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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 827

Chapter 827 Don’t Think About It

Andrius nodded, agreeing with what Byron had said.

Indeed, everyone would be motivated by profit in the business industry. It was the same with HeronialCorporation.

“Our Quirke family and Heronial Corporation have more cooperations in business, so let me take careof this matter,” Andrius glanced at Byron meaningfully as he suggested taking over the matter.novelbin

As for Byron, Andrius felt Byron should use his time to win Rosalie’s heart.

The relationship between Rosalie and Byron had been stale for a long time, and even Andrius wasworried about it.

Byron nodded. “Use all means to make Heronial Corporation agree.”

Andrius agreed, but he was surprised at the same time.

It seemed that Byron and Rosalie had quite a fight, otherwise, Andrius knew Byron would never saysomething like that.

Realizing this, Andrius could not help but ask, “What happened between you and Dr. Jacobs?”

Byron’s expression turned colder when Andrius mentioned that woman. “Nothing.”

Andrius looked at Byron suspiciously.

Aware of Andrius’ gaze, Byron rubbed his forehead and suppressed the anger boiling in him. Heexplained casually, “We had a slight disagreement, and I’m trying to solve it.”

Andrius thought, ‘Well, is he going to solve it by taking away Dr. Jacobs’ job?”

Looking at Byron’s troubled expression, Andrius chose not to ask more. He said, “Last time, I told youto do something romantic for Dr. Jacobs. Did you do it?”

Byron shook his head. “I didn’t have the chance.”

Andrius nodded.

He knew Byron did not do as he had suggested, otherwise, things would not have become so nasty.

Byron wanted to end that topic. Hence, he got up from the sofa and asked, “Where’s Grandpa Quirke?”

Andrius understood his friend’s intention and changed the topic. He pointed at the backyard and said, “Isuppose he’s in the backyard, exercising.”

Old Master Quirke had mostly recovered and could walk around.

He had been in a hospital bed for several years, and now that he was finally recovering, he would gofor a walk whenever he could.

Byron nodded and headed to the door. “I’ll go and greet him.”

Andrius followed.

At the same time, Andrea, who was at the door, heard their conversation, she wanted to leave quickly,but it was too late.

Byron saw Andrea, looking flustered, at the door when he opened it.

why she was at the door.

She could not think of anything for the moment and grinned as she said, “I came to see if you neededmore tea. I didn’t expect you to finish talking so soon.”

The excuse sounded like a lie. Byron glanced at Andrea coldly and did not speak to her. He left withoutsaying anything.

Andrius came out of the room after Byron.

Seeing his sister at the door, Andrius put on a stern expression. Noticing Byron was already headingdownstairs, he frowned and warned his sister. “Don’t think about it. Even I can’t help you if you causetrouble this time.”

His sister had never liked Rosalie. If she dared to do anything to Rosalie, Byron would never forgiveher, even if they grew up together.

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