her, his voice hoarse, “Esther, Mr. Felix won’t die. Don’t be so pessimistic. Among therescue team, there are many professional rescuers who have undergone specialized training. They willbring Mr. Felix back from the sea.”

“Clark, Felix is sick! He has a high fever! He…” Esther choked on her words, and Bradley instinctivelyloosened his grip on her neck.

Esther pushed him away and once again jumped into the icy water without hesitation. ‘Felix, Mommy’scoming to save you.’

Felix was adorable. They had a natural bond even before she knew he was her son. Especially duringthe past three months, she had poured all her motherly love onto Felix. He would cling to her neck andact cute, asking for hugs.

Her son… He would only display this age-appropriate innocence and loveliness in front of her.

The icy seawater rushed at Esther from all sides. Suddenly, her right leg started twitching. At thatmoment, she thought that if… They should let her sleep forever in this vast blue sea with him if theycould not find Felix.

There was nothing in this world worth staying for anymore.novelbin

Clark knew that it was not the time to reveal all the truths. Bradley was in no condition to listen. Heapproached the bald detective nearby.

“Are you familiar with this area of the sea?”

The bald detective shook his head pessimistically. “Clark, this sea area is notorious for its

treacherous currents. The chances of survival are slim, despite the extensive search and rescueefforts.”

Clark staggered, unable to believe they would face such a situation after finally arranging the bonemarrow transplant for Felix.

“Clark, the odds may be against us, but we can’t give up. What if… there’s a miracle?”

Bradley stared fiercely at the sea’s surface. Seeing that Esther had yet to resurface for a long time, heleaped into the sea once again.

Being an excellent swimmer, he quickly found Esther, who had let herself sink to the seabed. He swamto her side, grabbed her slender waist, and forcefully pulled her out of the water.

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