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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 797

Chapter 797 Too Ambiguous

“What are your thoughts on this matter?” Benedict got straight to the point.

Byron replied, “All these years, the benefits I’ve given to the Fuller family have been enough to repaySir Fuller’s kindness to me. In fact, if the Fuller family is ever in need in the future, I don’t mindcontinuing to help. As for my engagement to Wendy, I don’t think there’s a need for that.”

After speaking, Byron looked at his father with deep eyes, anticipating his father to try and change hismind like his mother.

He was on guard for quite a while, but unexpectedly, his father just nodded lightly and dropped acasual line. “Just follow your heart. But, as for your mom, I can’t control her, so you have to find a wayfor yourself.”

When his father said this, there was a hint of surprise in Byron’s eyes. After a while, he nodded to hisfather. “Thankyou, Dad.”

Benedict nodded. “Since you still have something to do, I won’t hold you. Just go do your business.”

Both father and son were the same, direct and clean-cut in manner.

Byron skipped the formalities with his father and just got up and left.

After Byron entered the elevator, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Rosalie to ask abouther whereabouts now.

‘My conversation with her just now wasn’t pleasant, and I don’t know if she’ll pick up her phone.’

At the same time, in the banquet hall on the third floor, Rosalie was drunk and had a severe headache.

“Dr. Jacobs?” Xander saw that she seemed uncomfortable, frowned, and stopped everyone whowanted to come over to toast her. He supported Rosalie to the corner.

Rosalie heard someone calling her in a daze and looked at the person beside her in confusion.

“Did you drink too much? I’ll take you back.”

Xander originally wanted to organize a meeting with everyone involved in the project, but he did notexpect Rosalie to get drunk like this. When he spoke, his tone was also a little apologetic.

Hearing his voice, Rosalie needed a few seconds before she understood what he was talking about,she frowned and pressed the center of her temple, “Little bit… of a headache.”

Xander frowned. “I’ll send you home.”

Immediately after explaining to everyone, he took Rosalie out of the banquet hall.

Leon watched the two leave, and a strange look flashed across his eyes, but he did not say anything.

After coming out of the banquet hall, the cell phone in Rosalie’s bag suddenly rang.

Rosalie was so drunk that she was not fully conscious, and she was a little reluctant to walk. It was onlywith Xander’s support that she successfully reached the elevator door.

When she heard her phone ring, she reached into her bag and blindly felt around but could not find herphone.

After a while, the ringtone stopped by itself, and the elevator had just arrived at their floor.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Xander helped Rosalie to go inside.

There was only one person in the elevator.

Xander subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at him, and he met Byron’s cold gaze.

“Hello, President Lawrence.” Xander was stunned for a moment as they looked at each other. Then, hesaid hello as if nothing had happened. He lowered his eyes to look at the person who was half-supported by him in his arms.

Byron’s gaze was getting darker.novelbin

He thought the woman had returned home and was about to call her landline when he saw the scene infront of him.

‘This woman got so drunk with Xander.

‘Moreover, both of their demeanors are too ambiguous.’

“Dr. Jacobs has drunk too much. I’m sending her home.” Xander unwittingly fanned the fire.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the person in front of him take a step closer to him.

Xander raised his brows slightly and supported Rosalie to stand on the spot.

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