My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 241
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 241

Chapter 241 Max slowly told the whole story. One man, Timothy Redcliff, was among the five workersthat the Allens had killed.He and Max were best buddies. Both of them shared one dormitory, so theyknew some information about each other‘s families.Timothy had a daughter named Cecile Redcliff. Shehad just graduated from high school and would soon be attending college.Timothy did not have a wife,and he was all Cecile could depend on. Now that Timothy was dead, Cecile was left to fend forherself.However, the silver lining was that Wolfenden Corp. did not run away from its responsibility, andKayson managed to force the Allens to compensate all of the families of the deceased. As such, Cecilewould be able to feed and dress herself for the rest of her life, despite her father‘s accidentaldeath.However, it was true that Timothy did not have a wife, but he had a bunch of relatives.When theyheard that Cecile had received a huge amount of compensation after Timothy‘s death, they found herand took all her money away. Cecile was just a teenager, and Max was worried she might take thingstoo hard. Therefore, instead of leaving after giving her the money, he stayed nearby to help Timothytake care of his daughter.Yesterday, a man who claimed himself to be Timothy‘s cousin barged intoCecile‘s house with a bunch of people and took away all her cards. He rushed to help Cecile, but therewere too many of them. He was no match for them and got beaten up. “Why didn‘t you call the cops?”asked Kayson. Max let out a bitter smile and said, “I‘d like to, but they‘re the local tyrant. Besides, thisis considered a family matter, so even if I call the cops, there‘s nothing they can do.“Also… I justlearned that Timothy‘s daughter isn‘t his biological daughter.”Captain Yeager scratched his head whenhe heard what Max said. “Well, this is hard. If she isn‘t his biological daughter, she can‘t inherit thecompensation.”Max looked at Kayson intently. “Boss, I know both you and Ms. Wolfenden are goodpeople.“I‘m not asking for much. I just hope that you can help that girl get some money back. Even ifyou can only get a few thousand back, it‘ll already be good enough…“After all, the money is what thegirl has left.”Kayson was speechless as he looked at the kind–hearted middle–aged man in front ofhim. He could barely put food on the table himself, yet he was willing to get down on his knees to askthem to help his friend‘s daughter. Captain Yeager chimed in. “Even if you want Ms. Wolfenden to helpyou, there‘s nothing she can do either.”“Uncle Elford, I‘ll go with you.” Max was stunned, and he askednovelbin

excitedly, “Really?” Kayson nodded. “Yeah. Let‘s go there now.”“Okay!”The expression on CaptainYeager‘s face changed. “Mr. Kace, are you sure about this? It‘s pretty risky to go to someone else‘sterritory. “Besides, it‘ll cause you a lot of trouble as well if you put your nose into someone else‘s affair.”Kayson smiled at him and said, “Don‘t worry. Please help me inform Ms. Wolfenden about this, CaptainYeager.”After calling Michael and telling him that there was a change of plan, Kayson headed towardCecile‘s house with Max.However, Cecile‘s house was in Northspring, and Skye couldn‘t leave now.Kayson asked Max, “Uncle Elford, can you drive?” “Huh? Drive? Of course, I can‘t drive. Cars areexpensive. There‘s no way I can afford one.” Just when Kayson did not know what to do, he saw Shylaacross the road and was stunned. Shyla noticed him as well and walked toward him. “Kace? What areyou doing here?” “I want to go to Northspring. Can you drive?” Shyla‘s eyes glowed, and she replied,“Of course, I can!” “That‘s great. But where can we get a car?”

Chapter 241 Max slowly told the whole story. One man, Timothy Redcliff, was among the five workersthat the Allens had killed.

He and Max were best buddies. Both of them shared one dormitory, so they knew some informationabout each other‘s families.

Timothy had a daughter named Cecile Redcliff. She had just graduated from high school and wouldsoon be attending college.

Timothy did not have a wife, and he was all Cecile could depend on. Now that Timothy was dead,Cecile was left to fend for herself.

However, the silver lining was that Wolfenden Corp. did not run away from its responsibility, andKayson managed to force the Allens to compensate all of the families of the deceased.

As such, Cecile would be able to feed and dress herself for the rest of her life, despite her father‘saccidental death.

However, it was true that Timothy did not have a wife, but he had a bunch of relatives.When they heardthat Cecile had received a huge amount of compensation after Timothy‘s death, they found her andtook all her money away. Cecile was just a teenager, and Max was worried she might take things toohard. Therefore, instead of leaving after giving her the money, he stayed nearby to help Timothy takecare of his daughter.Yesterday, a man who claimed himself to be Timothy‘s cousin barged into Cecile‘shouse with a bunch of people and took away all her cards. He rushed to help Cecile, but there were toomany of them. He was no match for them and got beaten up. “Why didn‘t you call the cops?” askedKayson. Max let out a bitter smile and said, “I‘d like to, but they‘re the local tyrant. Besides, this isconsidered a family matter, so even if I call the cops, there‘s nothing they can do.“Also… I just learnedthat Timothy‘s daughter isn‘t his biological daughter.”Captain Yeager scratched his head when he heardwhat Max said. “Well, this is hard. If she isn‘t his biological daughter, she can‘t inherit thecompensation.”

Max looked at Kayson intently. “Boss, I know both you and Ms. Wolfenden are good people.“I‘m notasking for much. I just hope that you can help that girl get some money back. Even if you can only geta few thousand back, it‘ll already be good enough…“After all, the money is what the girl hasleft.”Kayson was speechless as he looked at the kind–hearted middle–aged man in front of him. Hecould barely put food on the table himself, yet he was willing to get down on his knees to ask them tohelp his friend‘s daughter. Captain Yeager chimed in. “Even if you want Ms. Wolfenden to help you,there‘s nothing she can do either.”

“Uncle Elford, I‘ll go with you.” Max was stunned, and he asked excitedly, “Really?” Kayson nodded.“Yeah. Let‘s go there now.”“Okay!”The expression on Captain Yeager‘s face changed. “Mr. Kace, areyou sure about this? It‘s pretty risky to go to someone else‘s territory. “Besides, it‘ll cause you a lot oftrouble as well if you put your nose into someone else‘s affair.” Kayson smiled at him and said, “Don‘tworry. Please help me inform Ms. Wolfenden about this, Captain Yeager.”After calling Michael andtelling him that there was a change of plan, Kayson headed toward Cecile‘s house with Max.However,

Cecile‘s house was in Northspring, and Skye couldn‘t leave now. Kayson asked Max, “Uncle Elford,can you drive?” “Huh? Drive? Of course, I can‘t drive. Cars are expensive. There‘s no way I can affordone.” Just when Kayson did not know what to do, he saw Shyla across the road and was stunned.Shyla noticed him as well and walked toward him. “Kace? What are you doing here?” “I want to go toNorthspring. Can you drive?” Shyla‘s eyes glowed, and she replied, “Of course, I can!” “That‘s great.But where can we get a car?”

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