My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1754 Would Be Fine After Escaping
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Chapter 1754 Would Be Fine After Escaping

Xander looked at the captain in front of him.

The captain lowered his head, appearing afraid and humble for fear of upsetting him. He explainedcarefully, “Accidents happen when we're at sea, and my crew is experienced. You can rest assured thatwe won’t keep you waiting for long!”

Hearing this eased Xander’s anxiety a little. “How long? Give me a time.”

"Half an hour at most! It’s almost noon now. If you’re hungry, I’ll have lunch prepared for you. Afterlunch, we can depart!”

Xander was naturally in no mood to eat. He waved his hand in frustration. “No. Prepare a cup of coffeefor me!”

The captain hastily agreed, turned around, and ordered it to be done.

In a few minutes, someone brought the coffee.

Time passed minute by minute as anxiousness grew in Xander. He kept checking the things in hissuitcase to divert his attention.novelbin

The coffee was served, but he did not look at the person who brought it. He took it and gulped it down.

However, it tasted so awful that he almost spat it out.

“What is this? You call this coffee?”

Xander smashed the cup and scolded, “Is this how you serve me after I paid you so much money? Youdon’t even show the most basic quality of punctuality!”

With that, Xander closed the suitcase and started to walk to the door. “Get out of my way! I want to getsomeone else to escort me!”

“It’s my negligence. Mr. Lancer, you grew up with a silver spoon. Of course, you won’t be used todrinking instant coffee.”

A slightly sarcastic remark sounded.

Xander was sensitive now, so he flared up upon hearing this and turned around.

However, the person at the door was Andrius, who had his hand in his pocket. He looked at him withdisdain as if he was looking at a clown.

Beside him were Byron and Rosalie, who stood side by side expressionlessly.

Xander froze upon seeing them and looked at the crew in disbelief. Then, he looked again at the threeat the door.

It was them, indeed!

Why were they here?

He had arranged everything himself.

Even his assistant only knew that he was running away but nothing else!

How did they know?

“Mr. Lancer, do you want to look for another crew?”

Andrius lifted his eyebrows and asked, “What about me? I can sail well too! I’m just not very good atreading directions. You might not be able to get to the seas, but you might be sent to the police by


Xander staggered back in shock and asked, “How… did you all know?”

“How did we know your plan?” Andrius asked in disdain. Then, he glanced at the person beside him.

Xander looked at Byron, who Andrius had glanced at, and was shocked.

Byron? How did he know?

When their eyes met, Byron finally spoke coldly.

“Mr. Lancer, did you think you would be fine if you absconded abroad after what you've done to Rosie?”

He had the same look in his eyes as last night.

No! It was colder than last night!

Xander recalled what happened to him last night and felt the pain in his wound. Even his face lookedpale.

“Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I won't let you off!”

Byron stated the fact expressionlessly. “What’s more, I won’t give you a chance to escape.”

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