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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 658

Chapter 658 Is He Coming Around?

Rosalie giggled when she heard her best friend’s complaints.

Mary hugged the two boys with both arms emotionally. “I’ve been busy for too long. When I see thesetwo little babies, I feel so much better!”

Then, she kissed the boys hard on the cheeks.

Boys being boys, the two little ones tried to worm their way out of her arms.

“Why don’t we go out tomorrow? Ever since you got back from overseas, we never had time to havefun. Tomorrow is a weekend. Let me take you all out for a day!” Mary invited them with a look ofanticipation.

The boys’ eyes lit up when they heard of an opportunity to go out. They looked at Mommy eagerly.

Rosalie was troubled by their expectations. “Tomorrow… I’m afraid it’s not possible.”

The three eager faces collapsed in unison at Rosalie’s answer.

Mary looked at her with an exaggerated expression. “Don’t tell me you have to work tomorrow.”

Rosalie shook her head. “It’s not work.”

She only said it was not work-related but did not specify exactly. Mary saw through her that she wasacting strange. “What is it, then? What is it between you and me that we can’t talk about?”

Hearing this, Rosalie’s expression changed slightly. She glanced at the two little ones with someembarrassment.

The boys had the same suspicions as Mary.

Rosalie could not help but feel a headache.

Tomorrow was the concert, and she still had not told the little ones.

Now that they were looking at her like that, they probably would not let it slide so easily if she could notjustify why.

If her best friend knew that she was going to go to the concert with Byron Lawrence…

What would she think of it?

Just when Rosalie was hesitating whether to tell the truth or not, the little boys guessed it first.“Mommy, we’re going to the concert tomorrow, right?”

Rosalie’s expression stiffened, and she subconsciously turned to see her best friend’s expression.

Mary looked suspicious. “Concert? when did you have such elegant interests? Tell me now, is theresomething you’re hiding from me?novelbin


Rosalie was hesitant. “It’s nothing, it’s just-“

“Godmother, we’re going to go to the concert with Uncle Byron and Little Estie tomorrow, so we can’taccompany you!”

The little guys interrupted Rosalie and looked at Mary seriously. ” We’ll be free next week. Let’s meetnext week!”

Seeing that she was betrayed by her boys, Rosalie sighed helplessly and turned away her eyes with aguilty conscience.

“Uncle Byron? As in Byron Lawrence?” The suspicion on Mary’s face gradually turned into shock.

Rosalie bit her lip in silence.

Mary’s expression gradually became suspicious. “Byron invited you to the concert? Is he… finallycoming around?”

From six years ago to the present, Mary had seen the entirety of the entanglement between Rosalieand Byron.

Six years ago, Byron’s indifference to Rosalie made Mary feel indignant for her best friend.

After Rosalie returned to Somerland, Mary thought that the two would never meet again. She did notexpect that there would be constant entanglements between them.

Moreover, as far as she can see, Byron was the one taking initiative.

Thinking of this, Mary could not help but ask Rosalie, “What is the situation between you and himnow?”

Rosalie’s heart trembled slightly when she heard the question from her best friend. Her face was full ofhelplessness. “I don’t know what he’s thinking either.”

Mary frowned at her best friend’s expression and felt a moment of distress for her.

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