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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 659

Chapter 659 Give A Proper Explanation

She had no idea whatever happened between these two people during this time.

However, seeing Rosalie’s reaction, Mary could see that her best friend must be troubled by thisrelationship.

Mary was silent for a few seconds, then became serious. “If that’s the case, why don’t you… thinkabout it and give it another try with him?”

She was a bystander, so it was easier for her to accept Byron’s intention to pursue Rosalie thanRosalie herself.

After Rosalie returned to Somerland, Mary had also witnessed the two getting along several times, shehad to admit that there seemed to be an aura between them that made it hard for others to intrude.

If Byron had really changed his mind and wanted to make up for the damage six years ago, Mary wouldnot mind her best friend accepting him and giving him another chance.

Moreover, she could also see that Rosalie had no way of completely rejecting Byron because of thebond with the kids.

In this case, the better option was to follow along and give it another shot. If it did not work, they couldalways part ways. At least they had given each other a proper closure.

Rosalie did not know her friend’s thoughts. When she heard Mary suddenly say this, there was anobvious trace of panic on her face.novelbin

Mary only focused on weighing the pros and cons of the two of them together and did not notice thestrangeness on her best friend’s face.

After some consideration, Mary patted Rosalie’s shoulder earnestly. “To be honest, if PresidentLawrence truly has had a change of heart and wants to pursue you, you don’t have to hold on to whathappened six years ago and reject him. You can still consider being with him.”

Rosalie’s brows gradually frowned upon hearing what her best friend said.

Mary wanted to say something else but remembered that the two little ones were still by her side. Sheturned her head and waved to them. “You boys go play over there for a while. I have somethingimportant to tell your mommy.”

The little boys nodded innocently as they watched their godmother being all mysterious, but they werevery clear in their hearts, she just wanted to talk to their mommy about their daddy.

When the boys were out of earshot, Mary turned around and continued, “If Byron is truly sincere, thenit’s okay for you to accept him. Since you don’t have anyone you fancy now. Plus, he’s the biologicalfather of the two boys. Maybe if you stay in contact with him, you might find that you’re still a littleattracted to him! If this doesn’t work, you can just break it off!”

Now that the cat was out of the bag, Rosalie hesitated for a moment but still asked her to express herconcerns.

“But how do I know if he’s sincere? Besides, he already has a fiancee, and it’s Wendy Fuller…”

Mary also frowned, and her expression became more serious. ” Whether he’s sincere or not, as long asyou’re willing to give him a chance and slowly get closer to him, you’ll find out. As for Wendy Fuller…”

Speaking of Wendy, Mary’s tone became a little hesitant.

After all, she had also seen Byron’s attitude toward Wendy six years ago.

Now that Byron seemed to let her go so easily, she, an outsider, just could not believe it.


Mary pondered for a moment and reluctantly said, “Although I can’t stand him treating you like that sixyears ago, it just shows that Byron won’t let the person he likes down. If he really likes you, he’lldefinitely sort things out with Wendy and give you a proper explanation!”

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