My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 240
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My Fabulous Girl Boss By Evergreen Chapter 240

Chapter 240 Christine stepped forward and said, “Dr. Yarde, it‘s possible that the Osborns may takeaction on Shaun. If you can, I hope you can assist him when he needs it, Dr. Yarde.”

Kayson nodded solemnly. “I will.”

Christine took a glance at Shyla and Lindsy without any change of expression. She smiled gracefullyand said, “Since my injury has been healed, I won‘t bother you anymore, Dr. Yarde.

“I still have to deal with some affairs at the lodge, so I‘ll be back to see you again when I‘m donemanaging those affairs, Dr. Yarde.”

Christine left with Eira while Skye stayed because he had already committed himself to Kayson.

On the other hand, Skye had already advanced to become a grandmaster yesterday night!novelbin

Kayson checked the time and discovered that it was almost noon already. He was planning on gettinglunch before he headed back to the company.

Shyla asked softly, “Are you free this evening, Kace?”

Kayson looked toward her. “It‘s hard to tell. Is there anything that I can help you with?”Shyla cracked asweet, alluring smile. “Nothing much. I‘d like to hang out with you and hope that you‘d take me aroundClouspring.”Kayson assumed a frustrated expression. “I‘m not a local either, so I‘m not very familiarwith Clouspring. Lindsy is a local, and she knows the place well.”Shyla batted her beautifuleyelashes.She felt rather sad in her heart that Kayson‘s interest was not piqued for the slightest bitdespite her invitation as a coquettish, beautiful woman. Kayson did not put much thought into that, andhe returned to the company after lunch.Michael informed him that his staff member would meet TheTetrad in the afternoon, so he had to be there.With Kayson‘s departure, Shyla did not want to remain in

Bwell Therapeutics anymore. She had no idea where the Killicks were because they were not spendingtime in BwellTherapeutics.

Shyla pondered for a moment before she decided to stroll around the area nearby Wolfenden Corp.‘sbuildingChristine left her car for Kayson, and Skye was tasked to drive Kayson around.“Uncle Draco,please protect the Wolfendens if I‘m away on a trip.”“Don‘t worry. No one can get close to them unlessI‘m dead.”A grandmaster‘s promise could be trusted, of course.Arriving at the company, Kaysonbumped into Captain Yeager, who walked past him coincidentally

Kayson called out, “Captain Yeager!”Captain Yeager turned around and said politely, “Mr. Yarde, howare you?” Captain Yeager had witnessed Kayson’s capability with his own eyes during the incident ofLincoln and his senior, Rowan, making trouble with Sadie previously.“I‘m fine, thanks.” Kayson asked, “Ican see that you‘re walking in a rush. Did something happen?”Captain Yeager heaved a sigh and said,“The doorkeeper stopped a construction worker named Max Elford claiming that he wants to see Ms.Wolfenden. I‘m going over to check it out.”‘Max Elford?‘Kayson furrowed his eyebrows. ‘Isn‘t that theconstruction worker involved in the workplace accident caused by the Allens? Why is he here at thebuilding asking to see Sadie?‘“I‘ll join you.”Captain Yeager was astonished but did not reject Kayson‘soffer. It did not take long before Kayson saw the middle–aged construction worker named Max in thewaiting room on the first floor. “Uncle Elford.” Kayson frowned and called out to the man. He frownedbecause Max‘s entire body was covered in injuries, and his head was bandaged.Max said inexcitement after seeing Kayson, “It‘s you. I remember you! You were at the construction site with Ms.Wolfenden previously, right?” Kayson nodded. “That‘s me. What brings you here to see Ms. Wolfenden,Uncle Elford?” Max‘s eyes reddened with tears. He bowed down with tears streaming down his face.“Please help to save Redcliff‘s young daughter, sir. I‘m begging you!” Kayson stepped forward andhelped him up. “Please be frank and tell me, what happened?”

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