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Chapter 247

Chapter 247 Daddy Gave It To The Brothers

After Byron returned from North City, he immediately returned to the company. After settling all thework from the past two days, it was already evening.

After returning to the manor, he saw Estie spread out on the table in the living room, drawingwholeheartedly.

Seeing him return, the little girl put down her pen and walked over to him on her little legs.

Byron leaned over and caressed the little girl’s head. “Did you miss Daddy?” novelbin

Estie nodded.

Seeing this, a smile made its way onto Byron’s face. He stood up and called for Mrs. Zora beforeasking her about how Estie had been the past two days.

He was relieved to learn that the girl had been good these two days.

After greeting him, Estie ran back to the table, picked up her pen, and continued to draw.

Byron glanced over and saw five people drawn on the paper. The hands of two boys were held by along-haired woman in a long skirt, while the little girl’s hand was held by a tall man in black

Byron had guessed who the child was drawing with just one glance.

Thinking about his interactions with Rosalie these two days, Byron’s eyes darkened.

The woman’s determination to stay away from him was written on her face.

However, the woman had a soft spot for Estie.

Watching as the little girl finished her drawing, Byron took out two model kits from the study. He boughtthem when he bought the Lego sets for the boys the last time. He put them in front of Estie.

Estie tilted her head in confusion.

“Daddy went out for work this time and bought some gifts for the brothers. You can help me pass theseto them tomorrow,” Byron calmly mentioned. “It’s to thank them for taking care of you in kindergarten.”

Hearing that these were gifts for the brothers, Estie’s eyes lit up as she nodded vigorously.

The next morning, Rosalie sent the children to the kindergarten early to avoid Byron

Byron knew that even if he stopped Rosalie at the gates of the kindergarten again, the woman mightignore him. Hence, be sent Estle to school according to his usual time.

Having, not seen the besuotul aunt, Esve looked a little disappointed. However, seeing the two modelkit in her arms, Payerness filled her heart again.

When she got to class, she saw the two brothers already in their seats. Estie smiled and went over,“Lu, No, good morning”

Lucian and Nox had been taking care of Estle since their mommy had instructed them. Seeing that shehad arrived, they also greeted her with a smile.

The little girl stood on her tiptoes and put the two boxes in her arms on the table before looking at thebrothers eagerly. “What are these?” The two boys recognized the boxes at a glance, but they were stillconfused about why the little girl gave these to them and asked out of confusion. Estie smiled with hereyes in crescents and said in a childlike voice, “Daddy’s the one who gave them!”

Hearing that it was the man who was giving these to them, the two boys frowned. Although they likedthe gifts, they did not want to accept them.

Estie had lived with them for a period of time and seen all kinds of models in their room. She knew thatthey liked them. Seeing that they had not accepted them after a long time, she pushed them in front ofthem. “Lu and No likes them.”

The two boys’ faces were taut. They wanted to refuse, but looking at the model kits in front of them,they could not say anything. They just replied, “They’re too expensive. Mommy won’t let us take them.”

The little girl did not expect the brothers to reject the gifts or even bring up Aunt. Her mouth curveddownwards, and her eyes drooped. She stood in front of them pitifully as if she were about to cry thenext second.

Seeing this, the two boys looked at each other and hurriedly said, “Since you’re the one who’s givingthem to us, we’ll take them. Help us thank Mr. Byron.” At this, Estie was smiling once again.

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