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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 877

Chapter 877 How Would She React

“I think, President Lawrence should be extremely happy.”

Xander replied inexplicably, and at the end, his eyes swept across Rosalie again.

Rosalie was keenly aware of his gaze, and when she heard his answer just now, she felt this increasingstrangeness in her heart.

On the side, Yves also noticed Xander’s unintelligible gaze, and his eyes darkened.

Although he did not know the truth, Xander’s eyes revealed too much.

The last time Rosalie was attacked by public opinion, he remembered that it was President Lawrencewho finally took the shot.

This time, after Rosalie became the technical consultant of Heronial Corporation, then, HeronialCorporation had such a great leak of their past misdeeds.

‘If it wasn’t because of Rosalie, Гт afraid no one would believe it.’novelbin

‘What’s more, I had seen with my own eyes, Byron appearing at Rosalie’s house late at night.’

‘On one hand, that Byron Lawrence appeared to have an ambiguous relationship with Rosalie.’

‘Right now, this Xander Lancer appears out of nowhere.’

The possible candidates around Rosalie were exceptional men. Yves thought about these people andthen could not help but compared himself, his heart was full of jealousy.

‘Compared with them, I have no possibility of competition at all! ’

Unless, like them, he can rise above Rosalie’s capabilities!

‘At the very least, be on par with her! ’

At the same time, Rosalie was also absent-minded.

Whether it is Byron, or Estie, it made her heart complicated.

“Miss Jacobs, be careful!”

Just when she was distracted, Xander’s voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Rosalie snapped back to his senses and stopped subconsciously, but it was too late.

Just now, her mind was full of Byron and Estie, she did not even notice the road under her feet.

Right now, her foot stepped into a void.

A sudden sense of weightlessness made her lean forward instinctively.

Rosalie’s heart tightened suddenly, and she did not even have time to exclaim, but subconsciously heldthe medicine to her chest tightly.

These medicines in her arms were obtained with great difficulty. If they were damaged, they wouldsuffer heavy losses.

She slid down several steps in a row, and she watched herself about to fall to the ground. Suddenly, apair of strong arms supported her waist firmly.

Rosalie stopped falling forward, took a few breaths of relief in those arms, and finally recovered.

“Are you okay?”

Xander’s voice sounded in his ears.

When speaking, the man used some strength to help her stand up straight.

Rosalie realized the close distance between them, she was stunned for a few seconds, her faceflushed slightly. “Thank you, Young Master Xander.”

Xander squinted at her. “Miss Jacobs, you seem to have something on your mind.”

With a guilty conscience, Rosalie lowered her eyes and shook her head calmly. “It’s nothing, I was justcareless.”

After that, she lowered her eyes and checked the medicine in her arms and heaved a sigh of relief.“Fortunately, these medicines are also alright.”

Xander frowned, “It’s just a few bottles of medicinal herbs, nothing the Lancer Family cannot replace.Next time when you encounter this kind of thing, you should take care of yourself first, Miss Jacobs.Compared with medicinal herbs, a talent like Miss Jacobs is even more precious and rare.”

Rosalie pursed her lips and smiled. “Thank you, I will pay more attention.”

Rosalie nodded slightly to Xander, and then carried the medicinal materials into the storage room.

Yves was a few steps behind the two, and when he walked to the door of the storage room, he sawRosalie being supported by Xander.

Yves’s footsteps stopped suddenly as he saw the intimate gestures of the two, and his expressionbecame ugly.

‘If the person supporting Rosalie was me instead, I don’t know how she would react! ’

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