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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 796

Chapter 796 Persuade Me To Fulfill The Engagement

Upon realizing this, Rosalie felt a strange feeling in her heart again.

It seemed that she had unwittingly caused Byron’s business losses.

‘If the man knows about this, I don’t know what he’ll say this time. >

Leon also agreed. “Let’s go together, Rosalie. In the future, everyone will be working together, and it’dbe good to have the opportunity to get along more.”

Hearing this, Rosalie reluctantly put away her thoughts and agreed with a smile.

The three came out of the private room and went straight to the banquet hall on the third floor.

Rosalie was even more surprised when she got out of the elevator.

Almost all the people who participated in the project she knew were already waiting in the banquet hallas if they had already known that the signing would be successfully completed.

Seeing the three of them and Rosalie coming up, everyone raised their glasses and greeted them.

“Dr. Jacobs, I heard from Young Master Xander that we were able to solve the problem of medicinalmaterials supply in our project this time largely due to your contribution. Allow me to give this toast toyou!”

“Dr. Jacobs, despite being so young, you surprised me with such high accomplishments in medicine.We still have a long way to catch up to you!” II II

Everyone surrounded Rosalie with praises and congratulatory words, and they all toasted her.

Most of the people present were seniors. Rosalie had no reason to refuse, so she could only return thetoast and drink up with a smile.

Leon and Xander, who were at the side, also helped her to take some, but since the crowd was mainlyseniors, it was not easy for them to blatantly drink on her behalf.

After a while, Rosalie was tipsy.

At the same time, Byron’s car slowly stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

He thought of Luther’s statement. The signing ceremony between Lancer Corporation and HeronialCorporation was held on the second floor.

Byron walked up to the second floor quickly, but he did not see Xander and Rosalie anywhere.

Only after he asked the waiter did he know that the signing ceremony had already ended.

Realizing this, Byron’s face sank slightly. He thought that he had missed it and did not know whetherthe woman had gone home or was with Xander.

Just when he wanted to make a phone call to find out, his father’s call came in.

He frowned sharply.

“Luther should have already conveyed my words to you. Why haven’t I seen you yet?” BenedictLawrence’s voice was calm.

Hearing this, Byron’s eyes darkened as he responded in his deep voice, “I’ve already arrived. I’ll go upnow.”

After that, he hung up the phone and stepped into the elevator.

His original intention was to come here to look for Rosalie and speak to his father clearly about thematter. He did not expect that the woman had disappeared and his father had already arrived.

He could only go up to see his father first.

Soon, the elevator slowly stopped at starry sky Restaurant on the top floor.

Byron came out of the elevator and saw his father sitting by the window at a glance.

The father and son were carved out of the same mold, when they did not speak, there was noexpression on their faces, making it impossible to see their emotions.

Byron stepped forward and took a seat opposite his father.novelbin

Only then did Benedict look back at him, but his expression was still indifferent. “Come on, order somefood.”

Byron refused without hesitation. “It’s alright. I still have things to do.”

Hearing this, Benedict raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

Byron continued. “I know why you came here for me. You’re here just to persuade me to fulfill myengagement to Wendy Fuller, right?”

Benedict nodded noncommittally.

This was a task given to him by his wife. Although he did not care about it, it was necessary to gothrough the motions.

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