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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 826

Chapter 826 Might Change Their Mind

After lunch, Rosalie and the others headed back to the research institute to discuss further the detailsof the project cooperation.

As they walked out of the restaurant, something flashed twice from the bushes across the road anddisappeared.

After the group got into the car and left, the person behind the bushes came out.

The man looked at the photos in his camera as he nodded in satisfaction. Then, he left the place.

Meanwhile, Byron had arrived at the Quirke family’s place.

“Byron, what has brought you here all of a sudden?”

The butler led Byron into the living room. Noticing Byron, Andrius looked surprised and stood up towelcome him.

Meanwhile, Andrea felt a little guilty when she saw Byron because she recalled meeting with Wendy.She sounded scared when she greeted Byron. “Byron…”

Byron glanced at her expressionlessly. Then, he turned around and looked at Andrius. “Are you freelater?”

Andrius’s brows were knitted together. He could see Byron came looking for him because of somethingurgent. So, he said, “I’m free. Let’s talk in the study.”

Byron agreed.

The two of them headed to the study.

Downstairs, Andrea looked at the two men. Anger surged in her when she recalled the expressionlessgaze when Byron glanced at her just now.

After hearing the sound of the door closing upstairs, Andrea carefully walked upstairs and stood at thestudy’s door.

“Did you find anything about Heronial Corporation?”

In the study, Byron sat on the sofa while looking at Andrius, who was pouring him a glass of tea.

Andrius stopped pouring the tea and looked at his friend, puzzled. “ Heronial Corporation… I thoughtyou wanted to give up, so we didn’t take them into account.”

Confused, he tried to recall his conversation with Byron at his company.

Byron’s words meant to let everything go with the flow. However, he suddenly mentioned it again.

Moreover, Byron came looking for him during the weekend.

Byron frowned. “Since Heronial Corporation was our target from the beginning, we shouldn’t let othersget the chance to cooperate with them.”

At first, he planned to give Rosalie a chance to do her best in the project cooperation with HeronialCorporation.

However, after what happened this morning, Byron changed his mind.

To Rosalie, her work was more important than her kids.

He could not let Rosalie go on like this.novelbin

Andrius hesitated before he said, “However, Dr. Jacobs seems to have agreed to work as HeronialCorporation’s consultant. If we do something now, I’m afraid Dr. Jacobs…”

Byron glanced at Andrius coldly before Andrius could finish his words, making Andrius pause hiswords.

Seeing the expression on Byron’s face when he mentioned Rosalie, Andrius could vaguely guess why.

Only Rosalie could make Byron change his mind.

He had no idea what exactly happened between Byron and Rosalie.

Andrius chose not to say anything more. He did as Byron told him, and they talked about purchasingHeronial Corporation.

“Heronial Corporation has employed Dr. Jacobs as their consultant, and the corporation between themand the Lancer family is going well. Even if we want to purchase Heronial Corporation, it might takesome time.”

Byron knew that and said, “If Lancer Corporation can get to cooperate with Heronial Corporation, theymust have offered Heronial Corporation something they wanted. All we have to do is to make them abetter offer. Heronial Corporation might change their mind.”

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