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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 878

Chapter 878 May Not Have Time

With the efforts of the four, all the medicinal materials were quickly transferred to the storage room.

Rosalie put away the last bottle of medicinal herbs, walked to the corner, took out her phone andglanced at it.

There was nothing on the screen.

No missed calls, not even a reply from Byron.

For a few seconds, Rosalie refused to give up and wanted to call the two little boys at home to verify.

Just when that thought was formed, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind her.

Rosalie subconsciously turned around and looked.novelbin

She saw Xander and Yves, chatting as they walked toward her side by side.

When they met her gaze, the two stopped talking and smiled at her.

Rosalie frowned, in the end, she put down her phone and greeted the two of them.

“Why did you come here?” Rosalie asked in confusion.

Xander explained. “I just finished moving the herbs. When I turned around and found you were gone, ofcourse we had to go out and look for you.”

Rosalie smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I have something to do, so I came out first and forgot to tell you.Sorry to make you both worry.


Xander nodded indifferently, “It’s okay, I’m glad you are alright.”

On the other side, Yves looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes darkened, but he quickly returnedto normal.

“Dr. Jacobs, since we are all here today, why don’t we just go and check out the equipment we talkedabout two days ago?”

After a while, Yves suggested it casually.

During this time, the research institute needed to purchase some new medical equipment. Rosaliediscussed this matter with Yves for a long time.

However, Rosalie had been busy with Lancer Corporation projects recently, and had never found time.

Rosalie hesitated at Yves’ suggestion.

She promised the two little boys that she would go back as soon as possible.

Moreover, she really was in no mood to work anymore.

Even if she went to have a look, she might not be able to put her focus into it…

Just when she hesitated on how to refuse, Xander’s voice sounded aside.

“I almost forgot, Lucian and Nox are not feeling well. Miss Jacobs must be thinking of them. If thismatter is not in a hurry, it’s better we leave it for another day. I can also accompany you.”

Xander walked unhurriedly in front of Rosalie as he smiled and showed concern.

Hearing this, Rosalie’s face showed a bit of gratitude.

Although she did not know why Xander tried to find an excuse for her, she followed his lead, pursed herlips, and apologized to Yves.

“I’m so sorry, Dr. Graham, I may not have time today.”

Xander echoed. “It’s all my fault, even knowing that Lucian and Nox were unwell, I still brought youhere to do some heavy lifting, they must blame me.”

Rosalie shook her head quickly. “No, they can understand my work very well.”

After speaking, she looked at Yves again. “There is no such urgent need for new equipment in theresearch institute, we will go to see it in two days. With that said, if you are concerned Dr. Graham, youcan go and check it out first, and if you think it’s okay, we will go to see it together another day.”

The two of them had made their point clearly.

Since the two little boys were feeling unwell, Yves had no reason to refuse, so he had no choice but toagree.

“Well I must say, you don’t seem like yourself today. Now I understand it’s because Lucian and Noxwere not feeling well. Please convey my regards to them when you get back, Dr. Jacobs. I’ll be freeafter two days; I will go and visit them.”

Rosalie smiled gratefully. “Alright, I will.”

After saying that, Rosalie bid goodbye to the two of them, then quickly left the institute and took a taxihome.

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